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Masa con Papas: Proxy's Memory
[Image: unknown.png]

Mercury: Charon, you doing alright?

You’re back in reality.

Charon: Honestly? Better than I’ve been in a long time…

Mercury: No kidding, aura's hella smug right now. More than usual..

Mercury: No pain?

Charon: None at all..

Mercury: Good, good. Was watching you and uh… your snake friend.

Charon: Styx.

Mercury: Right. You two talk to each other. Never heard a dialect like his before but his voice kinda sounds like yours otherwise…

Charon: It’s a result of contract poisoning… you make a deal with an entity, you become more like them overtime.

Mercury: Yeah… you been okay with that?

Charon: To be frank? More than I should be but…

Charon: I feel calm..

Mercury: Yeah, can tell. Maybe a bit too much? You’re stabilized for now either way. No idea how long, wouldn’t count on it being forever but…

Charon: But enough time to get a gameplan going, yes?

Mercury: Mmhmm! Should talk with the other fiendish folks around here about it.

Charon: Others?

Mercury: Ah… you haven’t figured it out? I mean…

Charon: Esperanto?

Mercury: Mmhmm.

Charon: Makes sense. Something about our fight felt…. Too personal.

Mercury: You took losing pretty bad, no offense. Know you can be hard headed about that but you were full tilt from what I’ve heard.

Charon: Still sorry about that…

Mercury: Happens, no big deal right? Anyway, I think they're-

Manzana knocks on the doorway. Everyone turns their attention toward her.

Mercury: Oh, hey. Just wrapping up here.

Manzana: Actually… I think I have something I’d like to share. But… I’d like to keep it family only for now. Opera too just as a witness.

Manzana: Ran into some complications the night before this, meeting up with someone today about it.

Manzana: Wanted to do it in private but… I think someone else here would have a better clue on how to address it.

Charon: What do you mean?

Manzana: Zinnia…

Manzana: They’re around. Not too sure about them but… perhaps one of you can resolve this?

You look directly at Mercury.

Charon: Merc...

Mercury: You need to go, I get it. We'll get back to this later but...

Mercury: You do what you gotta do kid. Proud of all of ya'll who've grown up so strong.

Mercury: You're gonna do good out there.

Charon: Nothing less.

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