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King's Mulligan [Interactive Project]
[Image: unknown.png]

You look over you see Jackie and Courier helping Ibarra’s assistant up from the floor, surrounded by the shattered fragments of the axe.

Jackie: I’ve got you..

Courier: Careful not to step on anything sharp.

???: Two rebels…. A ghost and a body snatcher..

Courier: I… don’t really like seeing it framed like that but that’s not wrong really…

???: You’re… not going to hurt her are you?

Jackie: Hmm? What do you mean?

Courier: I’ll handle the talk, you need to be filled in on a lot…

???: Don’t hurt Ib.

???: I really need the money… and without her, the crown’s going to lock me up. Working for her’s part of a deal we worked out.

???: Long as I make myself useful to an associate, I’m out of prison.

Courier: We wouldn’t let that happen.

Courier: You’re not going to-

Ibarra: You’ll be fine. Creme and I will be… cooperating from now on. You’ll see a little less of me but I’ll be here.

???: What’s going to happen to you?

Ibarra:  Just… a change in management. That’s all.. If they pull anything, I’ve done plenty to ensure you’ll be safe..

She looks directly at you.

Ibarra: I’m trusting you with Dive….

Ibarra: I’ve come to realize that my days are numbered anyway..

Ibarra: I yielded for his sake.  If he wasn’t here, this entire fight would’ve been completely different.

Gallows: Why did you take him here in the first place?

Ibarra: I suppose I should disclose something since Creme is going to be sharing this body now..

Ibarra: I come here for the sake of seeing my fallen. That’s something she should be aware of.

Ibarra: This site connects you to those you’ve lost…my family, my peers..

Ibarra: I’ve sustained injury of which I do not want to disclose to anyone but my other sellf.

Ibarra: I need him here to make sure I can make it back after….

Tiles: That seems reckless…

Ibarra: As are you…

Ibarra: We’ve both lost plenty, and you had nothing left.

Ibarra: So to understand each other better, I’ve burdened you with something to lose again…

She gestures over to Jackie..

Ibarra: Protect my comrade and I’ll protect yours…

She looks over as Creme walks closer…

Ibarra: Can only hope to become allies and not a prisoner by the end of this now…

Ibarra: I’ll carry my weight.

Creme: I really never wanted to hurt you…

Ibarra: That’s why you were so weak before… but now you’ve managed to find the strength to commit to such a mindset.

Ibarra: If only it were not in a way so reliant on others.. They can be taken so fast.

Creme: Don’t say that Ib… I haven’t lost you..

Ibarra: You’re too nice for your own good…

Ibarra: But that’s part of your charm now isn't it?


Ibarra: I’m ready..

A light flashes from the tiles on the ground, engulfing the two of them and tightening in a coil.

All that was left behind was a single cat.

[Image: image.png]

She sprints toward you and pulls you into a hug.

Creme: You’ve all actually managed it..

Creme: With a better conclusion than I could’ve ever made happen..

Tiles: Yes well….

Creme: She’s here by the way but..I plan to be in charge for the rest of the day.

Creme: Very much not happy about having to invite you all over for the feast however…

Gallows: She’ll warm up to us..

Jackie approaches you, Dive quiet in the background..

Jackie: My turn next, yes? I overheard everything…

Tiles: Mmhmm.. You need to decide on an arcana, something to bind you with too….

Jackie: My harmonica. Long as my music is in the world somehow, I am too..

Jackie: And as for arcana… I want something to help our new allies.

Jackie: Something that’ll bring good luck.

Tiles: Oh?

Jackie: Birth arcana was the Sun, something I clung onto a lot admittedly…

Jackie: Like to think that it worked out for me in the long run. May not have lived long but…

Jackie: Seeing you all grown up. Makes it worth it, you know?

Jackie:  I think now… I want the Wheel of Fortune.

Jackie: Because I want to be that change for everyone.

Jackie: We’re going to knock the crown down a peg and make a better world for the people.

Tiles: Mm…  I can do that…

There was a flash coming from his pocket.

[Image: image.png]

He pulled out his harmonica, now engraved with a marking… a single X.

Despite its roughed up nature, the instrument had a gleaming feel about it.

Gallows: Honesty, a fantastic pick..

The rabbit holds out his hand to Jackie.

Gallows: Welcome aboard.

Jackie reaches over and shakes with enthusiasm.

Jackie: Looking forward to this.

Gallows: Likewise, we’ll get you set up as soon as you return.

He looks over at Creme.

Gallows: You too, if you need a place to stay for the night.

Courier: Aye! We have a lot of two and three person units set up at this base.

Courier: Might want to think about roommates for the next few days we’re stationed there.

Creme: Ah well… I don’t know for sure there…

Creme: Everyone’s still quite new to me.. But I’d be fine with any of you.

Gallows: Mm. Courier?

Courier: Tempted to mix it up, but don’t mind either.

Gallows: Oh?

Courier: Figure it’d be a good way to get to know our new recruits.

Gallows: Mm.. Likewise.

He turns directly toward you.

Gallows: What about you?

Tiles: Me? Hmm.. well.. I’m used to being on my own but… that’s actually difficult. I hate to sound needy but…

Tiles: I need a spot for my familiar.. And a place to hold Jackie’s harmonica.

Gallows: We can accommodate.

Tiles: In that case… I suppose I can room with someone else.

Gallows: Mm.

Tiles: If I had to pick…

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RE: King's Mulligan [Interactive Project] - by Guest - 12-03-2021, 01:09 PM
RE: King's Mulligan [Interactive Project] - by Guest - 12-07-2021, 07:48 PM
RE: King's Mulligan [Interactive Project] - by Guest - 08-29-2022, 08:44 PM
RE: King's Mulligan [Interactive Project] - by ThreadLurkingComorant - 11-30-2022, 04:15 PM

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