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AITA for refusing to let my food type friend to heal me?
[INK_AND_PLUSH]: Think I put this in the right spot ahhh.
[INK_AND_PLUSH]: Seen this with Complexes, they normally start with naming their age and gender, but honestly I forget how old we are. Let's see…
[INK_AND_PLUSH]: I (Creature ×2, They/It/Purr) and my best friend/roommate (Creature/food, She/Her)(I will refer to her as Ko) can't seem to agree on this. It hasn't caused any… huge issues, but she's been upset with me lately and I think she's overreacting a bit.
[INK_AND_PLUSH]: Whenever I or anyone gets hurt, she's very willing to heal us. You know, food type and all, and she really hate anyone suffering.
[INK_AND_PLUSH]: I know it's "fun tcp biology" but I have a problem with it being a friend. I'd rather just… either let it heal itself or eat something I bought.
[INK_AND_PLUSH]: Realistically I know what you get in stores also comes from food types, but that small bit of separation is all I need.
[INK_AND_PLUSH]: Now, if I was doing something… reckless and was dangerously injured, I'd of course let Ko heal me and be grateful. But my problems come from her reaction when I get a small injury, like a paper cut.
[INK_AND_PLUSH]: Yes my paw hurts, no I really don't want your tail please. Yes I'd rather have the jerky pieces.
[INK_AND_PLUSH]: I don't feel like that's a big deal! She's upset because I've been helping a different friend with their show's props lately so I've had an increase in like… hot glue related incidents. But nothing serious!
[INK_AND_PLUSH]: I'm also not a huge fan of the food she is. Minor problem but I don't know. 

[INK_AND_PLUSH]: TLDR: I'd rather buy food type pieces to heal minor injuries than have my friend heal me every time I get a paper vet. Am I the asshole?
[INK_AND_PLUSH]: Appreciate any commentary! Thank you for reading. We've been friends for a long time and this won't like end it, but I want to know if I'm missing something.  

(OOC: RATING SYSTEM for people unfamiliar
YTA: You're the asshole. This implies the OP is wrong and should take a look at the situation again.
NTA: Not The Asshole. This implies the other person is the asshole (Ko in this case)
ESH: Everybody Sucks Here. Everyone is wrong very wrong.
NAH: No Assholes Here. No one is an asshole. This doesn't mean no one is wrong, but it means you're not being an asshole. It just means op might need to take a look from the other person's POV  

You are also welcome to ask for more information if something feels vague or needs clarification. Then OP may or may not respond. 

A technical response would look like: 

Reasoning or explanation or some other statement"
But you don't have to follow form exactly

I can make a follow-up post with a different character as kinda an example if needed)
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AITA for refusing to let my food type friend to heal me? - by AceOfNothing - 11-02-2023, 05:54 PM

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