You slot in a coin and dial the number with a few taps of the back of your hand to dispense the can of caffeinated chamoy flavoring, you wanna play this slick. "You want goods? I've got your goods right here-"
"You think you're a little fonz or something? If you throw that shit I'm gonna kick your ass." You're cut off by a birdlike fellow, one of the two folks who crept up behind you. "That's chamoy right?"
You nod. "Of course, you feeling for that bold flavor?"
They shake their head at you. "Nah, that's spicy, I can't do spicy in a soda. Hook me up with something good, pick with your life."
Their vaguely reptilian buddy pipes up from behind. "I mean I'll take it if you won't-"
"You can go for better."
"I like chamoy…"
"Exactly, you gotta refine your tastes, bleed this kid for what he's worth."
"Hickory no."
You start slotting in quarters to grab your friends you came to this train with something to quench themselves. You snag yourself a untitled water project. You are left with one coin. You have spent five, you could probably buy this "Hickory" bird kid something. They focus their eye on you.
"You're grabbing a bunch there."
"I got some folks with me. Hope you don't mind, that's why I'm here"
"Yeah well hook me up too, for real. Everyone's your folks when you're in a extraterrestrial hell train like the one we're in."

The lizard sighs. "Hickory…"
"Nah, he's got money. I can see it."
"He can't have that much if he's seated in the back like us right? Tickets for the storage room are cheap…"
"I gotta know. Gotta know everything this kid's got. Gotta know if he's a asset or a quick penny."
"Please don't fight him…."
"If the kid can afford to gel out his curls and dye, we can see if he can drop us some good drink."
How did he know it was curls….
That doesn't matter right now.
Should you pick a drink? Should you fight? You could take them on right? Maybe that'd be dumb? Maybe some diplomacy. Maybe some noise to get help here. They can't do you real damage right? You got powers, you sure got them. What does the voice in your head say right now?