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Masa con Papas: Proxy's Memory
The Other Lunch
[Lunch Reverse ]
CW: None
Perspective: Manzana

[Image: Rabbits%20Memory.png]
Needle: Hey! Knock knock?

Manzana: Oh shit, you’re here.

Needle: Said I would be. Didn’t forget, right?

Manzana: No, just… been a busy morning. I’ll explain over lunch.

Needle: You could explain now, I don’t mind.

Manzana; It’s a lot..

Needle: Did something happen with your date..?

Manzana: No? That went fine.

Needle: Just fine.

Manzana: I mean better than that just… wanna come in and sit down with me?

Needle: Sure.

You gesture toward your couch in the dimly lit apartment.

Needle: Keep this place pretty dark still…

Manzana: It’s easier on me. Not a fan of bright lights.

Needle: I know. You been okay health-wise?

Manzana: Trying my best, there’s a lot to work on but I’ve been trying..

Needle: Mm.. Platino helps you though, yeah?

Manzana: Yeah. He’ll be here soon. Just grabbing a few things for the place, no biggie.

Needle: That’s fine! I’m just happy to get some time outside of the office.

Manzana: Yeah…

Needle: So who’s this mystery person you went out with?

Manzana: Mm?

Needle: Wanna know the details.

Manzana: I mean.. Their name is Budgie. They’re a mimic. Local variant.

Needle: You really got a type, huh?

Manzana: I mean..

Needle: Are they cute?

Manzana: Y-yeah. It’s a little bit of an experimental period since all the traveling makes it hard to have a long term relationship but…

Manzana: They took it seriously, and they made sure it was fun and safe….

Manzana: Made it clear that even if it doesn’t end up being a thing they want to stay friends, you know? That’s nice…

Needle: Mm… traveling work is kind of just like that.

Manzana: Yeah… still, had a fun time.

Needle: What’d you end up doing?

Manzana: Darkest Night stuff has been going up since it’s this month so… we went to some festival for that.

Needle: Did you go in costume?

Manzana: Me? No… kind of wish I did.

Needle: Still time!

Manzana: Y-yeah.

Needle: Maybe you’d be down to go together? Platino can come too.

Manzana: Maybe. I’ve really got a lot going on today after this.

Manzana: Met up with my cousins?

Needle: Plural? As in more than just Geezer?

Manzana: Mm.. we’ve got a job that we’re working on over the next couple of weeks. Could be dangerous.

Needle: Witch stuff?

Manzana: Yeah..

Needle: Maybe I could help?

Manzana: You? Aren’t you busy?

Needle: I can make time, just tell me what you need.

You ponder for a moment.

Right now you really do want another familiar face keeping you comfort through this.

You nod and tell her everything you can, you know she won’t snitch.

She seems a little confused by certain details just like you were but… ultimately she seems to get the gist.

Needle: So you might be going up against your mom’s goals a bit?

Manzana: Yeah…

Needle: Good. Fuck her.

Manzana: It’s scary to be honest.

Needle: Course it is, she’s unhinged. But..

Needle: I think you’ve been needing this for a long time.

Needle: Granted stealing a corpse-

Manzana: It’s still alive apparently.

Needle: Yeah that’s weird. What kind of heist is this?

Manzana: I don’t knoooow.

Needle: You think your friends will be okay with me?

Manzana:I don’t think they’d reject another set of hands right now.

Needle: Then sign me up. Once Platino gets back we’ll head to grab lunch, make our way over to the safehouse after.

Manzana: You’re really good for that?

Needle: Yeah, we’re friends. You look out for each other.

Manzana:... Yeah, friends.

Needle: I know you try to avoid that word but… I really think of you as one.

Manzana: Me too..

Needle: We’ll make it work. Got a lot of heads to put together.

Manzana: …We will.

You pause as your phone vibrates.

You check, a text from Platino.

I’m outside, need some help.

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