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[DONATION] TCP Type Raffles 2023
Money has been especially tight in our household lately, and at the suggestion of the community, we're starting another donation pool- this one, like prior ones, having benefits for everyone. Money will be divided evenly among the 4 members of our household.

Forum users can contribute by suggesting TCP types for the raffle pool, whatever you want as long as it follows the general TCP rules (no NSFW, no copyright, no harmful/bigoted types). For every 50 dollars donated we will draw a TCP type from the pool. TCP types will be either drawn by Comorant or the Skinstealers depending on who feels like they can pull it off better. If a type you entered gets selected, you will get a free custom with some edits, subject to approval.

FREE!: Suggest 5 TCP types (there can be repeats if you want to increase the odds of a single type)
25 USD: Get 1 bonus TCP type suggestion
50 USD: Get 5 bonus TCP type suggestions
100 USD: Get 15 bonus type suggestions
200+ USD: Get 20 bonus type suggestions and a guaranteed TCP type for every extra 50 donated (this includes customs!)

The amount of money you donate can stack up over time, if you'd like to space it out. For example: If you donate 50 initially and get your 5 bonus TCP suggestions, you will get an additional 10 if you donate 50 again later (thus bringing your total up to 100.)

sea bunny (como)
churro (como)

Go ahead and suggest as wanted, and please mention if you're donating as well so we can keep track of things easier.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]

Messages In This Thread
[DONATION] TCP Type Raffles 2023 - by skinstealer - 05-27-2023, 09:05 PM
RE: [DONATION] TCP Type Raffles 2023 - by knux400 - 05-27-2023, 11:54 PM
RE: [DONATION] TCP Type Raffles 2023 - by knux400 - 05-30-2023, 12:12 AM

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