Your Train has Arrived in town.
Charon: Yeah, get me something magical. Something that'd get me out of a tight spot or come in handy a lot.
Erica: You sure? You some kind of witch or something back home because that sort of thing don't handle easy.
Charon: I'm sure. Hook me up if you can uh…. please?
Erica: If gramps is alright with it.
Arabis: It should be fine if you're certain you can handle it.
Charon: Yeah. Pocket sized maybe? Or something I can carry on my back easy…
Erica: We'll look into it.
Charon: Great! Are we ready to go?
Arabis: Before you all do, we'd like to walk out of the train with you to gauge the town. I'd rather not have you both get ambushed as soon as you step out.
Fenton: I don't mind. Hick?
Hickory: Yeah, if you're gonna do us all a favor like this I guess we'll go with you.
The masked bird stood up. Everyone else followed suit and lined up down the makeshift isles of the train car. The lot of you approached the passenger car exits. You feel a nice breeze from outside.

Charon: This it?
Arabis: Mmm. I know this is your first time out here so… enjoy that moment. I've been to this place before myself. For being in a cursed sub-world it's quite wonderful.
It really is. The city ahead is vivid and colorful despite the makeshift buildings all over. You can't help but smile.
Erica: It's gotcha excited don't it? I've done some recon here before but uh… not under these circumstances.
Charon: Yeah? Is it nice?
Erica: In the best of places yeah… not always but it can be. A heck of a heaven and hell.
Arabis: We'll meet Geezer soon. Possibly with some fresh clothes, you shouldn't be in your pajamas the entire time.
Hickory: He's fine, hurry up yeah? I don't wanna have the shop close before I get there..
Erica: Mm, go on ahead. Don't break him.
You poke your tongue out in response.
Charon: I'll be fine, they won't break me.
Fenton: Just keep your wits up. If we travel in a group we're less likely to be jumped.
Jumped? You're not a fan of hearing that.
Hickory: You got a weapon on ya?
Charon: Uh… kinda?
Hickory: Good, whatever it is you gotta keep hidden.
Charon: Gotcha. I'll be back soon!
Arabis: We know you will kid, don't take too long though. Remember where this train station is, keep track of notable landmarks. If you don't we'll find you.
You wave as you wander off with your new allies. They stay pretty quiet for most of the walk, very hesitant about attracting attention. You zone out a little on the way and have to be nudged in the right direction from time to time. Hickory speaks up after some time.

Hickory: Place is up ahead. Divinator's name is Mode, she's pretty laid back about new people so don't worry about bringing her tribute. She likes being offered fruit but we gotcha covered for now.
Charon: Why fruit?
Hickory: Why not? Watch this..
They knock on the door. With little wait you can hear the heaviest steps approaching.
The door opens just a crack and you make out a face made of marble.
Fenton pulls an orange out of his cloak.
Fenton: Mode! We gotta initiate a newcomer, he's joining us on our quest.
Mode: Ah…. a new friend? Interesting. You're all incredibly cursed. Come on in.
She pockets the orange and holds the door open wide. She kept her faceless gaze on you.

Mode: Name, dog?
Charon: Judgment, Charon Judgment.
Mode: That's quite grand for someone so small. From one look I can tell you don't know the difference between pain and suffering yet. You may learn soon…. I also see……
She reaches behind your ear and pulls out a card.
Mode: ….You don't understand your full abilities yet.
She unfolds the card into your bird friend from earlier.
Charon: How are you doing that?
Mode: You're carrying a courier. Anyone you know by name can be tracked down with this to deliver messages or help. Your proxy is split by a fortune, something that may serve you well. Tell me Charon, what do you fear the most?
Charon: Can I be honest and say I don't like that I keep being asked these kind of questions today?
Mode: I don't blame you, they do seem to be influencing your fate quite a bit lately. Almost as if people are watching you and manipulating the variables…
Charon: I'm sure I'm in good hands.
Mode gives you a look.
Charon: I wanna give people the benefit of the doubt!
Mode: That thinking is a little too honest for this town. I both envy and fear for you. Now answer, I'm going to pull out a little more potential from you based on what you say. What scares you the most?
Charon: Can I be honest and say I don't like that I keep being asked these kind of questions today?
Mode: I don't blame you, they do seem to be influencing your fate quite a bit lately. Almost as if people are watching you and manipulating the variables…
Charon: I'm sure I'm in good hands.
Mode gives you a look.
Charon: I wanna give people the benefit of the doubt!
Mode: That thinking is a little too honest for this town. I both envy and fear for you. Now answer, I'm going to pull out a little more potential from you based on what you say. What scares you the most?