![[Image: 976984996931842078_Passinf_Assasssssss.png]](https://homebrewdeviants.com/static/discord_mirrors/976984996931842078_Passinf_Assasssssss.png)
Spiral: The restaurant might be worth checking out, figure if there’s people there someone could give us the gist of what’s going on, right?
![[Image: 964695206588989500_unknown.png]](https://homebrewdeviants.com/static/discord_mirrors/964695206588989500_unknown.png)
Steady: I mean yeah, in a place like this people tend to know everyone around. Least that’s what I’ve experienced anyway.
Steady: Normally I’d call it cozy but… dunno.
Steady: Vibe seems lonelier than usual. Anyway we’ll know soon enough right?
As the two of you approach the place, there’s a certain faded quality to everything that makes you strangely nostalgic.
The paint, the tables, the menus you can see through the glass doors…
You remember something.
Spiral: You know places like these are supposed to be pretty good right?
Steady: Yeah? You know the saying right? If a local place has stuck around this long-
![[Image: 965011401330540564_unknown.png]](https://homebrewdeviants.com/static/discord_mirrors/965011401330540564_unknown.png)
Spiral: Food’s gotta be worth something!
Steady: If we didn’t just eat I’d say we should vibe here…
Spiral: Maybe…
The two of you enter.
Fiddle is pacing around the front counter.
Steady: Yo! We caught up to you already!
![[Image: 965138975029338122_unknown.png]](https://homebrewdeviants.com/static/discord_mirrors/965138975029338122_unknown.png)
Fiddle: Mm, glad you managed to. Set up base here for now. Did a proper scan.
Steady: What’d you find?
Fiddle: Place is a massive dead zone, it’s possible to warp in but not warp out. Some kind of blocker.
Steady: Seriously?
Spiral: What should we do from here then?
Fiddle: I’d say look for a cause and bail. If we rescue our target this time, that’d be good too but…
Steady: But we can’t afford to risk all getting killed here.
![[Image: 966759857422204948_unknown.png]](https://homebrewdeviants.com/static/discord_mirrors/966759857422204948_unknown.png)
Fiddle: Something really wrong is happening, I don’t like it…
Steady: It’ll be okay. How far out’s the exit?
Fiddle: 6 miles. It’ll be a good walk if we want to bail.
Fiddle: Whoever’s sorting jobs really set people up for failure by ranking it so low.
Steady: Do we know if the blocker is natural?
Fiddle: Not sure…
Fiddle: I think we teleported in on some massive phenomenon.
![[Image: 964879566088851456_unknown.png]](https://homebrewdeviants.com/static/discord_mirrors/964879566088851456_unknown.png)
Steady: Shit dude…
Spiral: Are there any people around?
Fiddle: There’s an old man at the small house on the edge and a big place behind a gate.
Fiddle: Other than that… nothing.
Fiddle: I was told that nightfall is something to be wary of. Find shelter and all.
Spiral: It’s pretty late…..
Steady: Yeah, whatever move we make from here we gotta work fast. I got bad vibes….
Fiddle: We could station here. Could search for something better. There’s plenty of empty homes, a library, possibly the big gated place…
Fiddle: The old man might know more.
Fiddle: I don’t think we’ll escape in time if we were to flee… and I’d feel wrong not rescuing our ally.
Steady: We’re stocked up right? We could make a solid defense no matter how this goes…
Fiddle: Aye.
Steady looks directly at you.
![[Image: 964879946751287366_unknown.png]](https://homebrewdeviants.com/static/discord_mirrors/964879946751287366_unknown.png)
Steady: Sorry this first day’s already kind of a nightmare… We’ll make it out of here though. Promise.
Fiddle: Mm…
Steady: I wanna hear your input too also, we gotta work quick and all be on the same page.