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Masa con Papas: Proxy's Memory
Mercury grabbed herself some juice from the fridge and sat herself down at the nearby bar setup.

Mercury: Got no luck with getting rid of our curse, but at this point I’ll figure out whatever comes at me I think.

Mercury: Been picked up on and off to do work overseas, that’s how I met Esperanto.

Mercury: And of course been trying to do my best to make things better here in Plaza.

Mercury: I know Geezer’s been doing plenty of the same.

Charon: Mm… I know he cares a lot about the region, he grew up here.

Mercury: Can’t help but feel a bit protective of your childhood home.

Mercury: With all the issues it has, you only want to make things better.

Opera: You’re talking about the buyout stuff, yeah?

Mercury: Yep. A big chunk of the region got bought out by corpos from outside the region and ended up repurposed for tourists.

Mercury: And I don’t mind folks visiting, there’s a lot of culture here to appreciate… but they’re not here for that. They’re here for the theme parks that keep getting more and more expensive til the locals can’t even afford to go.

Mercury: They come for the “cleaned out” parts that have coffee shops in every corner.

Mercury: Don’t really respect the people born here or the hardships everyone faces so their vacations can be nice and wonderful.

Mercury: But I digress, now I’m just rambling.

Charon: You’re fine, I like hearing you talk.

Opera: Yeah.

Mercury: You sure? Guess I did warn you both…

Mercury: Biggest concern is that some cult from Taverne might spread their influence overseas too. Use this place as a hideout when things get too hot.

Charon: You’re talking about Spit’s cult.

Mercury: Mmhmm..

Charon: I’m in the business of cracking down on them as best I can.

Charon: After everything that happened back in the pocket there were rumors that folks converted over from the church.

Mercury: No kidding?

Charon: Church was up to all sorts of forbidden sciences, especially against people like me.

Charon: Can’t afford to see a repeat happen at home.

Charon: Grandma Erica’s put a lot of time into keeping cults at bay herself but… they’re just too massive to shut down so long as Spit’s around

Charon: Best we can do is curb it into irrelevance.

Opera: They don’t know about the fiend harvest, do they?

Charon: Hard to say, but knowing this auction is coming up… there’s a chance.

Charon: If they discover the husk, we will see fiends being abducted left and right…

Charon: I can’t risk that. For my family, for the many who’ve felt rejected enough by society as is.

Charon: For as powerful our reputation is… most of us are in hiding.

Charon: When you’re a fiend your body functions so differently, and I have to hide that often.

Charon: Fear of the stigmas around us.

Opera: You know.. Fiends aren’t really a common thing where I come from.

Opera: So I’ve gotta wonder what that means exactly.

Charon: By folks old fashioned, we’re very much seen as bad omens. Signs of a conflict to come, of chaos. We’re looked at as patchworks of lost souls raging against a common foe. Last part’s no entirely wrong…

Charon: A creature that’s strong, durable, capable of drinking blood and shapeshifting… it scares everyone even if most of us just want a peaceful life.

Charon: First generation fiends hunt those who wronged them but… after we’re left with nothing to really pursue. Many become wanderers or hermits because anything else seems impossible..

Charon: And for descendents like myself, we still are seen with a touch of stigma carried over. Who would be gross enough to have kids with such a creature after all?

Charon: Sucks, really.

Opera: Mm…

Opera: I feel some of it too.

Opera: My dad was a proximity, you familiar with those?

Charon: I had a few close neighbors growing up.

Opera: Then you know. Bunch of magical birds, in touch with witchcraft in ways that aren’t always as cute to people.

Opera: That’s how I got Paige, just showed up naturally.

Mercury: That happens?

Opera: Mmhmm! Very common with proximities. My family life was never great but growing up as a weird kid who talked to ghosts, who people kept making theories about. Hated it.

Opera: My dad didn’t hide anything, so people would make up stories about how he tributed off corpses or how his family are all homunculi he made under contracts.

Opera: People kept asking if I was a real cat…

Charon: Mm…

Charon: It’s tiring.

Charon: My neighbors and I were lucky that we’d been normalized in the town we grew up in somewhat…

Charon: But we all felt pinned there at times. Leaving to go to the neighboring areas was asking for trouble.

Charon: If it wasn’t for my knight’s license… I don’t know if I’d feel comfortable leaving home.

Opera: Not even for us?

Mercury: Yeah.

Charon: If you promised to stick with me, I’d make an exception.

There was a knock on the doorway. Everyone turned over to see Bern.

Mercury: I didn’t know you were in town.

Bern: Sup Merc! I’ve just been busy. Guess I’m part of the team?

Bern: Esperanto’s coming soon, they’re just busy talking to our investor for this job.

Bern looked over to you directly.

Bern: You really remind me of them, no wonder they’ve got an interest in you.

Bern: You mind if I join in on this? Got a few things to say.

Charon: Go ahead…

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