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Posted by AceOfNothing - 03-24-2022, 03:32 AM
They're super cute! Love the lil apron
Posted by entipikal - 03-23-2022, 08:41 PM
Oops I vanished for months again! I'm extremely out of the loop with Morbit because of being wrapped up in other interests (this time it's Blaseball) but I did find this doodle of my mushroom type who I named Pteris from about a month ago. I also drew it in Krita which is new, everything so far has been in Firealpaca. It's a fun program but I've still got a lot of practise to do hsdufsh

[Image: i_drew_this_a_while_ago.png]
Posted by entipikal - 10-13-2021, 01:13 PM
Finally got the motivation to catch up and draw TCPs I own but haven't drawn yet! I also now have 10 TCPs, though I think for now I'll develop and draw the ones I have before getting more hisdfuh half of them don't even have names

[Image: embarrassing_file_nam.png]

(Also, I know I don't respond to compliments directly that much but I just want to say I see every one and I really appreciate them! Thank you for enjoying the thread!)
Posted by cosmo - 08-12-2021, 06:02 PM
good!!! i really loved that plasma type but have too many tcps already so i'm really glad they got a good home =) you draw them so nicely and i love their apron!
Posted by Lilium Mortem - 08-12-2021, 05:37 PM
Your art is always a treat sage Smile
Posted by entipikal - 08-12-2021, 03:37 PM
I have THREE new TCPs from the prize box thread! I love all of them already! But I've only drawn two of them so far and this is my art thread. so

[Image: im_listening_to_blaseball_songs_rn.png]

Them! Plasma (body) type and mushroom type! They're friends! They both use she/her but they don't have names yet, as soon as they do I'll probably be putting them on Felid Factor because I already have vague personalities for them (speaking of names, I named my wool type Mallow! I don't think I've mentioned that yet?)
Plasma type's Toyhouse-
Mushroom type's Toyhouse-
Shark type's Toyhouse-
Posted by Pichi2214 - 08-10-2021, 07:20 PM
oh my gosh I love that bumblebee/corpse hybrid design....
Also Scott and Meo are!!
Posted by entipikal - 08-10-2021, 07:09 PM
I finally posted in Felid Factor, I'm still pretty nervous about it but oh well that's not what this post is about! This post is about the art that was in Scott's profile that's blurred because I thought that'd be a nice little bit of personality. Here's the not blurred version

[Image: unknown.png]
Plus just Meo. As you can tell she wasn't designed to be looked at unblurred but hey the lineless rough style is still pretty cute
[Image: unknown.png]

And also here's a bonus absolutely TINY Dusty. Unrelated to the other stuff, they're just really cute
[Image: unknown.png]
Posted by entipikal - 07-19-2021, 06:46 PM
Woah it's me again, I have more art, I've been in an arty mood today

[Image: amnesia_baby_edition.png]
More Amnesia! I am already in love with her! She's on Art Fight now too

[Image: WOAHAHAH.png]

And also whatever this is! Sorry the image is huge, I can't make it smaller because it's aliased. It features multiple Lemon Demon themed TCPs! The Ocean the ocean type! The Afternoon the pop-up book type! Ask For Nothing the balloon animal type! Sweet Bod the bumblebee/corpse hybrid! Jaws the shark type! SAD the depression/festivity hybrid! HECK YEAH! I may never draw any of them again but hey I'm still kind of amazed I just nyoomed through these
Posted by entipikal - 07-19-2021, 02:37 PM
Interesting post today! I was recently surprised to realise I don't have any Lemon Demon themed TCPs yet. People who have talked to me elsewhere probably know I'm a huge LD fan, and since I also love TCPs and the creative freedom you have with them I'm surprised I've gone this long without making any. So I present to you all, my first LD themed TCP, inspired by Amnesia Was Her Name!

