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[QUEST] 3?GP - Maelstrom Talk Radio
We may, get back to this part of the Maelstrom sometime, whether it be the places or people. But for now, I will leave you with the final pieces. It has been cut shorter than originally planned due to the arrival of new footage. Anyhow,
The Ranger successfully ferries all they rescued to where they wish to be. The shade of a dead memory, oddly, decides to stick with the ranger. The others take refuge at the nearby station for the moment, which successfully has remained safe. Though, the original trio had actually managed a solution that was unexpected. They managed to befriend the infestation and help the station find a healthy coexistence. The ranger itself continues its wandering.

All is well, for the most part. I will now move onto the main part of today's broadcast

Specifically, next up is a story that...will require viewer discretion. Please heed the attached content warnings. As another note, this is a story that's a peek beyond the Maelstrom.
Unfortunately there is no interactive portion. It is simply what it is.

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The title of this story, is ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW


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RE: [QUEST] 3?GP - Maelstrom Talk Radio - by Ignispark - 10-14-2022, 05:24 PM

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