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[SIDESTORY] Morbit Oneshots (18+)
A Cabinbound Respite- 2022
Ringor Mortis + B. Comorant, Punch Clock Animal/General Morbit
CW: Suggestive content, discussion of brainwashing/sexual abuse/physical abuse, depictions of ritual abuse 

A dream is shared.

A hybrid stands in the center of a clearing, glancing around at the trees surrounding them and trying to figure out where the light was coming from- what visible sky dark as pitch. They’re dressed primly, in a clean, white, buttoned-up dress and blue slacks- adorned with a large, matching blue ribbon on their chest. Their tail forms a sort of flattened double helix shape, and horns stick out on their skull.

They don't seem too bothered by their new situation, but don't seem comfortable either. 

????: not the catacombs.
The road ahead gives some indicator on where to start, but something about the tension in the air makes the idea of standing around in one spot too long unappealing. The surrounding shadows and how they seemingly absorb anything past what’s lit aren't very encouraging of straying off either…

The hybrid starts moving down the path, keeping an eye on their surroundings. 

????: We'll just have to see, I suppose.
There’s something almost theatrical to the entire thing, like the world's largest stage more than a true forest. Still, it didn't seem like a place to mess around.

They risk calling out.

????: ...Is there anyone out there? 
There’s a long silence before the slightest voice in the distance could be heard.

????: ...what? 
They keep walking, picking up the pace as they raise their voice. 

???? (1): Who's there?
???? (2): Do I know you?
???? (1): I can't tell, you're too far away. Come closer.

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The silhouette of a familiar canine knight comes into view from a distance, light reflecting off a metal mesh of an outfit, covered in scratches, arrows, and broken metal.

????: ...ah. It's you. Strange.
BUCKET: Is it really? 
BUCKET: Actually, do I know you? 
BUCKET: There's something familiar...
????: You don't know me, but I know you. 
????: I'd say it's a pleasure to meet you, but I'll be honest, I was never planning on making myself known.
BUCKET: What do you mean?

The corner of their mouth twitches into a brief smile. 

????: You can call me Lina.
Bucket holds out a hand immediately. 

BUCKET: Judgment... though if you really do know me perhaps such formality isn't needed? 
BUCKET: Something about you does feel quite familiar…

They take it, giving them a firm handshake. 

LINA: We've only crossed paths in person once or twice, but they were brief slivers of time, and you never seemed to notice me. 
LINA: I don't hold it against you of course- I am very stealthy when I want to be.
BUCKET: Mm... I also get the sense that you aren't just a figment of my dreams.
LINA: It appears not, which...I don't have any explanation there. 
LINA: The last time this happened, I wasn't involved.
BUCKET: Last time?
LINA: Mm. With Bazil, and Derry.
BUCKET: Then you are... like them?
LINA: Yes, I'm a part of that whole bunch. 
LINA: As I said, I wasn't planning on making myself known. 
LINA: Congratulations- you're the first person outside of our circle to know me as me.
BUCKET: Mm... I am curious why you hide yourself moreso than the rest.
LINA: I have my reasons.
BUCKET: Are they secret?
LINA: To the rest of my circle, yes. To you, we'll see.
BUCKET: That's ominous.
LINA: Not intentionally, though I've been told my bluntness can come off like that. 

They let their gaze wander to the trees around them, and Bucket themself. 

LINA: I'm guessing it isn't safe to just sit and talk here, though.
BUCKET: No, we should find shelter before something tracks us...
LINA: Lead the way, I'm not about to get lost in someone else's head.
BUCKET: Nothing can really hurt you in here, no?
LINA: I wouldn't know. 
LINA: Things can hurt me in our head.
BUCKET: That sounds terrifying... but I'll keep you safe.

The tiniest bit of blush crosses Lina’s cheeks. 

LINA: I can handle myself, but...cooperating sounds like our best move.
The dog offers a hand with a smile, having absolutely noticed their response. 

