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Masa con Papas: Proxy's Memory
[Image: Charon%20nights%20small.png]
The three of you don’t need to talk too far before you reach busy streets filled with tented setups, floating decor, and costume vendors selling hot food.

The towns near the woods you grew up with had their own celebrations and festivals but never did they seem to just endlessly go down the trails of road ahead of you like this.

Opera: People here take Darkest Night pretty seriously…

Geezer: Yeah, Plaza puts their everything into holidays but especially this one, you know?

Opera: Love it, but guess that’s no big surprise..

Geezer: Anything like this where you came from?

Opera: Depends really, travel a lot so I’ve seen plenty of different kinds of Darkest Night festivals. The vibes here though are just so nice…

Geezer: We do what we can. Charon?

Charon: First time being off continent, it’s a lot.

Geezer: Good or bad kind?

Charon: More the first, might be a bit much for me but we’ll see.

Geezer: You need to go back? I can walk with you-

Charon: No, I want to give this a try.

Charon: Need a break from everything. Moment I go back I know Esperanto’s going to want to talk to me.

Geezer: Yeah…

Charon: I’ll let you know though.

Geezer: Aye.

Charon: So this is where you grew up?

Geezer: Mmhmm.

Charon: So much bigger than back home. You were really allowed to go wherever you wanted?

Geezer: Nobody could stop me so… yeah.

Geezer: Amazing how little it’s all changed though. Not a bad thing at all just..

Geezer: Guess I’m excited to show ya’ll both this place so close to how I remember it.

You manage a smile, if only because you know this means a ton to hm.

Charon: I’m glad to be part of this.

Opera: Same here! Makes me wish Paige and I came in costume…

Geezer: There’s plenty of time, Darkest Night is month long in Plaza.

Opera: Makes me wonder what Year’s End looks like.

Geezer: Come back in a couple of months and I’ll show you.

Geezer: For now we’re just looking for Platino, think he’s just as excited about this.

Charon: Imagine him and Zana are both pretty big on it.

Geezer: Yeah, it’s a huge witch holiday.

Geezer: Speaking of, you feel any different?

Charon: Me?

Geezer: Yeah.

Charon: In what way.

Geezer: In like, a magic way?

Charon:... Maybe?

Charon: Holding up well all things considered I suppose.

Geezer: That’s the Mori Effect.

Charon: You’ll have to explain that one.

Opera: Same here.

Geezer: Witch magic of all kinds gets stronger for the whole month during Darkest Night, gradually becomes bigger up until the day itself.

Opera: Huh…

Paige peaks its head out of Opera’s cloak.

Opera: You feel any stronger?

The proxy lets out a string of cartoonish chitter and squeaks.

Geezer: What’s Paige saying?

Opera: “Feeling a little more high energy I guess.”

Geezer: Might take a bit to become really noticeable.

The proxy continues another string.

Opera: “I’ll keep you updated.” He says.

Geezer: Aye.. Tell him I wanna know if anything interesting happens.

Opera: He can understand you just fine.

Geezer: Ah, sorry..

Geezer: Gotta ask like…

Geezer: And you don’t have to answer this.

Opera:... Okay?

Geezer: Is Paige actually saying anything?

Opera: Hmm? Of course he is.

Geezer: Like, with the squeaks.

Opera: Yeah I don’t hear those, most people do but he just sounds normal to me.

Geezer: Huh…

Geezer: Is it a proxy thing?

Opera: Probably.

Opera: Some people seem to understand him fine though?

Geezer: Bet he sounds adorable.

The proxy begins to chirp violently.

Charon: That….

Geezer: What did he say?

Opera: Yeah, I’m not repeating that around kids.

Geezer: Ah, sorry…

Geezer starts shifting for his phone.

Geezer: I’m gonna check where Platino is quickly..

You reach a hand toward Paige.

Charon: Mind if I…?

Paige lowers its head down, letting you pet him just a little.

Your proxy appears out of nowhere and proceeds to nuzzle your arm.

Opera: Looks like someone else needs attention right now.

Charon: Never had that happen before…

Opera: You’re just barely opening up to your proxy, right?

Charon: Suppose so…

Opera: It’s getting braver too.

Charon: Mm..

Opera: Should try letting it walk with you tonight, think it’d like that.

Charon: Think so too… to be honest, been thinking plenty about how you and Paige interact.

Charon: Feel that’s a good goal to aim for overtime…

Opera: I mean, I can help you if you want.

Charon: You’d be okay with that?

Opera: Mmhmm! We can start tonight, a festival’s a good place to connect with your proxy a bit.

Charon: That’d be welcome right now…

Opera reaches out a hand to pet your proxy, Paige seems to bristle up a little on contact.

Opera: Huh…

Charon: Something wrong?

Opera: No, just-

Geezer cuts you both off.

Geezer: Heads up, cousins are here. We should greet them.

Opera: This can wait a sec, let’s go handle that first.

Charon: Aye.

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