Buddy is a KNIFE type TCP, and as such has blades jutting out of its delicate skin. being a WEAPON TCP, it is extremely frail, and has poor health conditions. Buddy has three blades as of this moment- one on its head and two replacing its left arm. Currently, these blades are capped + bandaged.

Buddy's health is OKAY right now, and has reached its cap after remaining in Primus' shelter.

Buddy wants to start a farm full of friends, like the marimo and the capybara. Everything is very soft.

This TCP, being knife type, can summon more blades on any part of its body, so long as it is willing to sacrifice health. These knives are permanent changes to its body, and cannot be gotten rid of.

It does not have an inventory on hand at the moment, as its duffel bag is in the DADWALKER.