BUCKET: Between the two of us we'll be fine, though I'd rather not have an encounter at all. 
BUCKET: Shall we, then?

Lina looks down at their hand and hesitates for just a moment before taking it. 

LINA: I can't say I expected you to greet me with such hospitality, though I suppose that's silly of me.
BUCKET: You deserve it just as much as anyone, and well.. if you're like the others I'd want to offer you the same.
LINA: Like the others in what way?
BUCKET: Part of the same body, I suppose? 
BUCKET: I can't imagine you're having any better of a time with Spit, you're welcome to downtime during visits like the others.
LINA: Mm...I avoid Spit as much as I can. 
LINA: The main reason for my stealth is wanting to leave that kind of life behind, as cowardly as it may be to just have others deal with it.
BUCKET: I absolutely understand where you're coming from there. 
BUCKET: I'm not much better, I don't think... Rein's been pestering me about how frequently I've been out of the house and trying to put me on more brutal jobs lately. 
BUCKET: Seems to assume that working me nearly to death will keep me indoors.

Lina’s mouth pulls into a thin grimace. 

LINA: I can't say that I like the sound of Rein very much from what I know about it.
BUCKET: I hate it, despise it to the very core really.. and the worst part is It's so disgustingly controlling that I can't have so much as that. 
BUCKET: Anytime I enter a room with it that fury just... softens. 
BUCKET: Sometimes it just looks at me and it's all gone, even the opposite at times. It's unnatural. 
LINA: Ugh. 

They can't keep disgust out of their voice, practically spitting it out. 

LINA: People who abuse power like that deserve to be cut down without a second thought. 
LINA: Absolutely revolting.
BUCKET: Mm... I know it's doing something at this point, I cannot pin it down though.
LINA: Spit has a similar ability, works far differently. 
LINA: I've managed to avoid it getting used on me, but...
BUCKET: A similar ability?
LINA: She can use her voice to manipulate a person, namely their impulses and emotions.
BUCKET: She can do that? Horrid...
LINA: Mm, she uses it to make people..."give in" to their desires and vices, no matter what they are- an intrusive thought can become a reality in a second, even if it's harming yourself or others, or something you've been trying to fight.
BUCKET: It's not quite like that for me. 
BUCKET: With Rein I just... lose any hint of defiance suddenly, become docile and unable to speak up for myself. 
BUCKET: Sometimes it manages to warp things enough that I almost enjoy being around it... it's made a habit of using such means to push this royal family-esque image.... lately it's been worse and the effects linger. 
BUCKET: I start having thoughts of submitting to the role it wishes for me to have... it scares me.
LINA: ...I can see why the others who know you want to take you out of this. 

They give Bucket’s hand a squeeze. 

LINA: Do you have something to hold onto?
BUCKET: What do you mean?
LINA: Something to keep you from falling into that abyss.
BUCKET: The abyss?

Lina pauses to choose their words carefully, wanting to convey this as best as they could.

LINA: Wherever Rein's trying to take you mentally. 
LINA: My best guess is that it wants to make you completely subservient to what are you going to hang onto to resist that?
BUCKET: I... I don't really know. 
BUCKET: It's become much harder. 
BUCKET: I've had multiple opportunities to strike it down but everytime I consider I'm struck with this guilt that I know is not my own.
LINA: What about Chelsea, and the others? 
LINA: You could try making thoughts about them your anchor.
BUCKET: Mmm.. They mean a lot to me...
LINA: Then try to hang onto that. To them.
BUCKET: Perhaps you could be one of those too? 
BUCKET: I would like to get to know you.
LINA: That's rather forward.
BUCKET: I mean…
LINA: I didn't say no.

Their mouth does the twitchy smile again, Bucket blushing in return.

