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Proxy's Memories: Supplimentary Side Stories and More
Proximity in Winter
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A Winter Folktale with Familiar Shades...

[Image: Familiarshades.png]

The dead of winter is the worst time for a bird to go off the well traveled path, so says the courier.

They’re experts at this kind of thing, and reluctant to ever have to work through a storm so dire. To make this trek is but a quick path to a lonesome grave buried in weeks of ice.

And yet that doesn’t stop some people, one crow in particular adamant to make the trip against all odds, a single black spot surrounded by endless sleeting land.

The bird was quick to arrive to the little shop, far from the sight of chimney smoke leaving the towns of this region.

The windows were tinted, obscuring all within except for the slightest warm glow of candle light at its edges.

The crow gave a little knock, one that was met with a long silence, before the noise of locks and chains began to stir.

In moments, the entrance had cracked open just enough to give a view to the workshop inside.

“ Be quick to come in and close the door behind you.  It took a lot of work to warm this place just right.”

The bird slips in and in one smooth gesture, closes off the place from the seeping cold wind.

“THank you..”

A humanoid stance obscured by shadow, only the rough tips of her shape able to be made out with the dim candle right behind.

“Did you come with business in mind? Or are you someone lost”

The bird bundled underneath a mass of cloaks spoke through the muffling of cloth.

“Does it matter which?”

The stance responded with a bit of a sigh.

“If you’re the former, I don’t have anything ready to go. I’m at a bit of a standstill with my craft. If it’s the latter, you’re more than welcome to stay til conditions improve…”

“You offer a place to rest?”

“To send you out right now would be death. You’ve yet to do me wrong, I’d prefer to keep things that way too.”
“Good to know. Any preference?”

“The latter. Anyone here to shop right now has to be trouble.”

“I’d like you to hear me out.”

“I will, but I don’t think I’d like to…”

“I hear your creations push boundaries, ones that put you far above many other witches.”

“Such is said, I don’t believe it myself.”


“A requirement really. People hate a creative with any sense of pride.”


“You’d be surprised. Not that I don’t hold any but… it’s hard to be open about such.”


“If I may ask, are you attached to any flag by arms?”

“I’m not military, no.”


“If I was?”

“I’d throw you out immediately. For your sake I hope that was simply hypothetical…”

Her head tilts at the sheathed pair of blades at the bird’s hip.

“Why do you carry those then?”

The bird removes the leather strap keeping them attached, and places them on the ground.

“Simply protection, my people are living under hard times.”

“Enough to kill?”

“I’d rather not, but at the end of the day we’ll fight back if we must.”

“Mm… I don’t make weapons, if that’s what you desire. Trinkets to keep yourself safe, to accommodate others.”

You see the pile of artificial parts and limbs scattered across desks and tables.

“What about all this?”

“That’s… something I’ve been doing for myself. Something I don’t think you’d understand much.”

“I think it’s hardly fair to assume, I’d love to hear your story.”

The shape steps forward, her body more akin to a doll than anything that resembles a living person.

The bird goes quiet for a moment, taking a good look as the gears in their head turned.

“You’ve practiced on yourself.”

“Still am, it’s a work in progress.”

“Are you okay?”

“That’s complicated to answer…. What do you think?”

“Me? I’m a bit shy to say…”

“Of course you would be.”

“I’ve just.. Never seen one like this before. It’s not a bad thing by any means, I think it’s quite interesting.”


“It’s the first word that comes to mind, I’m trying to piece together the right way to put it.”

“Mm.. I’d like to hear when you do.”

“What exactly were you working on?”



“I wasn’t much different from someone like yourself long ago, but I dabbled in stronger witchcraft than most would ever be willing to. Accidents happened, and then catharsis as a result.”

“So you’ve changed your entire being?”


“It’s splendid..”

“Really? I mean I think so for the most part..”

“For the most?”

“Mm.. there’s a few caveats around it of course but.. Though I have yet to reach my final state, I certainly feel happier in a lot of ways..”

“But not entirely.”

“No. To be quite honest, you’ve given me the most positive response to all of this so far. I see myself as my canvas, proof of my own work in many ways. A work in progress perhaps but…I don’t think most agree with that.”

“People are a bit reactionary when they see art they don’t quite understand, I don’t think it’s on you at all..”


She seems to savor that word a little but as she mumbles it to herself. The crow couldn’t help but push it a bit further.

“The kind that the world deserves to see and appreciate for themselves really, I think you’re onto something.”

“...Do you think there’s others that would be interested as well?”

“I mean why not?”

“At the most base level of things, what people see stands proxy for everything you are at the most superficial level. I simply sought to make that something I’d want others to see and…I always fear that if people hate such a depiction, they’d truly despise things.

The magic I work with, the end goal is to become the self I ultimately wish to become I think. If anything were to be passed down, I hope that others find comfort in access to such knowledge… but I’m a hermit at my core really. Not much choice in the matter..”

“What stops you?”

“Part of it is the fear of rejection… and part of it is a hard limitation that comes from the volatility of this existence.

Within my own home I can exist comfortably, this place is built to maintain me for long periods by conserving the energy that gives me form. The moment I wander out, I’m on a timer..

My shape scrambles, I lose my sense of physicality, and eventually I fear I might dissipate into nothing but a few wisps in the wind. I wish to find a solution one day but… I’ve yet to get close.”


“This place is enchanted to provide constant source, but I could not do so for the whole world. Without a constant means to ground and tap into, I would starve within hours and fade.”

The bird stepped closer, offering out a wing.

“You run off the essence then, yes?”

“If you want to call it that I suppose.. What is your angle?”

“A deal perhaps, it feels like a shame to see you trapped in here.”


“I need someone to aid me back home. Someone with a deep knowledge of witchcraft past our own. And you can’t even leave this room long enough to arrive there.”

“You wish to make pact between witches?”


“I could offer myself as a source, at least until you’ve managed to sustain on your own.”

“Really…? We’ve just met.”

“Aye, but I’ve got a good feeling listening to you. You clearly care much of your work, don’t think it deserves to go to waste after everything.”

“I’ll have to think on it…”

“You’d be more than protected too, I wouldn’t offer anything less than safety.”

“If you need my help, I can’t imagine your magic would be much stronger than my own..”

“Ah! But I’m handy with a knife, and that goes quite far.”

“I see.”

“Is that a problem?”

“You came here with business in mind, no?”


“I told you I have nothing ready to show.”

“Nonsense, I see a masterpiece in front of me.”

There’s a stir in her voice.

For a brief moment, she nearly returns the bird’s offer to shake hands, only to pull back at the last moment.

“Is something wrong?

“I’d like some time to think on terms, I wouldn’t feel great bargaining with unfinished work. We’ll be here for some time though thanks to the storm so you’re more than welcome to stay, given you don’t mind splitting rations til things clear.”

“I can work with that.”

“And dinner. I’d like to negotiate terms over a meal back at your village if we could.”

“Consider it done.”

“Hardly, much work ahead for both of us really. For now feel free to use the coat rack and help yourself to the kettle. I’d like to show you my stations….”

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RE: Proxy's Memories: Supplimentary Side Stories and More - by ThreadLurkingComorant - 12-23-2023, 07:32 AM

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