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[????] Mortis Character Ramble Thread [18+ edition]
hmmm i was gonna say "no rambles yet today" but honestly we kind of want to do what we did for tonic and frost and go through who characters would be friends/"enemies" with in the kaleidoclub for the two characters we're working on right now, chokechain and tallow. now featuring moodboards!

[Image: 2_15_11_23_7_14_33.png]

chokechain is my member of the beau system. he's not very well liked to say the least, and is generally regarded as The Problem Member of the bunch by his own system. the rest of the kaleidoclub ranges from somewhat nervous around him to outright hostile, generally depending on their own relationship with helping + handling uncooperative system members. in more commonplace system community terms (that we personally dislike, but there's a point to this), choke would definitely be referred to as a "persecutor". he's seen as someone here to punish the rest of the system and cause problems, and spends most of his days locked up in the system's headspace, not allowed to front- until he gets slapped into force front anyway.

as such, hmm...friends...

from the stylized figures, we could see him having somewhat positive relationship with slasher, though the two do get on each other's nerves sometimes. ballpoint actually Has a story planned with choke, which is part of why we're working on him right now.

wyatt from glowstick is a fellow edgeboy and similarly regarded at times. i can picture the two of them hanging out pretty easily. bonding over their in-system unlikeability....edgy guys with rough histories have to stick together, after all. 

i genuinely don't know if he'd have any friends in katt, looking at the roster. a lot of the local edgelords in that system don't really seem like they'd vibe with him, but on second look...maybe sorbet. sorbet hasn't gotten a lot of attention development-wise yet but with everything they've got going on, i think that they'd be willing to listen to choke get his worries out and be there to provide a nice outlet for venting- and positive emotions, as well. possibly an advocate to let him out of his cage more, if not entirely?

probably scruffy from momentum. we need to start an edgeboy club.

no outright friends in toothache, i think. no one really goes his speed there.

friends with lore in greenhouse, that's pretty much it.

sort of friends with athame in runic system, which makes EVERYBODY nervous. not much going on there aside from that, though sidewinder is probably happy that athame has a buddy. sort of.

chewtoy from the decomposystem wants to hang out with him more, even if choke brushes the guy off.

might, Maybe, Maaaaybe get along ok with hitch from tuner. at the very least, hitch doesn't see him as a threat.

as for the systems he lives with...

probably decent terms with ritual from comorbid and That's It. maybe aniseed, but not gonna assume too much there.

his own system? no one. he gets along with literally no one, except maybe getting some concern from tibby every so often.

no friends in toybox, either. generally, he spends his time out in front feeling isolated. he'd probably be cool with joan if he ever got the chance to meet her, but...joan is pretty much solely internal, and he avoids dreamsharing if he can.

and enemies...

penny from the stylized figures is probably a little scared of him. snug probably has complex feelings...we'll figure those out later.

sine from the glowstick system is not a huge fan. he's very business-like and doesn't take well to someone willing to make a mess if provoked being around. choke and wyatt probably complain about this guy together.

not on good terms with "nameless" from katt, finds it uncanny and distressing to be around. not a fan of trashtalk, breakout, boil and bubble for being horny roleplay character introjects either- they remind him too much of the people he's around on a daily basis in his own head.

as for momentum, probably has gotten into arguments with gently. and oswald, Definitely oswald.

no real enemies in toothache either- i think he just doesn't interact with them much. might have hurt coldcut's feelings at one point.

no enemies in greenhouse, though he's gotten on seaview's nerves before (an impressive feat)

restraint from runic would Not like choke. the two do not get along. has probably hurt bappy's feelings as well. RIP to bappy.

while ICU has no issues with choke, choke has BIG issues with ICU. he finds her absolutely smothering and uncomfortable to be around.

no enemies from tuner, though display is probably antsy around him. locket and jekyl also make him a bit uncomfortable, but to the point where he just avoids them and he's fine.

and then....The People He Lives With

does not get along with tonic, we've established this. tonic wants to be sympathetic but can't help but see someone who causes Even More Problems for the system than they already have to deal with- even if most of those stories about how terrible he is are secondhand, from the rest of the beaus.  aside from being a dick attitude wise, he hasn't actually....Done Anything to the other members of the club. as for other comorbid members...any of the more sexually outspoken people are a no go. choke is VERY fucking judgmental in that department.  

no friends in his own system, but would especially butt heads with princess, desire and rhinestone. wake is also distinctly Not A Fan.

as mentioned, no friends in toybox...but not a lot of outright enemies, either. he would not get along with cordelia, rocky, or alcove, though.

that was more than i thought it'd be. we'll go into tallow later!
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RE: [????] Mortis Character Ramble Thread [18+ edition] - by skinstealer - 11-15-2023, 07:50 PM

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