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Knux's TCPdex RP Pile
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
[Image: 631085478266798080_20191007_183228.png]
FORCEPS- God of Thought and Logic
Motifs: Cubes
Zone: Unidentified Ocean Region
Pronouns: Any (It doesn't care)

Forceps is a being made entirely of black and white cubes- 18, to be exact. Each cube has an outer shell, as well as a transparent window on each side, allowing the inner fluid to be seen. The fluid completely fills the cube, though, so from a distance it gives the illusion of being a solid color. Forceps has two types of cubes, although the difference between them seems to be purely cosmetic- it has 9 black cubes with white fluid, and 9 white cubes with black fluid. It likes to keep an even one-to-one ratio of white to black cubes, although this isn't always possible. Forceps does not speak in the traditional sense, instead beaming words directly into others' minds. This usually gives it the same voice as whoever it's talking to, since most people tend to read text in their own voice. If one concentrates enough, they can change the voice to whatever they like.

Each cube is about two feet on each side and weighs about as much as a hollow wooden crate of the same size. The outer shell of each cube is smooth and glasslike in texture, and seems to have an unnatural lack of friction- like ice that isn't wet. It also has a very slight pearlescent tint to it, giving it the slightest shimmer of color. The inner fluid is much like a standard TCP's fluid- thick and gooey, like molasses. Forceps can rearrange the 18 cubes that make up its body in any way it chooses, although each cube must remain within a distance of about 10 feet with another active cube. These cubes can also float, allowing Forceps to break apart and shift into a variety of different shapes. The form it takes most often is a simple 2-by-3-by-3 block, but it has also been known to take a more pillarlike form, allow cubes to orbit around it, or even lose all form and become a whirling tornado of cubes when agitated.

Forceps only needs one cube to live, but each destroyed cube further inhibits its ability to think. With only one cube, it can barely speak simple sentences, and cannot form complex thoughts. It can, however, create new cubes at any time- although the more cubes it already has, the more difficult this process becomes. It has yet to have any more than 18 cubes active at once, although it does attempt a 19th from time to time. Its theory is that it's currently limited by the amount of power it has as a god, and that it will be able to sustain more cubes if it gets more power. Each cube beyond the first seems to increase Forceps' overall intelligence and reasoning.

Forceps itself resides in an underwater cavern- it does not seem to need to breathe air like most gods do. Forceps has a large number of bird-like drones known as Proxies that it can use to observe and interact with the world remotely. It is rare to see Forceps itself venture outside its cavern, although it will visit close friends or important events in person. Most of the time, Proxies are on a sort of autopilot- roaming the skies and searching for any unusual activity. However, Forceps can choose to take full control of a Proxy at any given time, and speak through a speaker in its beak. The wings of Proxies double as shred nets, taking in stray shreds as they fly through the air.

Forceps strives to make itself and the world around it a better place, but is not always successful in doing so. Occasionally Forceps won't know what to do in a certain situation, or it will end up making things worse. It always seeks to improve, however, and takes care to learn from its mistakes. Its current project is to create a housing network for those in need, as well as a quick method of travel should anyone need it. It has built a number of apartment complexes throughout Taverne and the surrounding area, all connected via a series of underwater/underground tunnels, which also connect to Forceps' own residence.
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
[Image: 1xufiAk.png]
PETRA- Knight Type
Ability: Generates a passive aura that inspires others to be heroic
Zone: Varies

"I generally don't unpack my bag, ever. I know I'm going to be heading someplace new the next day."

Petra is quiet but inquisitive, and enjoys exploring more than anything. She is most comfortable with a singular companion or by herself, but has trouble in groups, especially large groups. She typically maintains a calm and composed personality, but she does accidentally reveal a more fun-loving nature from time to time. Petra is currently working with Forceps as a researcher for the TCPdex. She enjoys her job, and more often than not her letters reveal her enthusiasm about her new life.

  • Crimson tunic w/ no arms, the top edges are kept tucked under her shoulderplates
  • Tough-looking brown boots
  • Traditional knight's shield (she used to have a mace to go with it, but she likes using the shield by itself more)
  • A jar of polish and a few pieces of cloth
  • A diary detailing the places she's been- it's mostly empty
  • A laptop with a large external antenna and an extension cord to connect the two
  • A traditional brown rucksack

  • Scrap-detecting sword
  • Pirate costume
Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]
[Image: t2lfm2I.png]
BRISK- Lizard Type (Dimensional Anomaly)
Ability: Generates a passive aura that influences others around them to relax in the sun or another nearby source of heat.
Zone: Precipice

"Some people like to make conversation, and that's fine. I'd rather stay quiet and listen."

Brisk is calm and quiet, and will usually not speak unless spoken to. Some mistakenly attribute this to shyness, but really Brisk just doesn't feel like he has anything important to contribute most of the time. He's content to let others control the conversation, answering any questions people ask or throwing in a stray comment here and there. Although his claims are yet to be verified, Brisk firmly believes he is from an era before TCPs ever existed.

  • Blue robes w/ gear patterns
  • A small knife- the handle is extremely old and the blade seems to have been replaced at least once
  • A flint and tinder set
  • A length of bandages with a black fluid stain on it
  • A handheld phone with the batteries removed (Brisk doesn't like technology very much)
  • A black satchel


Artificial lifeform/mechanical construct on a mission to obtain every armor type TCP and also maybe make cool stuff along the way

If you call me a bionicle you are correct


[Image: WOxKePR.png] [Image: DGVV5eJ.png]

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