[Image: amnesia.png](full res version on her Toyhouse)

A memory/loss hybrid! Amnesia is her name! Because I'm unoriginal and no one can stop me! It occured to me at one point that I could just design an amnesia type but I don't have any hybrids yet so I thought I'd give it a go. And I don't have to worry about it being boring because of the lore that even hybrids of the same combination can look different! Heck yeah!

I'll probably do more because she was REALLY fun to design. There are a lot of options! But I'll probably do one for a different album next time. Maybe a ghost/phone, for the entireity of Spirit Phone
Posted by entipikal - 07-11-2021, 08:03 PM
I'm in a hurry so I can't write much this time but hey look at these doodles I did using MS Paint's default colours

[Image: unknown.png]
Posted by cosmo - 07-02-2021, 06:13 AM
that sundew type looks great! nice colors too
Posted by MarxzVulpez - 06-29-2021, 09:14 PM
ohhhh, they're all very good! the colors are great, and l love how flowy the kelp type looks!
Posted by entipikal - 06-29-2021, 07:26 PM
I may have made a new TCP I may keep using! I'm really not sure, only time will tell! They're cute though! They're a sundew type

[Image: sundw.png]

Here's a bonus kelp type and nature space type doodle too. I had the most fun drawing the sundew type which is why I picked them to colour, though I think it would someday be fun to have a nature space type who is Scott's colours but inverted and they can be rivals or something
[Image: unknown.png]
Posted by entipikal - 06-28-2021, 07:13 PM
So I wanted to design myself a goopy/gorey TCP and that body TCPs are WAY harder to draw than I thought! So I'll keep thinking about what type to use because I can't get used to drawing these guys (unfortunately). For now, here's a humor (body) type who is admittedly off model that I had more fun colouring than sketching and now I will never draw them again! But maybe they'll find another home someday

[Image: small_myster.png]

Also, not to self promote, but Art Fight is soon and I'm participating! If you don't know what Art Fight is, the short version is that it's a yearly event where you draw stuff for people on another team and get points for your team! This year the theme is steampunk vs cyberpunk. My account is, I'm on team cyberpunk and Scott and Dusty are there. If anyone else has their TCPs on AF, I will probably draw them. Self promotion over! Here's a Dusty in a new style I've been trying recently

[Image: unknown.png]

Oh yeah and as a bonus fun fact, the first name that came to mind for the wool type was Catnip. I figured it was an odd name choice for a wool type, so I eventually recycled the name for another OC who is NOT a TCP but is also a cat For now, the wool type still has no name, but I still have ideas I'm thinking about
Posted by MarxzVulpez - 06-14-2021, 08:11 PM
oh very very good
I love Dusty's fangs, and the "w" "3" cat mouths for the other too are splendid
Posted by entipikal - 06-14-2021, 08:00 PM
TCPs... with mouths........... pretty cute, but also...... VERY cursed.........

[Image: unknown.png]
Posted by cosmo - 06-02-2021, 04:40 AM
new kitty!! so cute
Posted by AceOfNothing - 05-29-2021, 08:20 PM
That lil Scott link is wonderful! And yay! New cat! Already love how you draw the wool
Posted by Blue_Fox - 05-29-2021, 08:12 PM
friend shaped!!
Posted by entipikal - 05-29-2021, 06:42 PM
I have a new TCP! She's a wool type. She doesn't have a name yet but I have a few ideas so hopefully she won't be nameless for as long as Dusty. Anyway here she is! I love her already! Such a fluffy friend!

[Image: woll_small.png]
Posted by entipikal - 05-28-2021, 07:44 AM
Some people might have already seen this but I added it to my signature yesterday but I drew a new Scott that links to here so it's more obvious he's clickable. And also I just wanted to get rid of the old one because I'm pretty sure I drew it with a mouse

[Image: art_in_scott.png]
Posted by Blue_Fox - 05-27-2021, 07:44 PM
three of them! theyre all very cute!
Posted by entipikal - 05-27-2021, 07:40 PM
I was suddenly overcome by the desire to draw all three of them! So I did!

