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Masa con Papas: Proxy's Memory
[Image: Cyber_Crunch.png]
Opera: Hey so….

Manzana: What’s up?

Opera: Sorry about earlier, turbo protective of folks and you well…

Manzana: Bad first impression, I know.

Opera: Literally the only reason I didn’t bop you on the spot is because you looked so… guilty.

Opera: Makes me wonder why you did the act to begin with.

Manzana: I mean… real answer is my mom.

Opera: Need you to uh… explain that one?

Manzana: Long story, but gist is there’s a huge family feud between my mom and her sister. They have some decades old beef that I don’t see any end to.

Manzana: Well… besides one killing the other really.

Manzana: One of those.

Opera: Huh… think I heard someone back there talk about Erica. God I don’t know if I’d be ready to meet up with her..

Manzana: Any reason?

Opera: She’d be like, 70 or 80 now or something. When we met we were all time displaced teens and all that..

Manzana: Weird… can’t imagine her young. When you got that old time cowboy vibe it just… weird.

Opera: She’s literally always been a cowboy so…

Manzana: Did she grow up on a farm or…?

Opera: Don’t think so! Small town type but looking at her entire family? Might just be a personal interest.

Manzana: That.. hmm..

Mazana: Makes it less scary, honestly.

Opera: She could still skin you alive.

Manzana: We’ll see. Anyway…

Opera: Anyway…

Manzana: Anyone associated with her makes my mom flip her shit. Curated the hell out of my friends when I was learning under her, didn’t want any “bad influences''.” Working with Anyone tied to my aunt is asking to get stabbed on the streets.

Opera: Sounds intense.

Manzana: Used to it. So… what’s your deal? Not in the same line as business as the others I think.

Opera: Me? I just investigate all sorts of hauntings and curses across the country really. Back where I’m from there’s not really witches the same way you think of.

Manzana: Really? Must be pretty far out.

Opera: Mmhmm! Don’t like traveling alone but thankfully I got my little buddy with me.

Opera’s coat unfurls a little to reveal the head of a bat-like creature.

Manzana: A proxy?

Opera: Sorta? I mean guess yeah but… he’s different from what a lot of you folks have.

Manzana: No kidding, can get a lot out of just a look…

Manzana: He just been there the whole time?

Opera: Mmhmm! Rarely ever isn’t out.

Manzana: Doesn’t ever get tired?

Opera: Nope!

She stops to scratch behind the bat’s ears, causing it to crackle affectionately.

Opera:I mean has to sleep and all that but just always with me.

Opera: All you magic loving folks say he’s special and I gotta agree on that. Bit of a bastard but..

Manzana: Does he have a name?

Opera: Mmhmm, Paige Bailiff.

Manzana: Why Bailiff?

Opera: Mom used to put on a lot of daytime court stuff back home, always thought the word was funny as a kid.

Opera playfully presses her nose against the proxy’s. He sneezes in response.

Opera: He’s a sweetpea, always gonna be by my side.

Manzana: Cute….

You reach out to pet him, he pulls back, clearly less than comfortable with you..

Manzana: Ah…

Opera: He’s a bit shy, don’t push too much yet.

Manzana: Figured, never been good with animals.

Opera: Just gotta spend more time around them, they mellow out.  When we get back you two can get familiar with each other, maybe let you feed him treats.

Manzana: Mm..

Opera: What about uh… Platino? He uh… talked through you last night?

Manzana: He’s my proxy too, we share control of this body but lately I’ve gotten him a blank so he can do his own thing more. You’ll meet him properly at some point.

Opera: Excited! And uh.. I’m guessing that means we’re going to see more of you then?

Manzana: Maybe, we’ll see. Did promise to help but how much time I can give is a little tricky.

Opera: Busy with work?

Manzana: With everything really. Going to do my part in this but I have a lot of contracts to fulfill and can’t risk getting caught with any of you.

Opera: But… you’re walking to the convenience store just fine with me?

Manzana: Nobody recognizes me out of uniform.

Opera: Kinda doubt that, you uh…

Manzana: Mm?

Opera: You got like.. A lot? Like…

Manzana: Pick your next words wisely.

Opera: Like… you got big white hair…

Manzana: Tie it back after work.

Opera: You got those heart eyes? Those real? They’re really cute.

Manzana: Get asked both of those things plenty, answer’s yes.

Opera: That’s so cool though….

Manzana: …Right.

Opera: I’m guessing you’ve been exposed though. Hearts got that glow.

Manzana: Plenty, occupational hazard.

Opera: Charon says that a lot too…

Manzana: Bit of a running joke for folks like us. Without a little gallows humor you’d never get far.

Opera: Mm… I guess. Little bit poisoned myself but it’s pretty minor…

Manzana: For the best really..

Opera: Mm…

Opera: You can tell me if you need me to back off at any point also.

Manzana: You’re fine.

Opera: Wanted to get to know you a bit more but, I know it can get annoying.

Manzana: Treating it as a job interview, got every right to know about who you're working with.

Opera: Guess so.

Manzana: Plus it’s easier if it’s you,  no offense to everyone else but you’re the coolest person I’ve talked to so far.

Opera: Maybe, compared to who?

Manzana: Geezer.

Opera: I think he’s cool…

Manzana: He’s a dweeb, just a well dressed one. Charon’s nice but he gives me tryhard vibes. Platino likes him though and I figure I’ll be working with him on any equipment we’ll need for the heist.

Manzana: Seems to be a bit of a retrofitter though, self taught one too from the looks of it. Going to have to teach him to clean up his work. Got potential, listened to me ramble about soul packeting for a hour so that’s nice…

Opera: You two are nerds.

Manzana: Paid nerds, big difference.

Manzana: Mercury’s cool but she’s… hmm.

Opera: What?

Manzana: She’s got the energy of an aunt coming over for Christmas. You know the type. Nice but… eh. Sort of thing makes me nervous.

Opera: Mm..

Manzana: Not her fault.

Manzana: Rosario called me a bunny, I’m not a fan.

Opera: But… you are?

Manzana: No, it’s about the energy. I’m a rabbit. Bunny would be… I guess Platino maybe.

Opera: That really a thing?

Manzana: Mm. And Esperanto only showed up briefly but I don’t like their vibe. Reminds me too much of my mom in a bad way. Haven’t talked to Fenton yet soo…. congrats, you’re the coolest one here.

Opera: Do I win anything?

Manzana: Maybe. Let’s bring back juice and coffee like we promised and we can keep talking over that.

Opera: Yeah, I’m down. We can split the fee..

Manzana: I’m covering, that’s final. I shot your friend, I gotta make up that much.

Opera: Fair enough, I’m not great on cash right now anyway.

Manzana: Easy. And… appreciate you for hearing me out a bit. Think I actually needed that.

Opera: No prob, really help?

Manzana: Yeah… really did.

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