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Masa con Papas: Proxy's Memory
[Festive Session, Part 1]
CW: None
Perspective: Charon

[Image: MasaHaloPanel1.png]

Platino: Ey! Ya’ll made it!

Geezer does a little salute.

Geezer: Plat yeah? We don’t talk much.

Platino: Really should. I see Charon and uh…

Opera: Opera.

Platino: Yeah! New to me! Don’t think we’ve talked proper at all actually, Zana’s been the one in the front around you two. Glad ya’ll showed up.

A dragon-like construct waves from behind the rabbit, trying to catch your group’s attention.

???: Sup?

Geezer: Yo. Seen you before I think, yeah?

???: Probably in the background yeah.

???: Needle, work with Zana sometimes. I’ve seen you a couple times, her Cousin.

Geezer: Aye.

Needle:  And you three are… friends?

Geezer: I mean yeah?

Charon: Geezer and I are family, albeit extended.

Opera: Situation’s complicated?

Needle: Feel it.

She leans into Plat’s shoulder.

Needle: You both got some cool folks, you know?

Platino: Yeah. Zana’s a little conflicted on it but hey.

Charon: Speaking of, is she coming out at all today?

Platino: Yeah no she’s just being a little shy, doesn’t get to do this much. Ya’ll will see her sooner or later. Was gonna go out as myself but uh.. Kinda ran out of energy to do that while working on a few side projects. Zana was nice and let me pick what to wear so…

Platino: Love the outfit by the way, make that cape?

Charon: My several times great grandfather did actually, bit of a gift when I first set out.

Charon: He sends me custom pieces every once in awhile…

Needle: Is he alive…?

Geezer: Yeah, he’s fiendish.

Needle: Like a vampire or… are all of you fiends actually?

Geezer: Nah just Charon.

Needle: Ah. Shame.

Geezer: What does that mean?

She gives Platino a look. He makes a goofy grin back at her.

Needle: I wouldn’t worry about it. All of you got fashionista vibes honestly though, gotta set me up with whatever your family’s doing.

Opera: You don’t want it.

Needle: You don’t know that. I know Geezer was from here originally, guessing Charon’s from Tavern?

Charon: Nailed it.

Needle: And Opera…

Opera: Also Taverne.

Needle:... Really?

Opera: Yep! It’s um..

Opera: Lot of things we’re gonna respond with “complicated” probably. We’re uh…

Needle: I mean you’re all in the field, I get it. Know I’m a good amount of that too.

Platino: Nah.

Needle: I am! But it’s fine!

Needle: Also good seeing another witch out here, bit of a family thing too?

Charon: Mmm.

Needle: Cool, you work at any lab overseas?

Charon: No, more of a guild type personally.

Needle: Ahh, a double major. Got it.

Platinto: Think that’d be a dual degree actually? How’s that work with apprenticeship-

Geezer makes a gesture directly at Platino.

Platino: Questions for another time.

Platino: This everyone?

Charon: Should be, why?

Platino: Just checking. Know there’s a whole bunch more back at the base, figured you’d all come together.

Geezer: Pretty sure they’re going to find their own plans, we’ll get more chances.

Geezer: Darkest Night is a month long deal.

Needle: Mmhmm! Good shit. So uh… what’s the plan?

Platino: Hmm.. I mean uh..

Platino: Figured we’d just play it by ear? I dunno.

Platino: Just a heads up uh..

The rabbit looks directly at you.

Platino: You’re wearing your guild pin out here?

Charon: Is that a problem?

Platino: Maybe? Like uh..

Needle: Should we tell him?

Geezer: Yeah you should.

Charon: Oh?

Platino: On Darkest Night around these parts, wearing your mark’s a bit of a hazard.

Geezer: Old school duelist tradition around here.

Platino: If two knights meet, one’s allowed to formally challenge another in the circle where they spar for the crowd in memory of the 32. Bit of a historic thing.

Platino: Doesn’t come up much cause knights aren’t really common out here these days, Mori’s pretty hands on when it come to this area but..

Platino: You never know.

Charon: Geezer?

Geezer: Neveractually happened to me but you fought a lot today so…

Charon: Not worried, honest.

Opera: You were so tired earlier…

Charon: It’s different.

Opera: Oh?

Charon: The crowd loves me, I have to commit

Opera: Charon please…

Geezer: Can’t stop him. Theater kid at heart.

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