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REGISTERED: 9-26-316

PRONOUNS: she/they

STATUS: offline

hello! pleased to meet you! i had a friend come to my pc for safety. they said they were running from something? well, anyways, i made sure they were fed and happy. they seem to like dressing up, and wanted me to share them in their favourite hat!
 [Image: petz155.png?ex=651453e4&is=65130264&hm=5...22d6e9e0&=]
​​​​​​[Image: 69812896_cHnvc9h5dfLZjQ6.gif][Image: 69812904_zvCimISylgXPQyG.gif]​​​​​​
stickers by pichi


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[USER PROFILE] [ZIP_ZAP_ZOP] - by astariaisagoner - 09-27-2023, 12:11 AM

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