Dearest Potential Client,
May I just say, Partly Cloudy is a great name. I've always been fond of weather. Transient states are really a wonderful thing, things not quite clear and not quite the torrent of a storm. Personally, I think storms are my favorite kind of weather, but transient things...liminal spaces, have their own wonder.
Anyhow, cave delving is quite an interesting endeavor, and something like this, a heist from nature is right up my alley. I'm looking to add as many hits to my repertoire of deeds as possible.
I shall share some information on why I think I will be adept at assisting you:
- I am a trained medic, as I seek to spite the encroach of entropy's unceasing flow.
- I have a decent skill in gathering and self-defense. I am no expert, I am not majorly armed, and I may not be the largest, but I should be able to help you get out of a tough spot.
- I can impose fear! I could spook something off by screaming unpleasant facts of reality, like the ouroboric nature of sleep and how one can never escape it. That'll certainly get any unfriendly bees quivering in fear. Well, that or a well placed flare.
- I can do my best to slay any dull moments. I'm quite lively.
Best Regards, Count Diamondstall (You can call me Dia, if that's a bit too long though.)