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What would you think of a TCP Forum Game?
So, im planning to make a forum game version of TCP in the future, but it isnt done yet. This thread is more of an interest check, and also me asking what you would like to see in a TCP forum game, because a lot of stuff has to be stripped off to make it simpler, but its a bit lame if too much is taken out.

What I'm thinking so far is, each player gets a certain amount of 'creation points' per round, which they can spend to create certain things, like tcps, comfort objects, or forcefield generators. The win condition is like capture the flag, to retreive a certain object from other players' bases (or maybe just a single object out in the world that needs to be retrieved, i haven't really decided yet). So the things you can create will usually be beneficial to you, or obstruct your opponents. You will also have tcps of course, which have abilities (probably altered slightly to fit into these simplified rules though) and which you can send out in order to do things.
I'm also thinking that the things you can create start out simple, but become more advanced later. Possibly some sort of tech tree deal, where you can put points into 'research' in order to unlock things, but that sounds like it might be too complicated. If i did make it a tech tree i wouldnt meticulously plan out its branches, id just do make whatever made sense.
Roleplaying for the game would be welcome but not required.

How does this sound so far? If you have any questions, please ask them, they help me think about this in more depth.
Oh right we have signatures
I'm interested but curious.
How are you going to deal with making RP for up to 25 individual TCPs?
Well, the answer to that is very simple
I wouldn't
Like I assume by that you mean interactions between players and their tcps. I would describe the actions your tcps perform each round, and the general mood of your tcps, and their reactions when things happen, but probably not to a realistic level like actually having conversations with your tcps.
Ive had some thoughts about a "happiness stat" which impacts how your tcps act but I'm not sure if that's actually a better idea or not than just describing things and keeping the exact impact your actions have on your tcps hidden.
Oh right we have signatures

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