VOIDSY: Everyone deserves to be thought of as sexy sometimes, and flirting's a great way to go about it.
VOIDSY: You look pretty shiny and colorful yourself.
VOIDSY: Not to mention the curves- fuck, sorry. Collective.

Even without eyes, you get the sense that he's glaring at you.

VOIDSY: Things get jumbled up or just…come out along the way. It doesn't make what we did okay, and we're going to try and own up to it and repress this kind of stuff if we can.
VOIDSY: A lot of us see flirting as way to solve problems, and think it has worked before this, many times!

Still glaring. You just keep talking in hopes that he chills out a little.

VOIDSY: We didn't mean any of the flirtation though- it was all insincere and an attempt to throw Spit off balance, to make her feel like we don't take her seriously. We'd never actually be attracted to someone as horrible as her.
VOIDSY: Can you just….tell her to call us back when she calms down? We want to make this right, even if we don't exactly know how right now.
VOIDSY: No matter what our collective ends up doing, we all like Wretch and think she's absolutely amazing.

EASTWOOD: Alright.
EASTWOOD: Fine. It's my turn to speak my mind.
EASTWOOD: Whether you like her or not, I think you're absolutely terrible for her.
EASTWOOD: You talk about all this insincerity, and how you didn't mean it- what the hell did you do when you first met her, huh?
EASTWOOD: I can't say for sure, but by guessing how smitten she is with you, she fell right for your smooth talk.
EASTWOOD: Wretch may be loud and crass, but she's also gullible as fuck.
EASTWOOD: You want to apologize and fix this? I support that. Even from an objective standpoint, we need you here in this alliance.
EASTWOOD: Hell, I think she needs a real friend and not just some crusty weirdo who lives in her basement.
EASTWOOD: Don't fuck this up. You're on thin ice right now, but if you're willing to turn this around, I might change my mind on you.

Eastwood clears his nonexistent throat and taps anxiously on his crystals.

EASTWOOD: I'll go help her calm down, but in turn you have to move with our current plan.
EASTWOOD: We've agreed to go back to our bases, get a new TCP each, and gear up for war.
EASTWOOD: We can keep in touch using comms and regroup if we need to. Spit's going to have one TCP against 11, and I like those odds.
EASTWOOD: Looking at our current plans, you'll need to spawn one TCP, create a guardian animal, gear up every cat with weapons, some kind of inventory, supplies, and clothes. If you want to go ahead and do this goofy ass battle of the bands deal, I guess an instrument for your new guy would be in order too.
EASTWOOD: I can bounce type ideas off you while you head back, if you're up for it.