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[????] Mortis Character Ramble Thread [18+ edition]
rin again, still having a lot of caine thoughts but i will return to those later i think. today...and probably for the next few days...we are working on some "christmas presents to ourselves", in the form of grandma simulator designs made to fill niches we feel like we haven't filled- or just want to play with. we pick out a character base to use (TCPs for now, but we're considering bulking up the plaything universe up a bit as well...), slap it into grandma sim, and go through our usual selection and editing process until we get a new guy that feels nice to the system member in question. for added challenge, we randomize "personality stats" (we'll explain these at a later date, tldr theyre a character development tool we have to make 500+ characters actually viable and unique) and give them a random song on shuffle to form the basis of their character around. suddenly people now have a little design puzzle to play with!

for me, i ended up picking out a touch type for the base i wanted to use. yes i know this is predictable as fuck considering touch types are my #1 favorite TCP type, but my brain was waffling between that and collision type and i've already got three of those too. i had no idea what i would Do with a...fourth touch type, but i thought maybe it could be cool to do a contrasting character with hazard, my favorite and most beloved TCP, and use them as a foil to explore differences in touch type perspectives.

[Image: 2_24_11_23_8_49_00.png]
[image description: a touch type TCP ref, this one with a mottled white body with its arm stripes having pink/yellow mottling and black/blue mottling. the pink/yellow combination also exists on their slimy fingertips.]

this is fingertips. not the most unique name for a touch type, but that's kind of on purpose- fingertips has fully embraced their ability and what it means for them, and has settled into a somewhat indulgent lifestyle in the sensory district of haven, a TCP-only city that generally has its residents live in specialized areas. TCPs can live wherever they want in the city, but it's easier to get into a place if you fit into whatever specialty it's catering to- and in tips' case, that's the sensory district. we want to sketch what some of this district looks like at some point, but it's very much inspired by autism sensory rooms in a lot of places, and tips' place especially resembles that- a place that's meant to engage the senses and provide stimulation. they immerse themself in new sensations constantly, and consider themself to be a connoisseur of life's tactile experiences, including both positive and negative.

they've asserted themself as someone who can help other TCPs explore these delights as well, letting TCPs have a sample of their increased sensitivity for whatever purposes they'd like- though usually, this involves people wandering around tips' sensory house and experiencing all of the weird stim stuff there is. they generally take the enhanced sensory ability back before the person leaves, in order to keep them from getting overloaded outside of a safe environment...and those "touch sessions" help them make an income and stay afloat.

outside of work and their ability, they're a very flirtatious person who falls in love easily, to the point of being somewhat impulsive and lackadaisical about it. even so, partners don't generally stick around, often drawn in by their ability and disenchanted once they realize how fixated tips gets on it. it's appealing at first to many, but when people realize how single-minded they are about it- this constant desire for more and more sensation- and the ambition and impulse spending that comes with that (gotta get all the new textures!), they detach and leave tips to their own devices once again. as such, tips remains in a constant desire for the perfect partner or two, but is unable to find someone who shares their desires....or someone they're willing to compromise with.

they wear most of their positive feelings on their sleeves, but tend to keep their frustrations and upset more internal, not wanting to show anything unseemly- at the very least, not without putting it through a filter first. even stuff like seeking unpleasant sensations is done with a filter of it being an adventure, and nothing Scary. they have many friends and peers, even casual lovers, but no particularly close relationships to call their own.

the first person they meet in a long time that catches their eye, however- is hazard.

[Image: 2_24_11_23_8_49_29.png]
[image description: a touch type TCP ref. this one has a mottled pink and teal body with yellow/pink and black/dull purple stripes, creating a "caution tape" like effect on his arms. his slimy fingertips are deep pink and blue.]

hazard is a character who started as a silly RP character back in 2019(?) and evolved a lot over the past five years. he was spawned in the TCPdex Research Facility and was raised there as well, eventually making his way out to haven's sensory district. his time at the facility was a Hugely mixed bag, mainly marred by the way one scientist in particular treated him- which i will detail a bit under spoilers.

Show ContentCW: CSA analogues/SA, TCP gore and injury:

hazard could never really fit in with the other sensory typings, as much as he wanted to. while his urge to explore things and sensory seek was still very present, touch could become agonizing seemingly without warning, and he would go through episodes of having any sensation period feeling like pain. (wow this hits different after realizing we have fibromyalgia.)

it's been decided for a while that eventually he decides he can't take much more of living in the sensory district and books himself into a (as of yet unnamed) TCP assisted living facility in haven, enduring mandatory curfews and therapy in order to try and "fix himself". the facility itself has its ups and downs, but offers a weird in between of feeling nostalgic and way too restrictive. still, he's able to befriend a lot of people there, and feels a sense of community for the first time in his life among others who couldn't "fit into society at large".

before this, though...i think that tips and hazard did meet, and that them knowing each other may have been the inciting incident for hazard seeking out assisted living in the first place. tips is a very overwhelming person in their desires and relishes in that- desires that conflict extremely hard with what hazard is able to handle. it could be that hazard sought out tips' help, only for that help to backfire explosively and lead the two of them to have very different feelings about each other and their life trajectories- tips seeing someone that they want to get in the head of, to understand and pick their brain about all of these perspectives they've never heard of, and hazard seeing someone who desires the very things that lead him to get traumatized in the first place. it's a weird relationship, and hazard probably avoids tips after that initial encounter, but tips can't get over hazard like any of their other partners/lovers (though we haven't decided whether the actual interaction was along those lines)...

tips means well, but doesn't have the perspective he does, and he's not really down for sharing it. it creates this sort of dynamic of tips looking for him ever since then, and being distraught that he just fucking disappeared from the district after their interaction, but hazard going "jesus i cant show my face back there again and also this guy is kind of weird as fuck in ways that i dont know how to deal with yet".

will they meet up again? will they just be figures in each other's backstories? who knows! but that's tips.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]

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RE: [????] Mortis Character Ramble Thread [18+ edition] - by skinstealer - 11-24-2023, 09:25 PM

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