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Masa con Papas: Proxy's Memory
The Magician: Reversed
CW: None
[Image: unknown.png]

Styx: Must’ve been quite exciting, meeting so much family so suddenly. 

Styx: If I recall, the day before this it was practically just you and your Grandmother, yes?

Charon: Mm… I have to say I didn’t anticipate you to be interrupting my memories like this.

Charon: But I really should’ve.

Styx: I’m surprised I’m still here. To be frank with you though, I myself may just be a memory as well. 

Charon: I’ll be honest, I’m getting really tired of the ambiguity.

Styx: I’ll phase out soon enough. I’ve sensed something of interest.

Charon: What would that be?

Styx: There’s a visitor probing you for info, looking for something more. 

Charon: Esperanto?

Styx: Likely, if that’s even their true name. Whatever method it’s using, I can detect others. 

Styx: They may not trust anyone.

Charon: Mm… 

Styx: We can’t converse too long or it’ll notice something’s off but… well…

Styx: Just keep dreaming as planned and you’ll likely make it through just fine. 

Charon: Planning to do some sleuthing?

Styx: Perhaps, I can’t afford to get caught however. 

Styx: If it knows I’m still here, it’ll erase me on the spot. 

Styx: So if things get messy, I will have to throw it your way. 

Charon: Mm… as always you ask someone else to fight for you.

Styx: In this case it’s your battle too… 

[Image: unknown.png]

Styx: They’re dipping into the memories of everyone else as well. They're looking for something more than just me or you…

Styx: Your friends are caught in this as well.

Charon: I’ll do what needs to be done if what you say is true.

Charon: This truce is temporary though, I want you out when we’re done here. 

Styx: Mm… perhaps. 

Charon: I’m evicting you.

[Image: unknown.png]

Styx: You’d toss a face like this into the street?

Charon: A face you stole. Nasty snake creature.

Styx: I’d say borrowed more than anything. 

Charon: When are you returning it? 

Styx: Hard to say, nobody to give it back to as far as I know. 

Styx: It’s been a long time. 

Charon: You have an answer for everything. 

Styx: And you always want the last word in.

Charon: With someone like you? I have to. 

Styx: Mm… you’re not wrong there. 

Styx: Also do have to state, never commented on it but.

Styx: I’m curious where you’ve got that accent. 

Styx: Do me a favor bruv, say aluminum. 

Charon: …. 

Styx: Silent suddenly? A shrink would have a field day with you I think. Didn’t think our time together would be so…

Styx: Formative? Is that the word?

Styx: I digress. Certainly not the youth from the woods I remember. 

Charon: If it works, it works. 

Styx: It’s a bit of a leap. 

Charon: Harder to get work when you’ve got a tinge of the country in your voice. Learned that the hard way… 

Styx: Unfair isn’t it? One too many soft consonants and your opportunities dwindle. 

Charon: Can’t say I like it. 

Styx: Mm… well that’s left me satisfied I think.

Styx: We’re pushing our luck, I’ll go and investigate. You just continue what you were doing for now.

Styx: When the time comes, I’ll call you over. 

Charon: I don’t like where this is going if I’m honest. 

Styx: You won’t! But you have little choice in the matter.

Styx: Anyway, good luck to you. Hopefully we’ll both make it out of here intact.

Charon: Can’t say I feel the same. 

Styx: Harsh but understandable…

Styx: See you soon.

Charon: Mm… 

CW: None
[Image: FCtDO3o.png]

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