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[Image: 1058840031483150416_image.png]

 The two of you make your way into the diner, nobody at the usual bar setup when you arrive.

 This usually happens around this time, there's generally a big enough lull between shifts that nobody's too worried about anything being stolen or messed with during the 20 minutes of nothing.

Is it smart? Not really.

But also there’s not a lot of good spots at night, nobody's risking getting the boot.

You and the rabbit both slide into the booth, getting comfortable under the cozy lighting.

The view out the window is awfully nice from a distance. Captures your eye instantly.

Frida: Don’t see any waiter around, things okay?

Javi: Yeah, it’s pretty normal. Day shift crew leaves on the hour, only one who stays is the dishwasher just in case.

Frida: That safe?

Javi: Yeah? It’s really a nothing town. Nobody’s worried about getting robbed like that.

Frida: Didn’t you say there were all sorts of messed up things in town?

Javi: Yeah but… they don’t really mess with this place.

Javi: There’s main two diners in town. One closer to the middle, and one on the edge of town.

Javi: Both are pretty important for the people living here and people passing by. Town’s guardian blessed the areas to keep dangerous creatures away.

Frida: If you’ve got someone who can do that, why not protect the whole town?

Javi: Wish I knew, woods are nasty cursed. If it were up to me I’d salt the whole thing til I could walk out without trouble. But… you know.

Frida: Yeah…

Frida: You really can’t drive out but people can just pass by like that? Thought you said vehicles needed to be armored.

Javi: It’s weird right?

Javi: Friend of mine had a theory they’re keeping us in or something.
Javi: My folks moved out here just fine but.. They could never really leave like that.

Frida: They still around?

Javi: Eh… not in the mood to go into that if that’s alright.

Frida: Sure, sorry…

You look out the window again. You’re mesmerized by the sights.

Frida: Whatcha lookin at?

Javi: Just the stars… never seen them that wild looking.

Frida: No? Huh…

Frida: Ah! You know what? That’s actually a bit of a perk of the contract.

Javi: Seeing pretty things in the sky?

Frida: Nope. You get to see the world the same way I do.

Frida: This whole planet’s got filtered skies controlled by all sorts of regal nonsense.

Javi: You mean the whole god monarchy.

Frida: Yeah. All these regions have their own little skies curated by the local god.

Frida: Because the actual sky would freak people out.

Frida: But with my eyes, you can see just a bit past the fake sky. All sorts of spooky things that would make most folks wince.

Javi: I think it’s pretty, personally.

Frida: Glad you do! Can turn it off if it’s ever too much though.

Javi: Nah, think I’m good for now. Keep it in mind though like..

Frida: In case it becomes too much.

Javi: Yeah. I’ll be sure to ask.

Javi:.. Do you have uh… eyes actually?

You reach over to bush aside her hair, but she moves away immediately.

Frida: I’d hang on a sec if I were you. Looking into the eyes of someone controlled by an entity says a lot.

Frida: Whole bunny look? Bit of an illusion. As soon as you make eye contact, you’ll see the truth.

Javi: Feel I should know.

Frida: I’ll tell you! Just.. don’t, okay?

Javi: I can do that.

Frida leaned back into the booth seat.

Frida: You’ll be able to tell the pilot from the body if you get that clear a look at the face.

Frida: Good news? I’m cute so you’ll like that part.

Frida: Bad news? Body’s basically a corpse. Entities aren’t really supposed to be using the dead like this..

Javi: So you’re a zombie?

Frida: Sorta? I can heal with a bit more blood or meat but.. I’m a bit frail.

Frida: And anyone who can bypass an illusion will see whatsherface instead of me which uh…

Frida: Yikes?

Javi: Wait.. does that mean someone might recognize her?

Frida: Maybe! She’s not really in here anymore though so nothing she can do. I mean like… I didn’t do anything but uh..

Frida: All the weird vines and moss? Yeah that shit’s soul stealing it turns out.

Frida: Stuck in there forever.

Javi: Get rid of it!

Frida: I got it saved! Somewhere…

Frida: I felt bad so figured I could at least hang on and hope we figure out a way to fix her up?

Frida: Can’t really revive her the old fashion way though, besides that might unperson her a bit so it’s safer.

Frida: True resurrection doesn’t exist.

Javi: Christ…

Javi: Yeah lets uh… try to save her or something.

Javi: Is she in a jar or….

Frida: On my person. Unconscious for now but I’m sensing something.

Frida: No idea how you folks live with that stuff in your yards.

Javi: Usually it’s harmless!

Javi: Unless you die, then it rushes you.

Frida: I’m going to be real with you.

Frida: This town sucks ass.

Javi: Yeah.

Frida: I’m going to take you to a place without murder fungi and death moss.

Javi: Please…

Frida: And then maybe we can hang out? I’m sorry I’m still a little giddy and all.

Frida: You don’t have to or anything but-

Javi: I mean you’re pretty cute, did mean that much.

Javi: And I can help take care of you if well, you know.

Frida: Mm! Appreciate that. Need to be attached to this world by a physical vessel but I don’t want to take that from you…

Frida: And I really don’t want to have to leave a trail behind if I can help it.

Javi: I mean you pretty much ate a corpse…

Frida: It’s refurbished. You gave me the first chunk anyway.

Frida: Truth be told, lose my shit pretty fast in the whole limbo situation so..

Frida: Nice to meet a witch who’s down to hang out for awhile before sending me back.

Javi: I mean.. I know we just met but like.

Javi: I wouldn’t mind having a partner in crime while touring the world.

Frida: You sure? Figure youd have someone in mind for that if you’ve got friends and stuff…

Javi: There’s a lot of folks I’d miss here but…

Javi: I dunno. Downsides are getting hard to live with, you know?

Javi: At this point I’m about ready to risk it by foot.

Frida: That serious?

Javi: Yeah…

Javi: Maybe not talk too much about that right now.

Frida: You okay?

Javi: Me? Yeah. Just-

She catches you getting a little watery eyed and brushes a finger across your face.

Frida: What’s up?

Javi: Don’t know if I’m ready for all this but… scared they’ll find out, you know?

Javi: Barely much of a choice anymore.

Frida: Mm..

Frida: Tell you this, I’ll stick with you the whole time while you figure things out.

Frida: And I’ll do my best to cover you. I like to take good care of my clients. I’ll make it work out.

Javi: I know.

Frida: And if you have to leave, I’ll make sure to help you visit your friends here again.

Frida: Got all sorts of powers, something’ll work.

Javi: I guess that’s true.

Javi: No catch?

Frida: Keep me fed and that’s it.. Really just along for the ride more than anything.

Javi: That helps.

Javi: Know it’ll hit me harder at some point but…

Javi: You’re a fucking lifesaver.

Frida: It’s what I do. Maybe not the best at it but… you know.

Javi: Mm.. by the end of tomorrow we’re gonna be out of here.

You finally feel like you can relax for the first time today. You practically melt into your seat.

It wouldn’t be long before someone arrived.

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