VOIDSY: Can we get an ETA on backup?
MILLER: It’s a long trip, but we’re moving as fast as we can.
MILLER: You got us some more wiggle room by talking to Hark, but now that Spit’s burn type is active again, we’re in real trouble…it’s hard to focus on so many things at once!
WRETCH: you focus on gettin to spits place ok
WRETCH: i got my eyes on jetter here
MILLER: But I have three TCPs in this fight-
WRETCH: it’s ok mills
WRETCH: yr the one with a TCP driving
EASTWOOD: Hey, one of my TCPs is driving a freaking golf cart and I have to split my focus-
WRETCH: oh my goddd please chill for two seconds mills has got this
WRETCH: she doesnt have her TCP in a fuckin cage
EASTWOOD: And I don’t have a TCP just recently vivisected on the ground!
VOIDSY: Can we please save this bickering for later?
VOIDSY: Please?
VOIDSY: Okay. Wretch, Eastwood, we’re going to need our magic wand through the bag.
WRETCH: where the hell is that
VOIDSY: Uhhhh shit. Dad’s room, I think?
WRETCH: ok, i’m gonna send poppy up to get it. we’ll try to be quick bout it
VOIDSY: Thanks, Wretch.

You see her smile for just a moment, even if it’s a bit strained. You can’t linger on it now though, filing it away for later.

You tell Dad you’re going to need the collar from Seaspray, and move Jasper away from Hark. Dad calls Bryce over and the driftwood type hurries it up, passing over the collar and helping Dad drag the phantom type off towards Seaspray and the bag of holding.

You stop to praise Dad briefly before telling her she’ll have to be careful, but she needs to sneak over to the fight and tell Raw to calm down. Hopefully, her ability will get him to actually do it, and from there her job is to put the collar on Raw and TEACH him some skills. Writhe too, while she was at it.

Just…be careful about it.