LINA: may be setting yourself up for disappointment.
BUCKET: What do you mean?
LINA: I don't come out unless I'm forced to, and you already have limited time with us. I wouldn't want to take away from time with the others.
BUCKET: Even if our time is limited, I think the quality of it matters more.
LINA: I don't know if I can provide that either, though. 
LINA: While I'm one of the few people here who have had relationships in the past, they were all casual flings bar one.
LINA: I don't know if I'm all that good at commitment...
BUCKET: It doesn't have to be anything specific, I would not force you into a relationship you wouldn't be comfortable with.
LINA: Then perhaps we'll see how things play out, mm? 

They look around the path, seemingly just as forested as before. 

LINA: Are you sure you know where you're going?
BUCKET: Mm... these are my woods, so to speak.
LINA: Then I hope we'll get to shelter soon, these kinds of spaces tend to set off my nerves...
BUCKET: Not a big fan of dark menacing forests?
LINA:  Grew up near one. 
LINA: I can get around them fine, but it's never fun to revisit.
BUCKET: Ah. Bad memories.
LINA: I'm one of the few that has them, so...yes.
BUCKET: Are there any others besides the four of you, by chance? 
BUCKET: I don't think I ever was given a number.
LINA: There are... 

They pause, counting in their head. 

LINA: Nine. 
LINA: That we know of, including the four you know.
BUCKET: Who are the other five?
LINA: Harvey, Pheles, Amber, Strawberry and Fly. 
LINA: Those are their names.
BUCKET: Many, but I hope to get to know everyone eventually.
LINA: Are you sure about that? 
LINA: You may not like what you find.
BUCKET: What do you mean?
LINA: I know that there are some that would be hostile towards you. 
LINA: Well...two, in any case. 

They grimace. 

LINA: Strawberry and Fly are...not people I'd recommend meeting by choice.
BUCKET: With a bit of work and charm I think I could earn their approval.
LINA: Well...charm may do it, but don't expect to have an easy time of it.
BUCKET: I'm sure they just need a bit of time to warm up.
LINA: Maybe... 

The hybrid looks unconvinced. 

LINA: They like to push people's buttons, is the thing.
BUCKET: I think I'd win.
LINA: I'm the only person they can't knock down, if you'd like some tips.
BUCKET: I'll have to ask when the time comes.
LINA: Not wanting to pre-emptively plan?
BUCKET: Depends, are they as cute as everyone else so far?

That actually got a snicker out of Lina. 

LINA: Forward, again.
BUCKET: Is it working? 

There’s a slight smirk on Bucket’s face, half pleased with themself and half hiding excitement.

LINA: Perhaps a little, but I can't say that I'm too keen on flirting in the middle of the woods. 
LINA: Had enough of that as a teenager.
BUCKET: Mm... save the rest for once we're safe? 
BUCKET: Almost there I think....
LINA: That sounds best, though I'm curious as to what you think "the rest" entails.
BUCKET: Depends how you feel, really.
LINA: I want to learn more about you first. 
LINA: Such as...why this forest?
BUCKET: Grew up in the woods with my mother, cabin somewhere near a small town in Wonder.  
BUCKET: Place is somewhat of a base for the entire family, many of us are knights. 
BUCKET: Have many cousins but a large majority are off continent or not working as part of the family business. 
LINA: I was an only child myself- a blessing, really. 
LINA: Having siblings in Consumption can turn ugly under the wrong parentage.
BUCKET: No siblings myself but quite a revolving door of relatives... I think I see a spot. 

The dog points out a small little cabin, unnaturally cozy looking against the otherwise menacing trees and darkness.

LINA: Hm. Is that somewhere specific?
BUCKET: No, but places like these are usually shelter here.. and frankly we may want to stay for the night soon, it gets worse around this time.
LINA: How can you tell any time here? 

The two of them approach the cabin, albeit a bit cautiously on Lina’s end.

BUCKET: Darkness gets closer to the path. 
BUCKET: It's on the verge of tickling it right now. 
BUCKET: Main havens are cabins, the central hub, and the railroad.

