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This is a worldbuilding thread! Here you can have discussion on the worldbuilding elements presented, and offer suggestions/ideas for developing them- thus directly contributing to the world of Morbit! Anything is fair game so long as it follows the restrictions (if any are listed). This main posts will be updated as we go, allowing for people to always have an up to date resource on this element.

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[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]


What are they?
  • Parts of the soul
  • Can come from any living thing
  • Plants are included in this, though their scraps are a lot more passive than fauna/people
  • Shed off naturally as a result of significant changes/events in someone’s life
  • This includes trauma, positive life changes, loss of a limb/organ, birth of a loved one, death of a loved one, relationships stopping/starting, growing up, epiphanies, etc. If it makes a significant impact on a person, no matter how big or small it is in the long run, it’ll leave a scrap.
  • Significance of an event is completely relative to a person- everyone sheds scraps, no matter how simple their life may seem
  • Scraps can develop over time before shedding, often at a point of realization or closure.
  • Upon death, scraps are released- some free floating, others mounted to the body in question (if there is one).
  • Scraps contain memories, emotions, and energy.
  • Shedding a scrap does not take the memory, emotions, and/or energy away from their source- barring an extremely, extremely rare condition that inevitably ends in the person developing into a husk.
  • Hospitals, schools, and graveyards are examples of naturally scrap-heavy areas. 
  • Commonly referred to as scraps, leftovers, or parts of the soul.
  • Similar scraps can cluster together, combining their contents to make a larger, more powerful scrap
  • Scraps contain memories relating to the event that shed them
  • Clarity of memories depends on how important the memory was to the person who shed them
  • In the case of cluster scraps, memories can get mixed up or played in sequence
  • Scrap users can pull from the memories within a scrap to do magic- for instance, turning a scrap from a violent attack into the weapon in the memory.
  • Memories can be skipped around/played back by a user viewing them 
  • Scraps contain emotions relating to the event that shed them
  • The intensity of the emotions corresponds to how powerful magic pulling from it will be
  • The ideal use for a scrap corresponds to the emotions within- such as anger or protectiveness leading to an ideal weapon scrap, or happiness as a guiding/soothing scrap. 
  • Scraps can be used for purposes outside of their ideal, but it may not have favorable results.
  • Scrap users may be caught off guard while examining the contents of scraps, as the emotions within are directly sensed by the scrap user themself. 
  • Scraps contain energy, the amount relating to the intensity of the event that shed them 
  • Energy can be pulled from the scrap, and restores after a period of time
  • Enormous amounts of energy compared to shreds- powering an object with a scrap means that as long as it has some recharge time, it’ll never lose its power
  • The more energy is stored in a scrap, the more powerful the resulting magic will be.
  • Scrap users can be overwhelmed by the amount of energy in a powerful scrap, sometimes to the point of psychological or even physical damage.
  • There are varying degrees of sensitivity when it comes to scraps, with 20% of the world’s population having some degree of it.
  • 10% of people can sense scraps to some degree- this usually manifests in a “gut feeling” or sense of something being around them. Most people with this sensitivity level are dismissed as having a weird sense of intuition.
  • 5% of people can see scraps, but can’t interact with them. Some people with this sensitivity level track scrap locations.
  • 3% of people can touch and interact with scraps, but can’t manipulate them. These sensitives can find a good living selling/trading scraps to scrap users.
  • 2% of people can manipulate scraps, and use them to perform magic. These people are referred to as “scrap users” or “wizards”, and have varying skill levels based on their natural skill and how much training they’ve gone through.
  • Some scrap users can manipulate but not see scraps, or any strange combination! Sensitivity varies as much as people do, which is to say: a lot.
Object Mounting
  • Scraps can be mounted onto objects (or sometimes, people).
  • Mounting a scrap onto an object can give said object strange qualities, typically related to the contents of the scrap
  • Scrap users often mount scraps to weapons and tools, allowing them to use magic in a more controlled manner.
  • Some people who can see/touch scraps become “witches”- non scrap-users who can use magic via tools/equipment mounted with scraps.
  • Scraps can attach to objects on their own as well, typically drawn to objects associated with their contents- directly or tangentially
  • Severed limbs/lost parts of the body will always have scraps mounted onto them.
Scrap Merging
  • Scraps with similar qualities cluster together naturally, but scraps can also be merged together- either by force or through coaxing.
  • Scraps that have different qualities will resist merging, and will require more exertion/force to merge
  • Merging scraps can lead to new uses for scraps, as well as amplified power + emotions
  • Merging scraps can have side effects to those of a lower skill level, and serious danger to those unprepared.
  • Everyone, sensitive or otherwise, has a scrap “affinity”
  • Scraps have different types, not unlike TCP types- any sort of material works.
  • People typically (but not always) shed scraps of their affinity, and if sensitive, are drawn towards them
  • This allows scrap users to manipulate their own scraps (or scraps similar to their own) with more ease than others
  • People can have multiple affinities, though this is most commonly seen with gods
  • God affinities tend to veer close to their motifs, if not exactly them
Scrap Users
  • Scrap users (also known as “wizards”) tend to keep their powers hidden from society, out of fear of ostracization and targets placed on their backs
  • Gods don’t take well to rogue scrap users in a lot of cases, and see them as threats
  • Due to the fact that scraps are completely undetectable to most of the population, the majority of the world doubts they exist
  • Underground communities exist everywhere, though some are more visible than others
  • Some scrap users congregate, but many go solo.
  • Scrap user fights can cause serious damage to the world around them, raising suspicion and drawing attention to themselves
  • As such, wizard fights are typically made formal duels, and brought to secluded areas.
Scrap Forms
  • Some say that scrap users are capable of transforming themselves in times of need…
  • More to be seen through our stories!
Scrap Ghosts
  • Beings created by scraps clustering (or being forced) together.
  • Similar scraps attract eachother
  • Varying degrees of sapience
  • Some perform echoes of their past lives, others have full sapience and make their own goals
  • Visible by everyone if strong enough
  • Weaker ghosts only visible to sensitives
  • Varying degrees of being able to interact with the world around them
  • Different types of scraps can combine, but it's less common and typically has to be done by force
  • Do not have to all be from the same person- most ghosts are a composite of scraps from completely different sources
  • Appearance varies, but takes from all contents
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]


