Jasper floats above the spawning pool, watching the other TCPs approach. They back away as Dad reaches a hand out, and only approaches when everyone steps back. Dad TEACHES them SPEECH, and they don't do anything at first.
It's a few minutes of awkward silence before they ask what they're doing here, existing. Their voice is whispery but intelligible, and Marnet replies that the void brought them here! They were going to be a new friend and part of the family, and this was their new home.
Jasper asks if they have a choice in this matter. Everyone goes quiet again, and Buddy's the first to speak. It says that Jasper can leave whenever they want, but there's danger out there right now, and they have better chances of survival if Jasper stays with them. They need each other, it says, voice trembling.
Jasper nods, accepting the answer for now. They don't seem very warm to the idea of living here, but allow the other TCPs to lead them inside and show off the house.