01-18-2022, 11:11 PM
You shuffle over and attempt to give Cayden a hug, missing on your first try.
SEE: Fuck
CAYDEN: Oh uh-
CAYDEN: Okay sure yeah.
CAYDEN: Don't worry about it.
You try to say something but all that comes out is a weird noise your mind tells you is "crying", and all you can do is hold onto the much larger gamer.
CAYDEN: Uh... there, there?
Cayden gently pats you on the head.
SEE: D-do you want, like...
SEE: Can I give you some chocolate?
SEE: L-like, the weed chocolate now, you gamers like weed-
SEE: You're so good to me and I-
You are really struggling here.
ROXAS: Yeah I mean
ROXAS: We'll deffo take any weed chocolate you want to give us
CAYDEN: Yeah but like, only a little.
CAYDEN: You gotta be careful giving that stuff away.
CAYDEN: It's like, you, you know?
SEE: Yeah...
Something hits you.
SEE: If, like...
SEE: I break off every part of my body, and it regenerates...
SEE: Am I the same TCP I spawned as?
SEE: Like, you said it's me, but is it me-
ROXAS: Whoa dude....
ROXAS: That's wild....
Samson pipes up from the other side of the room.
SAMSON: I think that happens to most species actually.
SAMSON: They're made of these little things called cells that swap out every once in a while.
SAMSON: Every few years all the cells will have swapped out.
SAMSON: But they don't talk about it a lot so it probably doesn't matter much to them.
SEE: No, no, like-
SEE: People would be talking about it if they knew how big of a deal this is...
SEE: It's...it's gotta be a new theory.
SEE: I'll call it...
SEE: Uh....
The gamers wait patiently for you to get your thoughts together.
SEE: The...the big...
SEE: B...bazingo theory.
SEE: It's huge, so, it's gotta be big.
SEE: Bazingo because...bazingo.
Roxas nods slowly.
ROXAS: Bazingo....
ROXAS: I like it
ROXAS: There's something very intelligent and... gamer about it.
ROXAS: But I can't put my finger on it
SEE: Yeah...does this mean I'm a gamer now?
SEE: Am I, like, part of the gamer squad?
You see the TCPs in front of you shift nervously as Samson speaks up again.
SAMSON: While you may be a gamer, you are not one of us.
SAMSON: We can help eachother out, sure.
SAMSON: But you are not
SAMSON: One of our squad.
SEE: ...oh.