coming soon!
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]


coming soon!
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]


  • Meat scrap affinity
  • Sensitive through demonhood
  • Hates scraps
  • Amateur class scrap user
  • Struggles working with them
  • Carries and uses scraps from her lost body parts
  • Contains scraps in a pocket journal
  • Smoke scrap affinity
  • Natural sensitive
  • Jack of all trades, can use other scraps decently easily
  • Respects them and "bargains" with them vs forcibly using their contents
  • Returns scraps to Fallow's Island after using them if they don't come from him, or have personal ties
  • Master class scrap user
  • Contains scraps in coat pockets + "scrapbook"
  • Light scrap affinity
  • Natural sensitive
  • Focuses on light scraps, considers others worthless
  • Forces scraps into doing his bidding
  • No respect for their sources
  • Master class scrap user
  • Contains scraps in finger prosthetics
  • Illusion scrap affinity
  • Natural sensitive
  • Master class scrap user
  • Extremely skilled, can severely distort someone's interpretation of reality (ex: making someone think they're dead, induce dream states, completely change their perception of the world around them, advanced glamours)- but chooses not to unless absolutely necessary. That'd be rude.
  • Contains scraps in weapons
  • Crystal + smoke scrap affinity
  • Sensitive through godhood
  • Master class scrap user
  • Blood + crystal scrap affinity
  • Sensitive through demonhood
  • Advanced class scrap user
  • Chain + cloth scrap affinity
  • Sensitive through godhood
  • Master class scrap user
  • Meat + smoke scrap affinity
  • Sensitive through godhood
  • Advanced scrap user
  • Horror scrap affinity
  • Sensitive through demonhood
  • Advanced scrap user
  • Lightning scrap affinity
  • Natural sensitive
  • Intermediate class scrap user
  • Cloth scrap affinity
  • Sensitive through demonhood
  • Sews plushes and quilts out of scrap infused cloth to give to Spit cult survivors (in secret, of course)
  • Amateur class scrap user
  • Line scrap affinity
  • Sensitive through godhood
  • Keeps powers a secret
  • ???? class scrap user
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
What would happen if someone lived a life where they didnt shed any scraps, or very few? Where all significant changes in their life happened over very long periods of time, and they never really got strongly attached to anyone or anything, but never felt isolated either? Would there be anything unusual about them scrapwise?
Do plants release scraps over their lifetimes?
Oh right we have signatures
could someone be able to interact with and manipulate scraps but not see them?
Quote:What would happen if someone lived a life where they didnt shed any scraps, or very few? Where all significant changes in their life happened over very long periods of time, and they never really got strongly attached to anyone or anything, but never felt isolated either? Would there be anything unusual about them scrapwise?

everybody has experiences that would cause scraps, even if they don't seem like much relative to the world at large. it's possible to build up scraps slowly over time (and very likely, happens to everybody) with them shedding at a point of realization/closure. that said, it is possible for someone who's detached to shed less scraps, though they may even shed scraps around said feelings of detachment.

Quote:Do plants release scraps over their lifetimes?

yep, but their power really varies! they're pretty passive compared to fauna/people's activity

(07-04-2019, 04:45 AM)chemtrails Wrote: could someone be able to interact with and manipulate scraps but not see them?

absolutely, we actually have a character who's like this

adding to the main post!
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]
Are there any plants that naturally evolved to make use of scraps?
Oh right we have signatures

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