Geezer: You know, there's those fish tanks that always say don't feed the fish right? And I don't think I should.
The Homunculi: It's courtesy. One of you two dragged me out here into your humble home and that makes me your guest.
Geezer: Look more like you were in a deep sea prison. Is that a sword?
The Homunculi: It's peace bound!
Geezer: Yeah uh, no. I don't play that. You're locked for a reason right?

The Homunculi: Well…
Geezer: You did something bad. Or you could do something bad.
The Homunculi: I'm a simple manifestation of inner potential glued together with a random specter. You wanted to see what the peek is for you and I gave you what I wanted. Mostly.
Charon: Is that really it?
The Homunculi: If you kept eating nothing but potato and cheese sticks for the rest of your youth, probably. I'm a little incomplete yeah? But printed photo that runs out of ink 90% through still is a pretty good gauge right?
This… leaves you mildly upset.

Geezer presses his baseball bat against the Homunculi's throat.
Geezer: You're trying to con us here. You look like a supervillain who got burned by a hot tub.
The Homunculi: I'm just the messenger, nothing about the spell said you'd like what you'd see.
Geezer: I don't buy it. Pick your next words wisely.
The Homunculi: You can change your fate, you know? You're the one who summoned me right?
Charon: I'm the one who summoned you.
The Homunculi: You both got the same red glow around you, hard to tell.
Charon: Red glow?

The Homunculi: Ah! Neither of you are proper sensitive to all this spiritual mumbo jumbo. As far as I can see, it's practically swallowing the room. Think a bit is getting on me too, soul's got the presence of a hero. Folks like that are destined for full pockets and crowded funerals. Can't say how much you'll gain or lose on the way there…
Geezer: Sounds like he's trying to fuck you over Charon.
Charon: Sounds like he is.
The Homunculi: I still owe you a reading you know, let me handle that first yeah? When you manifest a ghost and it accepts, it's only proper to return the favor before being dismissed you know. 3 years bad luck if you don't.
Geezer:….That's fake right?
Charon:…. No that's actually true. A reading's never hurt anyone.
The Homunculi: You two sit down while I get it going then.