You go to ask Buddy about the pattycake, but Dad makes a displeased rumble, muttering that it is trying and mentioning anything will just upset it. Buddy, completely oblivious, just makes a noise of confusion and misses its turn to pat Primus' hand.

You explain that Wretch is safe, and your friend now. She may be kind of vulgar and obscene, but she means well. As long as nobody touches her things without permission, everything should be easier from here.

Dad seems a bit hesitant, but crosses her arms and says that that will do for now. She voices her concern bluntly: Wretch freaks her out, and she's going to keep an eye out for her all the same. Working together and trusting the slimy thing were two very different things. Buddy mutters that that's a bit harsh, but Primus says he's going to wait and see what Wretch is like himself before making judgments either way. It's only fair, after all.

There's others like her, but…they mostly sound like they'll be neutral, aside from one. There's one that wants to hurt both you and us, the Void…we have to protect ourselves against her. Wretch will help.

Buddy gets a bit shaky at the idea of having something actively hunting them, but Dad clears her worries away with a pat on the back. She says that they'll fight back with all their strength, something that Primus seconds eagerly. He cheers that they're a team now- Buddy interrupts to quietly correct him. They're not just a team, but a family now. Buddy, Dad, Primus, and the Void- one big family.

You tell them that they should go get the next treasure now. They've done a great job of taking care of themselves, but there's a lot more to come, and they'll all have to work together. They're going to try and spawn TCPs with Wretch, and if they all could play kindly with eachother, that'd be a very big help.

Primus asks what are they waiting for then, they should be on their way to the next treasure as soon as possible! More TCPs are always welcome in their bunch, so long as they behave. Buddy says that new friends sound great, Dad making a comment that a bit more muscle would be great if there really is a big bad god out for them.