The dog goes ahead and gives it a look around. 
[Image: vday2.png]
BUCKET: This should be good, lock the door behind you.
They don't hesitate to do so, stretching out after. While it wasn't immediately apparent on first glance, there’s the faintest hint of muscle under what fur of theirs is visible- far different from Chelsea or Derry. Bucket can’t help but blush just a little thinking about it. 

BUCKET: Seems to be bedding and enough stock to make it through the night. 
BUCKET: Make yourself at home.

They stride over to the living room area and take a seat in one of the armchairs, crossing their legs and leaning back. 

LINA: Are you coming over to have a talk with me, or-?
The dog flops onto the couch after shedding their armor and setting it to the side. 

BUCKET: Mm. So where were we? 
LINA: You were being very forward about your interest in me.
BUCKET: Is that good or bad in your case?
LINA: I haven't decided yet. 

They lean onto one arm, their gaze evenly settling on the dog. 

LINA: Getting into something could be bad for me.
BUCKET: I hope I'm worth taking a chance then.
LINA: I've spent a long time not engaging with the outside world, Bucket. Decades. does get lonely.
BUCKET: I'd be honored if you took those first steps with me.
LINA: I do wonder why you jumped so fast into flirting with me, though. 
LINA: While I'm more of the casual type in my past experiences, you always struck me as more committed when I saw you from afar. 
LINA: And you are, trying to get my affection.
BUCKET: ...Would the others be bothered? 
BUCKET: I've been exploring certain things ever since meeting Derry and Bazil but I suppose I should ask them first...
LINA: You already have relationships with them, don't you? 

They raise a brow. 

LINA: Surely there must have been a conversation about it.
BUCKET: I didn't know there were more than the other three but... I do want to be on good terms with everyone if we're going to be something...
LINA: Interesting. 
LINA: We have had conversations about it as a group, though I expected you to be privy to that. 
LINA: As far as what I'm allowed to do...I was pretty much passed over in the discussion, seeing as I don't come out. 
LINA: Chelsea did say that if it was what people wanted, they could pursue it, though...
BUCKET: I'm curious about how those discussions went now..
LINA: What would you give me if I told you?
BUCKET: What could I offer you?
LINA: I want to see what you come up with. 
LINA: Surprise me.
BUCKET: I will feed you.
LINA: ...feed me what?
LINA: What...kind of food?
BUCKET: There's a good selection of places in town, in the waking world? 
BUCKET: I'm certain the others can vouch.
LINA: So you external date?
BUCKET: It could be.
LINA: That's a lot to offer me.
BUCKET: You don't have to of course, it'd be nice just to go as friends as well.
LINA: I'm interested. 
LINA: I may be...significantly more awkward, though.
BUCKET: Why's that?
LINA: I haven't been on a date in 50 years, Bucket.
BUCKET: Your point?
LINA: I'm out of practice!
BUCKET: There's not really a way to practice, is there?
LINA:, admittedly. I suppose I'm mixed on the amount of confidence I have towards this.
BUCKET: Mixed in what way?
LINA: On the one hand, I haven't done this in decades. 
LINA: I'm out of the loop on what people even do these days. 
LINA: On the other...I have full confidence that I could make you melt, if I found the right buttons to push.
BUCKET: Daring words.
LINA: Provided I can get back into the swing of things, they're ones I can back up.
BUCKET: And what buttons are we working with here? 
BUCKET: Certainly you've gauged a starting point?
LINA: I've noticed that you're attracted to me, for one. 
LINA: What is it? 
LINA: The horns? 
LINA: The muscles?
BUCKET: You'll have to fish for information I do think.
LINA: Don't think I didn't notice you eyeing me on the way in. 
LINA: I bet you're the type that likes a bit of strength sometimes.
BUCKET: Perhaps I do have an appreciation for it.
LINA: What if I told you I was even stronger than I look?
BUCKET: Do continue.
LINA: For whatever reason, our group seems to take forms based on existing species in our big, wide world. 
LINA: Mostly Taverne, but...for me, I seem to be part de'moneres. 
LINA: Are you familiar?
BUCKET: Mm, my mother had a few jobs in Monte that always seemed to fall through.
LINA: As a result, my form here is extremely hard to damage, and stronger than basically any other person in our group.
BUCKET: Incredibly durable on the outside.
LINA: Interesting choice of words- on the outside.
BUCKET: Everything's squishy on the inside.
LINA: A fair point...though if you want to see my soft side, you're going to have to draw it out.
BUCKET: I can make that happen.
LINA: Try me.
BUCKET: You can't rush me, there's a dance to this!
LINA: Fair enough...I suppose I'm impatient, considering we don't know how much time we have here together.
BUCKET: A challenge then... but one I can certainly crack.
LINA: Do your worst.

