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REGISTERED: 8-24-316
PRONOUNS: they/them usually...
MOOD: anxiety
STATUS: Invisible
ABOUT: hello... you can call me Abstract. my friend thought joining the FF forum would help alleviate some loneliness i've been feeling lately. i have trouble making friends in the "real" world and don't leave my home very often, so...

my friend also thought i should also look into FriendZoo but... i don't know how i feel about that yet. if any current players of the game have any... um... i guess pros/cons? that they think might be useful to know before going in, i'd love to hear them. i hesitate to try new things...

finally: please don't ask about my typing or any other personal questions unless we're close.

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[USER_PROFILE] [ABSTRACT_PSYCHOPOMP] - by Wilds - 08-24-2023, 09:53 PM

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