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Crankshaft Memory [Crankshaft Rafflesian Rework}
[Image: unknown.png]
You are Lex.

You sulk over the counter waiting for the coffee machine to get its job done.

Pondering the machine.

The darkness that fuels your soul seems like an eternity away right now though..

You’re in a bit of a mood, you’re tired, you need that big shot of caffeine to help you wake up.

But maybe that’s not what you need right now.

You hear the metal clanking of footsteps, Dotty lumbering toward the fridge, reaching for some juice and taking her finger across the box to look for the expiration date.

…You’re pretty sure she can’t get sick from bad food though.

Lex: Morning.

Dotty: Morning. You look tired, okay?

Lex: I slept weird honestly..

Dotty: Bad weird?

Lex: Just.. weird. Had a dream that I’m still sort of struggling with.

Dotty: You can talk to me about it.

Lex: It’s kind of embarrassing but… not sure where to start.

Dotty: I’m all ears, anywhere.

Lex: Gist is I was in some sort of high school reunion. They had the seating called by name for the auditorium.. I was waiting with the rest of folks to hear my row and there were all sorts of familiar people there…

Lex: Wanted to talk to them so bad but you know.

Lex: Anyway my name gets called surprisingly early right? “ALEJANDRA LEON!” And like…

Lex: It’s weird because only my family calls me Alejandra. I look on stage and it’s my cousin who wasn’t even in the same year as me…

Lex: Then I just hear tons of people in the crowd go “LEX! OH MY GOD LEX!”

Lex: And it’s surprising because I thought they’d forget about me you know?

Lex: Like… I haven’t talked to anyone there since high school.

Lex: I dunno….

Dotty pulls you into a big hug.

Dotty: You miss them?

Lex: In a weird way? I guess I miss the time with them mostly but.. I dunno.

Lex: Even though I have this life now part of me just…

Lex: Hopes they think of me nicely from time to time.
Lex: I was kind of a mess back then, bit of a problem child you know?

Lex: But it’d be nice if they remembered me as something more..

Lex: They saw me and they lined up to hug me and there were so many questions..

Lex: “Where’ve you been? I thought you were dead! What happened? You look so different…”

Dotty: Different?

Lex: Back then I was kind of a goth. Residential vampire as they’d say. Now I’m just…

Dotty: Sweet? Pretty?

Lex: Oh my god…

Dotty: Hehe…

Lex: Tired and gay really but I appreciate that… look like a stoner.

Lex: Those three things overlap a little though.

Dotty: I was gonna say, same thing really.

Lex: I like the idea that people remember me in a good way you know?

Lex: Feel like people were constantly worried about me back then.

Dotty: Think if you met up with them again they’d be happy to see you’re doing good.

Lex: I hope so.. Is that selfish?

Dotty: I don’t think so.

Lex: Guess I just wanna be someone who made a difference in someone’s life you know? Even if small. Enough that I’m not just that weird kid from back then.. I dunno.

Lex: Maybe not though, I was kind of a real jackass at times but…

Dotty: I mean even then I think everyone you have around you now feels  pretty good about you.

Dotty: You’re the world and more to me after all…

Lex: Aww…

Dotty: I’m serious!

Lex: Mm.. anyway if I’m in a funk today now you know, yeah?

Dotty: I’ll get you out of it.

Lex: Yeah?

Dotty: Always…

Lex: You’re too good sometimes you know? Like… couldn’t have asked for anyone better.

Dotty: Yeah well, same really. The best..

Dotty: The best. I think your coffee is ready also, been ready for a bit.

You look over, the machine has stopped its hissing and all that’s left is steaming dark fluid.

Lex: Not sure if I really need it honestly…

Dotty: We’re going over to visit some friends today, no? You probably should.

Lex: Guess you’re right. Gonna be good for that today?

Dotty: Course, you?

Lex: Honestly I could use it right now.

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RE: Crankshaft Memory [Crankshaft Rafflesian Rework} - by ThreadLurkingComorant - 03-29-2022, 05:24 PM

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