[Image: TCPs_baby_sized.png]
Yay! There they are! I'm really happy to see them lined up like this. It's not perfect, but that's alright, I think it's cute. Also it finally let me draw my lil headcanon that even though space types and dust types are both 4 inches tall, I like to think Dusty is just a little shorter than Scott. I don't know why, it just has vibes. Also, this has been on her Toyhouse for a while but Meo is 3.5 inches tall. Tiny!

Still no real update on my tablet lag troubles. Blender is still lagging a lot, even though FireAlpaca (my main program) is mostly smooth now. I've got a lot of other personal things on my mind currently so I'm fine with it like this until I get some more free time to actually try to figure out what's going on. Animation will happen eventually, probably
Posted by skinstealer - 05-21-2021, 07:47 PM
ohhh i cannot wait to see animation stuff!!

i love how you draw dusty's whiskers and soft and good
Posted by entipikal - 05-21-2021, 09:06 AM
Woah I have things to say today! But first some Dustys from the past few months. I have a scanner now so my traditional stuff will look a little cleaner (please ignore the horrible ink smudge on the first one husidfhs)

[Image: unknown.png]
I've been animating 2D stuff using Blender recently, and it's a lot of fun! I've still got a lot to learn but I want to animate these guys someday. Probably Dusty because I want to see those whiskers wiggle and I'm willing to suffer drawing their markings every frame for that. But sadly I've been having laggy tablet and laptop troubles so that might not happen for a while because I have no estimate for when that'll get fixed, but whenver it does get fixed I want to draw my TCPs a little more in general! I love them and I also want to draw something polished with them instead of many, many doodles. We'll have to wait and see what happens
Posted by entipikal - 04-06-2021, 01:47 PM
I found this very small Scott doodle from the beginning of March while digging through my files and I think people should know it exists

[Image: tiny_babby_boy.png]
Posted by entipikal - 04-03-2021, 07:09 PM
I made another one because Blender is fun! It's Scott! Maybe next time I'll do Meo

[Image: scottbabysized2.gif]
Not much to say about this one, other than apologise for the slightly wonky looking texture and the colour banding. I can't do much about either
Posted by entipikal - 04-02-2021, 07:43 PM
*models Dusty in 3D for the fourth time because I have no other ideas*

[Image: dustybabysized.gif]
(full size version here (not that it makes much difference other than being a 14MB file instead of a 4MB one))

But in all seriousness I have in fact modelled Dusty AGAIN, this time in Blender with a bunch of Blender techniques I couldn't explain if I tried, which include outlines! Whiskers! No shading! I've been learning Blender for a couple weeks or something now, but this is the first TCP thing I've made. I might get around to modelling the others this time! We'll see
Posted by entipikal - 03-05-2021, 01:05 PM
Well I can say for certain that THIS Dusty is absolutely a wonderful friend

[Image: picocad_16.gif]

I made this a couple of days ago and a couple people have already seen it, but I used picoCAD ( which is a really cute low-poly modeller and I've made a few things with it but this is the only TCP. I wanted to give them arms but I couldn't be bothered to texture them so I didn't, but hey that doesn't stop them from being adorable!
Posted by skinstealer - 03-03-2021, 09:07 PM
how can it be perfectly average when dusty is such a wonderful friend
Posted by entipikal - 03-03-2021, 12:59 PM
[Image: unknown.png]
Just a perfectly average doodle of Dusty. That is all
Posted by entipikal - 02-24-2021, 07:54 PM
[Image: unknown.png]
[Image: unknown.png]
So, uh. whoops! Sorry, didn't mean to immediately stop drawing TCPs so suddenly, I got super distracted by another OC group of mine that I've been developing A LOT since I stopped drawing here (I made them two days after my last post here and never looked back). So here's some doodles of the ones this thread is about-

