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Masa con Papas: Proxy's Memory
The Lunch
[Esperanto Quest 1]
CW: None
Perspective: Charon

[Image: image.png]

 You are Charon Judgment.

You and your group arrive in a timely manner after parting ways with Manzana and Platino for now.

You’re the first to walk off, Opera and Geezer staying inside and keeping an eye through the windows.

As much as you’d like them with you right now.. They weren’t exactly invited.

Only fair to ask first.

Charon: Good afternoon.

Esperanto: A tour bus…. Seems a bit excessive but I appreciate the courtesy.

Esperanto: You’ve made it. Is there anyone else in there? Can’t imagine you drove that for yourself.

Charon: Mm.. I’d like to bring Geezer and Opera with me, if that’s alright.

Charon: I know you didn’t invite them but…

Esperanto: I’ll allow it, but I want this conversation before lunch to be just us.

Esperanto: If that’s alright…

Esperanto’s gaze tilts over toward your cane.

Esperanto: What’s that now?

Charon: Had an injury long ago, makes it hard to maintain walking normally all day.

Charon: This city being so big and windy absolutely is a lot on my stamina, especially with how much has gone on over the past 24 hours.

Esperanto: I see…

Esperanto: Do you know why I invited you over? The real reason?

Charon: I can only guess.

Esperanto: You have a lot of potential, but you’re rough around the edges as most beginner knights tend to be.

Esperanto: I want to give you an opportunity that you’ve lacked in your life.

Esperanto: No formal training, from what my sources tell me.

Esperanto: All that heart only means so much without the skill to back it up.

Charon: Why should I take that offer from you?

Esperanto: Because you need to be prepared for everything that’s to come on this job.

Esperanto: Between you and me, the one hosting this mission is going to want profit out of this.

Esperanto: And while I trust this person not to end the world…

Esperanto: I don’t imagine it to be a satisfying conclusion to anyone with personal stakes here.

Charon: Not at all.

Charon: Why are we even relying on this person to begin with? What makes you so crucial?

Esperanto: They’re the one giving you invites to the event.

Esperanto: And I’m the only buffer between you and our employer. Mercury knows a little but not enough to make a good call on this.

Esperanto: Bless her for trying.

Charon: Mm..

Charon: So what’s the diagnosis? You’re clearly looking at something I’m doing wrong and concerned.

Esperanto: You sure you want that? It’s harsh.

Charon: I can take criticism.

Esperanto: You try to take hits like you’re bigger than you are, your fighting style is completely unrefined, your proxy is the best asset you have and you use it to middling results, and you’re completely reliant on surprise factor against stronger opponents.

Esperanto: If you want to get far as a knight on the field, you need to be aware that one day you will fight someone skilled enough to do you in.

Esperanto: Your fiendish nature especially…

Esperanto: It’s underexplored.  Your metamorphosis is coming in and you need to know how to get the most out of it.. Should you choose to embrace it.

Esperanto: You have the conditions to become what some call a “tempered” fiend.

Charon: And that means?

Esperanto: Your body’s endured so many extreme conditions that it’s hardly canine anymore.

Charon: And you know how?

Esperanto: It’s not that hard to get your records.

Esperanto: Managed to get a good conversation in with Arabis as well. Your grandfather back home?

Charon: You… know where I live?

Esperanto: Mm..

Esperanto: Don’t worry about it, I’ve got no plans against you or your family.

Charon: Don’t like that, I have to consider that possibility.

Esperanto: I’d never.

Esperanto: They’ve done plenty for me, I’d never return that with a knife to the back.

You fall silent as you ponder the details..

Charon: How did you meet exactly?

Esperanto: Can’t tell you that out here. When the time comes though.

Esperanto: You should go get your friends, Bern needs to know we’ve got a big table today.

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