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Masa con Papas: Proxy's Memory
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Zinnia: Noticed there’s a bit of overlap.

Opera: Mm…

Zinnia: Keep ending up in places like back then.

Opera: Got my reasons.

Zinnia: I’d like to hear if you don’t mind talking about it.

Opera: I mean…

Opera: Be lying if I said the whole thing didn’t fuck me up.

Zinnia: Mm..

Opera: I don’t want to repeat that. Nobody who showed up wants to see shit happen again, you know?

Zinnia: Understandable.. I imagine you hold a bit of resentment toward me.

Opera: Don’t want to but…

Zinnia: But…

Opera: I’ll get over it.

Zinnia: Won’t force you to forgive me.

Opera: Yeah….

Opera: One day, you seem alright but..

Opera: I don’t know.

Opera: Wanted to fight you, but think I’d feel bad doing that.

Zinnia: Would you fight me if I were the same as back then?

Opera: You’d be dead right now, that’s the truth really.

Zinnia: Mm..

Zinnia: I don’t think you’re wrong.

Zinnia: You hold a power that’s terrifying, one that perhaps only the witchiest of your group can compare to.

Opera: Bit of a gift..

Zinnia: And just as much a burden.

Opera: Mmhmm…

Opera: Don’t want to become like her..

Zinnia: Rook.

Opera: Mm..

Zinnia: That entity tried to make a contract with you.

Opera: She did.

Zinnia: And you made it out unscathed?

Opera: Mostly. Better than Geezer and Charon I guess but..

Zinnia: Only physically.

Opera: Emotionally I think I’m still stuck there, you know?

Opera: One eye in the past. The other looking ahead.

Opera: But my body’s stuck in the present..

Zinnia: Well spoken.

Opera: I missed people though..

Opera: Know it’’s some convoluted time and space mess but..

Opera: Part of me didn’t want things to end.

Opera: I wanted to keep fighting, just because everyone would leave…

Opera: But… I don’t know really.

Zinnia: How old are you?

Opera: 26 now. Older than the others on the bus by a year or two

Zinnia: Mm…

Opera: They’re all me, right? Like another me.

Zinnia: You’re the Judgment of your world. Not by name maybe but.. Spiritually.

Opera: Scares me to think about.

Opera: Wonder if I’m looking at their future.

Opera: Everyday my work’s got me feeling a little less human, you know?

Zinnia: I mean… you are a cat.

Opera: Metaphorically.

Zinnia: Right.

Opera: More I see past the skybox, the more I kinda just…

Opera: Everything feels so small.

Opera: I want to see all of it, but I don’t want to forget.

Zinnia: Don’t think you will.

Zinnia: Your sentiments are what keep you bound.

Zinnia: Every one of you has lost something significant.

Zinnia: Charon’s heart, Geezer’s body, and your sense of peace…

Opera: Mm..

Opera: Feel bad I couldn’t stop all that.

Opera: I can’t let it happen to people, even it takes my whole life.

Opera: I don’t know…

Zinnia: Every world has people like you and your friends, no?

Zinnia: Brave people who just want to protect others.

Zinnia: You’ve got the burden of being one playing many’s roles..

Zinnia: But other worlds are happy to have people like you exist there too..

Zinnia: Let's sit down somewhere…

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