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[SIDESTORY] Morbit Oneshots
Percy Mortis + Calvin Mortis, Post-Void Session
No CWs
Raffle funded by AceofNothing

Primus and Lover meet up.

Primus adjusts his bowtie, doing a little pose in the full-length mirror hung on his wall. Both the tie and the mirror were gifts from his loving parent, and while he debated whether he really needed the latter, just for checking himself over- it helped him feel a little more confident before stuff like this.

Before a date.

There's a knock at the door, a distinct wood thunking that the tent type TCP had come to recognize as his dear friend.

PRIMUS: Cmon in, I'm almost ready!
BRYCE: Alrighty...

The driftwood type steps inside, wearing his own bowtie-accentuated getup- and the carved prosthetic limb today, a sign that he wasn't planning on doing anything too intensive.

PRIMUS: Looking to show off a bit when you drive me over?
BRYCE: Please, I'm not jealous of them.
BRYCE: Let me adjust that tie...

Primus gets down on one knee, letting the more experienced TCP adjust his neckwear.

PRIMUS: You're so much better at that...
BRYCE: Not as easy when clothes don't just pop onto your body, right?
BRYCE: Still....

Bryce pulls back, looking him over. The orange TCP was clad in a white button-up with a brown vest on top, paired with deeper brown slacks. His trademark hiking boots stayed on his feet, one lingering trace of his outdoorsy attitude.

And then there was the bowtie, a blue that matched his zipper pull.

BRYCE: You look nice.
PRIMUS: Thanks...
PRIMUS: You don't think it's too much?
BRYCE: Not at all!
BRYCE: Lover's going to really appreciate the effort.
PRIMUS: I hope's...been a while.
BRYCE: ...
BRYCE: You nervous?
PRIMUS: A little...
PRIMUS: It's not like our last meeting ended in a fight-
BRYCE: Maybe not a fight, but it was still tense for you.
BRYCE: It's okay if you need to duck out early, okay?
BRYCE: I'll just run some errands in the area.
BRYCE: If things go wrong, or get weird, text me a little emoji or something.
BRYCE: I'll come pick you up.
PRIMUS: ...what do I say, if it comes to that?
BRYCE: I'll say some duties came up when I come by, and we can check out the campsite nearby.
BRYCE: Not technically a lie.

Primus sighs, grateful. Lying isn't one of his strong suits, and Bryce knows that well.

PRIMUS: You've really got my back on this...

Bryce lets out a soft laugh.

BRYCE: After everything? Of course I do.
BRYCE: Remember that, okay?

There's a warm feeling in Primus' belly as he starts walking out with the other TCP, giving him a pleased pat on the head.

PRIMUS: How could I forget?


The ride over is straightforward enough, the two TCPs mainly talking over work and recent demon duties. The closest forest settlement they'd be working with had been struggling due to all the rain recently, and it occupied both of their minds enough to span the whole hour-long drive. Solitude wasn't exactly prepared for TCP-scale transit, and even Bryce's little SUV wasn't having a great time with the cobblestone roads. Still, Miller had been pushing for new lanes, highways, and overpasses to be put in, and with any luck...

PRIMUS: Oh, that's them-

Bryce slows down the car, coming to a stop in front of one of the local TCP cafes- Lover's favorite, when they came over to visit. The mask type TCP themself has adopted a casual pose while sipping a cup of coffee, legs crossed on a stack of booster cushions, and leaning onto the table.

...they are also wearing a fishnet top and glittery shorts, along with a new mask design- a shy, blushing face.

PRIMUS: They look so nice!
BRYCE: I can't disagree, but...
BRYCE: They should probably watch out. You know how people are about that kind of thing here...

Sure enough, when Primus looks at the other customers, he can see them squinting their eyespots in displeasure at the barely clad TCP.

PRIMUS: You'd think people wouldn't care...
BRYCE: That's Solitude for you.
BRYCE: I wouldn't pick anywhere else, know.
PRIMUS: Yeah...

The tent type makes his way out of the car, giving himself a moment before turning to head off.

PRIMUS: I'll text you when I'm done.
BRYCE: You got it.
BRYCE: ...don't overdo it, okay?
PRIMUS: I won't!

He does his best to give a thumbs up before closing the door, letting his friend rumble away.

LOVER: Ohh, there he is!

Primus can't help but feel his chest tighten at the sound of their voice- partially in excitement, partially out of pure anxiety. Approaching the mask type only makes the feeling grow, and as he settles into his seat, he can't help but struggle for words.

LOVER: I was waiting for you!
PRIMUS: Yeah, had a bit of an issue getting up that big hill again...
PRIMUS: Th...thank you for waiting, though!

He puts his hands awkwardly in his lap, his posture completely straight.

PRIMUS: You look really nice...
PRIMUS: The mesh especially. I think it looks good on you...
LOVER: Thank you!
LOVER: I see you went with my favorite tie of yours...
LOVER: And everything else, so...crisp.

Primus blushes, rubbing the back of his head.

