Spiral: A knife would be a nice start, always handy in a pinch.
???: Good call, always handy to have a knife for utility. I’ll set you up with a standard multipurpose one.
???: Anyone who’s worth their salt knows how much you can get out of a thing, lot of experts here carry one.
Steady: Never needed one personally.
???: You’re a bit of a special case. Anyway.
???: Easy enough.
Spiral: Sounds good
Spiral: Also, do you have an arm cannon? Or like, a mountable gun?
???: Arm cannons we got a couple of options for.
???: The Facebreaker is a favorite for heavy duty jobs, functioning as both a melee tool and a “pill” launcher. The launcher works with a variety of custom made pills that are catered to preference. Piercing shots are popular, scramble rounds are good for slime based creatures and sludge rounds allow you to spray foes with a toxin that’s hell unpleasant to the senses to the point that folks will just faint.
???: There’s louder pill types but I wouldn’t hand them out unless someone’s proved responsible enough. No offense but I have nothing to gauge off of with a newcomer.
???: We also got the Junkshot, an arm cannon meant to slide onto a sensitive’s arm and focus shots of loaded scraps. They’re potentially decently powerful but it really comes down to how good you are with magic yourself. They also put a massive toll on scraps so you gotta be careful. Thankfully they have a limiter to prevent excess use without disabling.
???: As for mountable options, we have well… options!
Spiral: How many?
???: Uh… I can count I guess but-
Steady: You don’t gotta do that. It’s called an option. It’s a little buddy that hovers around to a person they’re linked to and fires on command. They can be built for other purposes but the gun options are well liked since they let you melee and fire at the same time.
Steady: They’re admittedly on the weaker end so they won’t take out tougher built foes in one shot but their suppression fire is godly.
Steady: They also can be used to safely shoot behind cover though they can’t take much abuse themselves.
???: Essentially a gun you puppeteer without having to hold it!
Spiral: Why are they called Options?
???: Because the witches in R&D are big nerds.
Spiral: That doesn’t really explain….
Steady: You’ll wanna get used to that. Options are a pretty good example of what comes from lost tech.
Spiral: Speaking of, you still good to show your wares?
Steady: Yeah! There’s some entry level stuff.
???: Mm, unfortunately I can’t give you everything but a taste is fair enough.
???: We got the Demiparry, a glove that posts your reaction speed enough to catch and throw back any attack. Requires a strong wielder to take full advantage and it only holds a few charges but it’s a life saver.
???: Will warn you, you’ll find yourself going through changes. Not always bad ones though but you’ll see the world way differently after moving that fast on a regular basis.
Steady: Personally love these dude, you gotta try them at some point.
???: The Common Cutter is a hatchet with the ability to rip into other worlds. Targets struck with it will link with alternate versions of themselves and temporarily transform into them. There’s a lot of room for creativity with it.
???: Striking foes to double the scan data or potentially weaken them by forcing them to work with a completely different body.
???: Striking yourself and potentially gaining new abilities at the moment.
???: Hitting things in the environment to shift their properties. It’s not the most reliable thing but for a risk taker it’s wonderful.
Steady: It’s pretty funny, turned a guy into an ant once.
Steady: The and was still the same size though so he kinda just broke my arm immediately after.
Steady: Anyway after a scan I am now as strong as nature’s greatest monster so it’s worth it.
???: We also got the Checkpoint. It’s a handy little dagger. Stab a spot, and you can warp to it anytime. Handy for combat, getting to high points, escaping, the works!
???: It’s the most straightforward of these I imagine but they’re absurdly popular with a lot of longtimers around here.
Steady: Yeah, saved my bacon plenty. If you’ve got good aim you can do pretty much anything with it honestly.
???: Will say, I can’t let you have all these options at once. It’d be a lot to carry and a lot of tools risked on the field. Between the cannons, the option, and the lost tech stuff I’m only allowing you to have three. Pick wisely.