The dog swoops in and lifts the hybrid right off their seat, getting a surprised squeak. Embarrassed by the noise, Lina does their best to regain their composure.

LINA: …Th-that's more like it.
BUCKET: I can't imagine anyone else in here can do this.
LINA: I'm not interested in most of them like that, even if they could.
BUCKET: Is anyone close like that actually? 
BUCKET: I do not know how this works entirely.

Bucket sits back on the couch, still holding Lina close. 
LINA: Close like how? 
LINA: As in, in a relationship? 

[Image: vday3.png]
They dare to wrap their arms around the dog's neck. Bucket presses their nose into the hybrid’s shoulder, nuzzling up there.  

BUCKET: Mm.. I read that it sometimes happens in cases like yours.
LINA:, none of us are in relationships with each other. 
LINA: We're much too crabby and uncooperative for that. 
LINA: I can't deny that I wouldn't mind more time with Chelsea, but it's not well advised for us to spend time together.
BUCKET: Talk to me about that.
LINA: Are you sure? It's not very mood setting.
BUCKET: The others are allowed to talk about their feelings, it's only fair, no?
LINA: I suppose I just think we would get along, but I know things she shouldn't have to know, and I worry that even just being around me would dredge that up.
BUCKET: Would it really be that bad if she knew?
LINA: She doesn't remember practically anything from our childhood, and there's a reason why none of the people who do know things share it with her willingly. 
LINA: Remembering is...traumatic in and of itself, honestly- or at least it feels that way.
BUCKET: Does it hurt?
LINA: ...horribly so.
BUCKET: Perhaps a bit of my magic could help you?
BUCKET: In this space my healing is much more stable. 
BUCKET: I could ease some of it, even if temporary.
LINA: Doesn't it...backfire on you?
BUCKET: Normally but... no material world, no physical toll.
LINA: And what about mentally?
BUCKET: Easier than usual, still.
LINA: I suppose it's worth a shot...
BUCKET: Would you like that then?
LINA: Go ahead.

Bucket offers them their hand, and Lina takes it, getting comfortable in their embrace.

BUCKET: You look cozy...
LINA: As much as I can be for this... 

They squeeze Bucket's hand, slightly shaky... The dog takes it as a sign to go ahead, a glow connecting them and filling in any kind of mental tears, trying to ease pain both emotional and physical. 

Lina grits their teeth a bit as the memories wash over them, the first real solid show of vulnerability so far. As Bucket concentrates, overlapping feelings and voices flood into them, mixed with sporadic spikes of intense pain. The dog does their best to grin through it. 

BUCKET: It's okay, just going to do a little...
Flashes of being held, only for it to give way to hurt- Lina curls up slightly in their arms at that, shoving their face into Bucket's neck. Bucket gives them a tight squeeze, holding the shaking hybrid close. 

BUCKET: Do you need me to stop?
LINA: No, it' feels a little better... 

They sound far less confident now, but in a way that feels...earnest.

BUCKET: Are you certain? I'm almost done but...
LINA: Just keep holding me...

