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Masa con Papas: Proxy's Memory
[Minus Arcana]
CW: None
Perspective: Charon

[Image: pajaraloco.png]

 A weekday morning, your Grandmother is out for work.

She used to bring you along to help out where you could but lately it’s been a lot to keep up with. Woodland villages tend to be like that, especially one as storied as you’re current location.

As the town’s local knight and sole active member at the Judgment guild, she’s got her hands dipped regularly in local affairs. Weird creatures getting into food storage, repairing structures, resolving struggling marriages.

Despite the namesake of the job being one of cavalry and heroics, a large portion of the daily grind is taking care of the people around you.

And in return, you’re kept afloat as well.

In times like these, you can only stand staying home for so long before you grow tired.

Especially since your education is massively on hold while she’s juggling so much.

You find pockets of knowledge in your own way though, your youthful curiosity drawn toward the local witching shop that’s been around since before you can remember.

Bleu and Blanc’s Cauldron, run by the Blanc-Bleu family.

Any day you’re free, you head straight toward it after breakfast. The shelves are filled with strange objects and books archiving generations of knowledge on how to deal with the supernatural.

Tending to odd beasts, making life easier for the people, occasionally you’ll find something about yourself and your fiendish attributes.

You lurk around the shop searching for a good read and settling at the small corner dedicated to allowing people to get comfortable with a hot drink.

It isn’t long before the shopkeeper makes her way over to take a peek.

Sanguine: Morning Charon.

Charon: Morning Mrs. Blanc…

Sanguine: Didn’t even say hi before getting up to your usual.

Charon: Right, sorry…

Sanguine: I don’t mind too much, appreciate the eagerness.

Charon: Mm..

Sanguine: Erica know you’re here?

Charon: She kinda figures.

Sanguine: Suppose this has become your spot as of late. Not that I mind at all, the Judgments are always welcome here.

Charon: Mm…

You’re not much for words right now, focused on your reading at the moment. She leans in to peek at the pages.

Sanguine. Enchanting materials, hmm? What got you interested there?

Charon: Just… something that sounds helpful.

Sanguine:  Oh?

Charon: You know, for the Judgment house. Maybe I could make something Grandma can use.

Charon: Not sure what but… something helpful I guess.

Sanguine: Mm..

Charon: Guess that’s pretty hard though, most of the family’s far out. Not that many knights these days either.

Charon: Uncle Virgil is pretty much retired, Xolo is off overseas…

Sanguine: Could do something for Ali.

Charon: Don’t know about that.

Charon: Her and Grandma Erica fight a lot..

Charon: Actual fighting.

Sanguine: Suppose so..

Charon: Wouldn’t be a good idea.

Sanguine: Doesn’t have to be a weapon. Could be a nice blanket.

Charon: I guess… you know her?

Sanguine: Grew up with her and your grandma, course I do.

Sanguine: Maybe not as much these days but…she drops by the shop when she visits.

Charon: Were you friends?

Sanguine: Like to think so.

Sanguine: Those two had it pretty rough growing up honestly…. So we did what we could.

Sanguine: Guess that’s a topic for you to talk about with your Grandma though, her history to share.

Charon: Right…

Charon: Maybe when I’m older…

Sanguine: She tell you that?

Charon: Mmhmm..

Sanguine: Figures… Is what it is.

Sanguine: What got you interested in this shop so much anyway?

Charon: I like making things, even if I’m not that good at it..

Charon: Guess it’s different from what I’m used to. Knight work is all about taking care of what’s there, but witches build it in the first place a lot of the time.

Charon: And they’re good at finding ways to fix problems. So maybe it’d be good to bring that sort of thing home…

Sanguine: It’s a pretty different career path, even if they cross quite a bit.

Charon: Mm.. I know.

Sanguine: If you had to pick…

Charon: Uh…

Charon: I guess witch sounds cool but…

Charon: Grandma worries a lot about the Judgment House.

Charon: So I kind of want to do what makes things better for everyone.

Charon: But I dunno. Grandma hasn’t talked to me much about knight training.

Charon: Takes me with her to work a lot but…

Sanguine: You don’t need to be a knight to be part of a guild.

Charon: Guess so.

Sanguine: Plenty who’ve implemented the craft into knight work.

Sanguine: Tipp of the Revolution, The Greensmith, Ibarra of Tiles…

Charon: Mm..

Charon: People talk about knights more though…

Sanguine: Knights also retire earlier, your grandma’s just special.

Sanguine: A bit of expertise in witchcraft means you’ll always find work somewhere.

Charon: Yeah… maybe I can be both?

Sanguine: Lot of work ahead of you but… don’t see why not?

Charon: Mm.. I wanna try.

Sanguine: Hmm..

Sanguine: Could talk to Erica about setting you up as an apprentice here during days where she leaves you home. Already teaching Rosso, it wouldn't be hard to add one more. Do good enough and I’ll gladly give you hours when you’re old enough to work too.

Sanguine: I’ll grab us some hot chocolate before we keep talking though, hang on…

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