VOIDSY: This bleeding heart over here knows you can take this kind of pain.
VOIDSY: You have to be strong to withstand what Spit does.
VOIDSY: But our heart bleeds because we’re sad that you MUST take it.
VOIDSY: She’s not hurting you to make her tougher, she’s hurting you because it makes her happy.
VOIDSY: This is what she does to people, she makes them into toys that are unable to go against her.
VOIDSY: That’s what she’s doing to you, Hark.
HARK: No! I am not a toy!
VOIDSY: You shouldn’t have to be.
VOIDSY: We’re sure you can handle a lot of cruelty, but you deserve better than that.
VOIDSY: You shouldn’t have to suffer or feel pain to prove yourself.
HARK: And I don’t need to prove myself to you either!
HARK: I’m in control of myself, me! And this is what I want!
VOIDSY: But how did it feel when you hurt Buddy?
VOIDSY: Did you feel like you had to do it, or you’d be hurt again?
VOIDSY: Did you feel happy that you had the power to choose its fate?
HARK: And so what if I did, huh? So what if I LIKED it, if I LIKED hurting that little shit?
VOIDSY: Well, even then…
VOIDSY: Buddy wants to be your friend. It wants to show you something beyond this hurt, the kind of hurt that Spit wishes on anyone she sees.
VOIDSY: It knows that you have good in you.

HARK: This is all that matters! All that ever has!
VOIDSY: Then why do you look so scared?
VOIDSY: Why don’t you look your mother in the eye when she talks to you?
VOIDSY: Is winning really worth giving up your life for her?
VOIDSY: And if Spit is so big, so strong, so brave, such a leader, why is she hiding behind you?
VOIDSY: Why is she using you as a shield?
VOIDSY: She’s willing to sacrifice you, Hark!
VOIDSY: That’s not something you do to someone you care about.