Bucket goes for another comforting nuzzle. One flicker of memory stands out particularly strongly as Lina returns it, a slight whimper coming out of her mouth as it plays out.

Emily, Emily, you're going to be okay, we're going to be fi-
A strangled gurgle punctuates the memory, Lina letting out a low, pained sigh. 

LINA: It does feel a bit better now, I just...wish you didn't have to see it...
BUCKET: I'll be fine, your secrets are safe and I can tank it as much as I have to...
LINA: You promise you won't tell Chelsea any of it? 
LINA: I don't know how much you actually got, but...
BUCKET: I wouldn't know how to describe a lot of it if I wanted to.
LINA: Guessing it comes across strangely, then... 

They keep their face close to the dog's, not wanting to draw away yet. 
LINA: ...Bazil and Chelsea have said that the effects are wholly soothing towards the one being healed, but I imagine trying to heal one's mental pain inherently means drawing out the memories of the person in question.
BUCKET: It can vary and be complicated... it's also not really a guaranteed long term fix, but can lighten the emotional toll.
LINA: It does feel somewhat easier to think about, less spikes of pain when I remember- but I do wonder how much of that is just...the act of being known, held, felt.
LINA: I've been alone for a long time…

The vulnerability creeps back into their voice, making them sound almost...soft.

BUCKET: I'd like to change that, if you would allow it.
LINA: I don't know if I can resist it at this point, not when I'm actually in someone's arms again like this. 
LINA: There's just...
LINA: I know you can't be by our side.
BUCKET: Why not?
LINA: You work for Rein. 
LINA: We work for Spit. 
LINA: The second that they find out about this...
BUCKET: Then they'll never find out.
LINA: You can't guarantee that...
BUCKET: I know, but I rather have something to cling to than nothing.
LINA: I suppose we're different in that respect, then...
BUCKET: If it does come down to us being found, we'll escape together.
LINA: They'd chase us until we're dead.
BUCKET: Then they'll hunt forever.
LINA: You're willing to accept that?
LINA: ...I don't want to have someone die for me again.
BUCKET: ...Again?
LINA: You saw as much, in the memories.
BUCKET: Who was that?
LINA: The one person I ever got serious with. 
LINA: They...were killed during Spit's ritual. 

They do that twitchy smile again, but this time, all grim. 

LINA: Everything we've ever been given, she's taken away in some form.
BUCKET: Upsets me how useless I've been when it comes to being able to take her on...
LINA: It's not like we're any better with Rein.
BUCKET: No.. at least I'd have some chance there.
LINA: If you really think we can survive through this...and you really, really believe it...I can try.
BUCKET: I'll do whatever it takes.
LINA: Okay…

Their voice grows quiet. 

LINA: I'll try.
BUCKET: I won't let things end on a sour note for us.

Lina's quiet for a moment.

LINA: ...may I ask you for something?
BUCKET: Of course.
LINA: May I kiss you?
BUCKET: Please do.

Lina leans in, trying to start gently- Bucket returning the kiss just as light. After a moment the two of them pull away, looking into each other’s eyes.

LINA: I'm surprised I was able to keep it that chaste, but...I don't know your pace.
BUCKET: We just met so... I wanted to play it safe.
LINA: Looks like we're both being cautious, then.

They trace a claw along the dog's cheek. 

LINA: Do you want to change that?
BUCKET: As long as you're sure...
LINA: I think I want to try.
BUCKET: Then we'll give this our best, I want all of us to have something nice to hold onto.
LINA: Hold me, then. 
LINA: For as long as we have.

Lina leans in for another kiss, losing themself in the warmth of the dog's embrace. 

Everything seemed to melt into a soft haze, the cabin feeling like...home.

Despite the dark outside and the waking world ahead, nothing else really mattered.
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RE: [SIDESTORY] Morbit Oneshots (18+) - by skinstealer - 02-14-2022, 08:12 AM

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