[Image: unknown.png]
Scott waves! This was a doodle to remember how to draw him before I did something better but I ended up liking it more than any others so now you can just have this one. He's not perfect but he's cute

[Image: unknown.png]
Meo obtains a TCP sized melon. Confusion ensues

[Image: unknown.png]
Dusty makes a small dust friend out of their dust. Because I think that's cute

None of these are particularly special but oh well, it's nice to draw them again. Will I disappear into the abyss for two months again? Who knows! I make no guarantees
Posted by BlueCrowned - 12-27-2020, 06:17 PM
That's really cute, I love this idea
Posted by entipikal - 12-27-2020, 04:17 PM
I've always loved the way TCPs talk, the "it sounds like noises but you just kind of know what they mean" so I've always sort of wondered how you'd portray that with speech bubbles without being too invasive or distracting. So I drew some thoughts

[Image: pitter_patter.png]
I definitely could have made it more interesting but I think it's a good thing if it's subtle? If it's too fancy it's more visible than the words which is a bad idea. Maybe TCPs just aren't meant to have speech bubbles, but oh well, I LOVE it when people do fancy stuff with speech bubbles so yeah I'm just doing that. Meo isn't there because watermelon types aren't official and I haven't written a fake bio for them so I don't know what her voice sounds like in the first place
I'd love to do something big and fancy with these guys but motivation for big projects is non existent and I don't like drawing backgrounds which is usually a required skill so I guess I'll just have these concepts doing Not Much until then
Posted by entipikal - 12-26-2020, 05:27 PM
I made.. another 3D thing. But this time it's a fullbody. Aaaaaa

[Image: 261220202.gif] (higher res non-gif version here)

So.. yeah! It's the dust type again. This took likeeeee two-three hours and it's still not perfect, that's partially due to me not being great at visualising things in 3D and partially Paint 3D just being pretty limited. It's the first 3D fullbody I've done that's designed to be looked at from any angle so I'd say it's pretty darn good for a first try! This time, I probably won't make one of Scott because his markings are more complicated to do without layers
I tried to do a full dust cloud but I couldn't figure out a way to make it look good, so I just threw in some assorted poofs of dust. And also I did start off of a naked version of the last full body drawing of them I did but I don't think it's too obvious, it's just worth mentioning I guess
Don't look at it too long, there's probably a bunch of errors somewhere
Posted by BlueCrowned - 12-25-2020, 10:06 PM
wow that scott is gorgeous! i love how you did the colors and shading and your dust type is such a cutie too
Posted by entipikal - 12-25-2020, 09:14 PM
Christmas? Already? This year has been weird and today just feels like a day. But merry christmas to those who celebrate, and I hope everyone is having a good day regardless!

I got a new tablet (Huion Inspiroy H1161 if you're curious) so I've been doodling a bunch of stuff. A few TCPs were in there of course, so here's those! There probably won't be an actual visual difference between the tablets, but it is WAY smoother and nicer to use. I might need to change the pressure sensitivity settings a little though, it's a bit more sensitive than my old tablet right now

[Image: unknown.png]
Palettes! I love working with palettes! Seeing characters in colours they're not is sort of strange but I like it! Scott gets to be pink, for a treat! For christmas! Not much more to say about this

[Image: 251220203.png][Image: 251220202.png]
The dust friend! Still trying to figure out their outfit. I think a cloak is nice, but a little bag too is ADORABLE. But why do they need a bag? It's lore time, baby! Copy/pasted from their Toyhouse-
Unlike many dust types and TCPs, they spend a lot of their time wandering alone. Their most prized possession is an ever growing journal, full of lists of names that have been given to them by TCPs and other Morbitian residents they meet on their way. Due to the sheer volume of TCPs alone, the journal has grown very thick, and is slightly haphazardly taped together.
They have no single true name, "Dusty" being one they often choose if they need one, given to them by Scott, the first other creature they met after spawning, though they will gladly use any of the many others.
So TL;DR they go around asking people to name them and then write that name down. I haven't written much of a personality yet

