Charon: So uh…
Styx: Yes? You can be blunt, I got a good feeling about what you're gonna ask.
Charon: Are you some kind of evil spirit?
Styx: I wouldn't say so, though the concept of winner's history absolutely has vilified me in time I suppose. I'm just… someone in a pickle who sees an opportunity to get out of it.
Charon: Why should I trust you?
Styx: I gave you the power you need to survive with pretty few consequences didn't I? My only condition is you get me out of this world, doesn't matter how or where as long as I'm back in the realm of the physical again.
Charon: I don't know how to really do that…
Styx: You'll find a way, you got that killer vibe.
Charon: What do you mean?
Styx: I've met kids like you before. Got a big old heart but hands of murder you know?
Charon: I really don't.
Styx: My point is you'll do great, maybe too great. Gotta keep yourself in check before you start busting entire worlds.
Charon: I'm 14, you're asking a lot.
Styx: Maybe, but you give me a really good gut feeling.
Charon: What's your brain say?
Styx: You got a good 50/50 to get us both out of here alive and well, but that's way better than nothing so I'll take it.
Charon: What are you anyway? You can't show me your true form?
Styx: I can, just trust me when I say you'd probably be more comfortable with the rabbit. Most people are.
Charon: I'm sure it's not that bad.
Styx: It's pretty grotesque, the mouth just unhinges and I come crawling out.
Charon: That sounds cool.
Styx: I am literally wearing someone's corpse like a suit, you don't want this.
Charon: You killed a bunny?
Styx: Not this one.
Charon: But you did kill a bunny.
Styx: Many actually but that's not the point-
Charon: Are you going to kill Geezer?
Styx: No. You sure ask quite a few questions and I hate most of them.
Charon: If you want to build up trust, I need to know who you are, right? And right now you're just giving me bad energies. The kind that screams "I'm about to sell my soul."
Styx: You think so lowly of me? How I've fallen…. I guess if we're doing this though, your point's fair. Where would you like me to begin?
Charon: Anywhere's good.
Styx: Hmmm… well to start off, I'm not all that different from you and your family.
Charon: You're a fiend?
Styx: Mm… and a powerful one at that. A true avenging spirit really. Back home I was a hero of the people, one who overthrew a tyrant god and took his place.
Obviously though that didn't last which is why I'm here in front of you now.
Charon: What happened?
Styx: A lot of complications, there is no one defining point to where it went wrong but rather many that piled up. Truth be told I didn't want to be the one on the throne….
Charon: Then why'd you do it?
Styx: To fulfill a wish for someone quite dear to me…. one who took good care of me and set me on the right path. I could not allow their dreams to die so I continue to live on for them. I hesitate to show you my true form because theirs is the face I want people to remember.
Charon: I'm sorry for bugging you so much about that…
Styx: You couldn't have known. I don't take any of it personally. I just hope that you'll never have to carry the burden of living on for someone else. Anyway do you have anything else to ask?
You feel yourself starting to wake up a little. This might be your last chance to ask about anything for a bit.