Charon: I See you pee, whatever. I don't know what that is and I don't care.
Hickory snickers.
Charon: I was raised in the horror well infested woods. I don't know what your talk of taps and narcs is all about but I know how to break and fry any creature put on this earth.
Hickory: So now you're a tough guy, country boy? What woods we talking?
Charon: Wonder.
Fenton: I don't know any wonder woods….
Hickory: Same. You're clearly not from where we came so we'll give you the benefit of the doubt on one condition.
Charon: Yeah?
Hickory: Take us back to your folks, we gotta know you're legit.
Charon: How do I know I can trust you?

Hickory: You can't really.
Fenton: Besides, I already gauged you. There's three of you on the train and another waiting for you after this ride. Um… sorry for that but it's a precaution. I don't wanna get caught in some trouble from a stranger offering free drinks like that… thank you for that by the way.
You examine his face, he's a fiend too. He must have the same gauging sight like yours.
Hickory: Alternatively you can prove you're good in a scrap. I'll take you on nice and easy and if you can show you're worth we'll back off and let you do your thing.
Fenton: Hick, you're gonna hurt him…
Hickory: If he knows better he'll make this easy and take us back. Promise we won't hurt your folks if they're just passing by though.