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[Image: Lexreturn.png]

The two of you are able to scramble your gatherings pretty quickly.

The rabbit leads you out, not giving you much conversation til you’re a decent bit away from the restaurant.

Dotty: Everything alright?

Lex: Me? Yeah.

Lex: Just wanted to get in on the weather, you know?

Lex: I’m a sucker for this time of year. Even if it’s always a little weird..

Dotty: Yeah..

Lex: Feels a lot more high pressure though.

Lex: Like…

Lex: Usually run into an excuse to not make the trip over.

Dotty: You get into a lot of fights.

Lex: I’ve been better…

Dotty: You have.

Lex: Can’t promise I won’t this year.

Dotty: I’ll be your tag partner.

Lex: Like always.

Dotty: Mmhmm!

Lex: But uh… I dunno.

Lex: Things ever feel too calm? Like we’ve been doing really good lately.

Lex: Life’s so much better for both of us, right?

Dotty: It has.

Lex: Just… makes me nervous I guess.

Dotty: You been taking your meds?

Lex: Yeah. Therapy’s been good too.

Lex: Adopted a little dude, he’s grown up a lot.

Dotty: Really has, we gotta take him to a vet this month.

Lex: Yeah.

Lex: I’m just not used to this.

Lex: Few years ago I looked like a rat, lived alone, couldn’t hold a job, I dunno.

Lex: If I had to see my family like that? Nope.

Dotty: You looked fine and it worked out.

Lex: I was like a 5 on a good day.

Dotty: You were a 9 on a bad day.

Lex: When you say that-

Dotty: Means you always looked good.

Lex: You’re just saying that….

Dotty: Nope, and I’m banning that kind of talk today.

Dotty: We’re married, downplay is illegal.

Lex: Guess that’s fair..

Lex: Between us though? Absolutely not the pretty one.

Dotty: Jam?

Lex: Flexes on everyone.

Dotty: Yeah… I wish I was that cool.

Lex: Same.

Dotty: We’re both pretty close though.

Lex: Maybe, they’ve been cooking something up.

Dotty: You really gotta give them a carrot or something I don’t know if I can take more.

Lex: Really though..

Lex: Can you imagine being married to a rabbit? Must be wild.

Dotty: If only… Your parents know?

Lex: Not yet, honestly think we gotta hold a second wedding so they don’t know we didn’t invite them the first time….

Lex stops for a moment. She gestures toward a detour you’ve been through yourself plenty of times.

Lex: This corner, got a spot I want to check out.

Dotty: Really?

Lex: Yeah. Good to make a trip?

Dotty: With you? Always.

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RE: [CRANKSHAFT RAFFLESIAN] Crankshaft Effect - by ThreadLurkingComorant - 12-02-2023, 09:02 PM

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