PRIMUS: I wanted to look nice, since it's been a while...
LOVER: Mmmhm!
LOVER: Too long, if you ask me.
LOVER: Phone calls aren't enough, I'm a much more tactile person...
LOVER: You have to tell me how work is going.
LOVER: Spill.
PRIMUS: W-well!
PRIMUS: It's been fine, been dealing with this whole flooding situation in the local woods-
PRIMUS: But it's been good. Miller treats me right.
LOVER: I don't know how you do it- staying under a god's thumb, even after everything.
PRIMUS: It's- it's not really under her thumb.
PRIMUS: She's like...we do check-ins and reports with her.
PRIMUS: And she lets us do our own thing!
PRIMUS: It's awesome! She really trusts us...
LOVER: I suppoooose that's good enough...
LOVER: Any deity drama, though?
PRIMUS: Ehhh...
PRIMUS: I'm left kinda out of the loop on that stuff.
PRIMUS: All I know is that Rein has been kinda agitated, and sometimes Miller gets the rough end of it.
PRIMUS: Just, yknow, an earful, but it isn't fun.
LOVER: Prick.
PRIMUS: ...yeah. Agreed.
LOVER: All I'm saying is, make sure you don't drink the punch.
PRIMUS: I'm all good on that front, I...stay away from it.
PRIMUS: Don't have much reason to interact with it, and I don't think it really cares for my job...
LOVER: Once again: huge prick.

A waiter interrupts them, Primus ordering a hot chocolate, and both ordering an ice cream cone to go with it.

As they wait for it to come by, the conversation shifts. It's a little more fluid now, the atmosphere easing up. Talking with Lover was always a bit of an event, but Primus did genuinely enjoy their's part of what lead to this on and off arrangement to begin with.

PRIMUS: How's the art business been?
LOVER: Ughhh.

The mask type flops forward onto the table, nearly toppling the cusions underneath them.

LOVER: The work? Wonderful. Amazing. Wouldn't trade it for the world.
LOVER: The actual sales?
LOVER: Abysmal.
LOVER: Haven's a great place, don't get me wrong. I'm obsessed with the night scene there.
LOVER: But even with the huge artisan markets, people don't really pick up masks outside of events and Darkest Night.
LOVER: A lot of people seem to think the style is "old fashioned". Please.
LOVER: I'm on top of modern trends! Hell, I'm aiming to be a trendsetter!
LOVER: ...but I can't seem to make it stick.

They huff, Primus giving them a gentle shoulder pat. The mask type can't help but laugh, soft and appreciative.

LOVER: My offer's still open, yknow.
LOVER: Yknow!
LOVER: You modeling for me.
LOVER: I've got some animal styled ones that'd be good with your whole wilderness thing.
LOVER: I bet the locals would go crazy for it. It's like, tasteful.
PRIMUS: I dunno, I'm, like-
PRIMUS: I'm just kind of a guy, you know?
PRIMUS: I don't think I could pull it off.
LOVER: Please, you'd be my first choice.
PRIMUS: Hah...

He can tell he's blushing, his nerves plain on his face. Lover coughs, clearly just as awkward.

PRIMUS: S-sorry, just-
PRIMUS: I'm still never sure how to respond to stuff like that.
LOVER: Just...with your heart, you know?
LOVER: Doesn't have to be perfect.
PRIMUS: That's-
PRIMUS: That's the problem.
PRIMUS: I don't know what's, like- what's me. And my heart.
PRIMUS: And what's just...
PRIMUS: ....
PRIMUS: Before.

Lover sighs, looking down at their hand.

LOVER: ...yeah.
LOVER: I know the feeling.

It's quiet again, neither TCP sure what to say until the waiter swoops in to save the day- ice cream and cocoa in hand. Both of them thank their server profusely, snacking on the desserts to fill the conversational gap.

...they're really bothered by this.
I could ask them to talk about it, but they hate going over stuff like that in public...
I could ask Bryce if they could stay over, give us some privacy to discuss stuff...
But that doesn't help the mood now! It might just make them feel weird...
I need...a way to take the edge off.

The idea hits him, the tent type letting out an "oh!" and startling his sort-of partner.

PRIMUS: I have something we could do after this!
LOVER:'s not just gonna be a cafe meetup?

They're already perking up, Primus praying this will work.

PRIMUS: Well...I figure we can stay out a bit.
PRIMUS: Solitude may not have a prominent night scene, but-
PRIMUS: There is an underground club that Bryce and I found.
LOVER: No way.
LOVER: In dinky old Solitude?
LOVER: An underground club?
LOVER: I thought you were still like, super good boy!
PRIMUS: I! I dabble!
PRIMUS: And...

He reaches for Lover's hand, the mask type taking it.

PRIMUS: I'm trying to follow my heart, remember?

Lover bursts out in a laugh, completely contrasting the shy look on their mask.

LOVER: How on earth could I say no to that?
LOVER: You better show me a good time tonight, because I know I'm going all out!

Maybe this won't be so bad... long as they don't make me dance.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]

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RE: [SIDESTORY] Morbit Oneshots - by skinstealer - 03-08-2024, 10:48 PM

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