I'm not great at writing lore that relates to a TCP's type specifically (or even fits into Morbit to be honest. I don't even know where any of my TCPs are), though I guess that makes things more interesting? Maybe with my next one it'll be more typical for their type. We'll see. If Dusty's name (or lack thereof) has taught me anything it's that you shouldn't trust me with promises about character development
In general I need to do a little more personality development, Scott's is just a slightly different version of OC Scott's and I've also got him in one of the RP chats, but the others? Meo has a vague idea and poor Dusty has nothing. I'll figure something out, maybe
Posted by entipikal - 12-21-2020, 03:36 PM
Me: I won't draw more pixel art because it's hard
Me anyway, after receiving One compliment:

[Image: 211220202.png][Image: 21122020.png]
What can I say? Tiny pixel babies are tempting, and compliments are motivating (thank you I'm happy you like the stuff aaaa). These two even get shoulders!
With Scott I tried colouring the lines a little bit, and with our dusty friend (lore coming soon! I integrated their lack of a name into it~) I didn't do anything new because the whiskers were a nightmare! I love the whiskers but they mess with the lines and it looks weird at such a tiny size! I can say with a bit more confidence than last time that I won't draw them again in tiny pixel baby form
Also, I noticed after too long that I drew Meo's poncho wrong in the last thing. The red section being on top wasn't intentional, that was 100% an accident and I feel like I should mention that. I'm not going to fix it because I like how the spots look but just so everyone can know I'm aware and I am a fool
Posted by skinstealer - 12-20-2020, 07:27 PM
ohhhh noOOOO the OC interactions are so cute!!! i love it!

also your pixel work is really nice, even if you dont end up doing more headshots, this one of meo is really really nice!
Posted by entipikal - 12-20-2020, 02:17 PM
Anxiety is being rude to me about the above post (not that there's anything wrong with the post but, anxiety, baby!) so I'll just hop straight back into your scheduled(?) TCP content

[Image: 201220202.png]
PIXEL MEO! Did anyone think I forgot about Meo? I HAVEN'T I still love her! Pixel art is fun but it's also a NIGHTMARE and alas, my plans to make a pixel headshot of all my TCPs is foiled by pure laziness. So this is a pretty small post compared to above. But it's pixel art, and it's Meo, which are two things the above post doesn't contain

PS- with this thread, originally I tried to strike a balance between "ramble ramble ramble" and "Important Information Only" but now I'm mossstlyyy just saying everything (EVERYTHING) I have to say without letting anxiety get in the way. Even though this thread is a little self indulgent (see above post, mostly) I hope people can still enjoy the things I'm rambling about even if I don't make any sense at all
Posted by entipikal - 12-19-2020, 09:10 PM
Hello again, thread! I accidentally disappeared for a few days because of Reasons but I'm BACK with ART! And a BUNCH of it!

To start, I've been thinking about the dust type's (will they ever get a name? I'm thinking about integrating this into their lore) clothes, or lack thereof, and decided to maybe give them a little cloak? I had mops in mind when I doodled it. I also tried out a new sort of colouring style? I think it looks cool
[Image: unknown.png]

And it's finally time for Scott (TCP)'s interactions to the other OC named Scott! Two standard doodles to start-
[Image: unknown.png]
I love how tiny TCPs are. Even though OC Scott is a shapeshifter (more on that in the next doodle) he's still usually adult human sized, which means TCPs are. just. that tiny. I've also wanted to do this doodle since I got TCP Scott, and only just got the motivation to, even though it's a super simple doodle. That's just How Motivation Is

[Image: unknown.png]
Next up! OC Scott is a shapeshifter*. I, uh, don't have much more to say. I feel like that would surprise TCP Scott, but maybe he'd go on to think it's cool because hey, he can sprout a new pair of arms sometimes, because abstract! Which is similar to shapeshifting? Who knows! I think they'd get along well
*he can't actually stay that small for very long before he just automatically gets sent back to his default size. This is because his insides are all gas. He has no organs. Only gas.

And now for the finale of this post, an INCREDIBLY self indulgent (and honestly poor quality because I wasn't really planning to share it as I drew it) comic that no one has to enjoy, but it has TCP Scott in it, so I guess I'm required to post it here. Why is it self indulgent? Because it includes three (four if you include OC Scott) OCs that no one here knows about
Also, you get to see my terrible, terrible handwriting
[Image: unknown.png]
[Image: unknown.png]
[Image: unknown.png]
OC Scott ( and the other OC on the right ( are on Toyhouse but the other two aren't and you may never learn anything about them

As a closing note, yes I know TCP Scott is also an OC and saying OC Scott to refer to the shapeshifter one is a bit redundant, but how ELSE am I meant to easily distinguish them by name dangit

Wow, that was a long post. And none of the drawings were even that high quality.
Oh well.
Posted by cosmo - 12-17-2020, 12:34 AM
signature scott is so cute!!! i love seeing him down there
Posted by seppawku - 12-16-2020, 11:09 PM
these r all super cute, your style fits tcps so well! love the models, too
Posted by BlueCrowned - 12-16-2020, 04:55 PM
I love seein your art! scott is so cute
Posted by entipikal - 12-16-2020, 10:33 AM
I drew a tiny Scott to put in my signature. I don't post on other threads very often so maybe it's kind of pointless, but he links to this thread! And if people don't realise he's clickable then he can just sit there being all adorable and friendly, which is good too
[Image: 16122020.png]
Posted by entipikal - 12-15-2020, 08:52 PM
I made another 3D thing! I ran into many troubles trying to finish it (including Paint 3D crashing and the auto save not working) but I did it! It's Scott this time. He is naked, and he spins

[Image: 15122020.gif]

I also have a small selection of traditional doodles, all fused into one image for easy viewing-
[Image: unknown.png]

The name Cherub was suggested by a friend (who knows nothing about TCPs and was going off of one doodle) for the dust type but I don't think I'm quite vibing with it. Other names I've thought about are Patch, Splotch and Dusty but I feel like they're a little on the nose. I'll keep thinking about it
Posted by entipikal - 12-14-2020, 08:18 PM
Aaaaa aa @"dediles" I'm really glad I can inspire you! Art is tough but it's always worth it! Have fun drawing, I believe in you!

Also, I have something a little special to show this time!

[Image: 141220202.gif](because it's a gif if the image doesn't embed properly here's the direct link)

Not only is it a gif, it's a 3D gif! Paint 3D is like! A whole darn blessing! Blender is too confusing for me but I love 3D models, they amaze me so much
This is mediocre and rough (just be happy you can't see the bottom of the model), and I only really wanted to do it to figure out the dust type's (I will get them a name eventually I PROMISE) patches. Was it a success? I think so. I don't think I'll ever get them 100% accurate though, I suppose that's a part of the fun.
Will I make one for my other TCPs? uh...... maybe........ We'll see
(now I have to figure out how to make the file smaller so I can put it on their Toyhouse page)

And as a bonus for those who didn't see it on the original thread, I also made these with the bases from the cookie decorating thread
[Image: 131220203.png][Image: 131220202.png]
Posted by Lilium Mortem - 12-14-2020, 03:22 AM
I just wanted to say, I love your art. It's nice seeing someone just so enthusiastic about TCPs. The entire idea of this thread is only something someone dedicated could do. You've inspired me, and while I don't think I'll limit my art to TCPs, I'm picking up the stylus again and drawing once more.
Posted by entipikal - 12-13-2020, 07:16 PM
I have more art of the dust type (still nameless)! I drew this not long after the other thing but I didn't want to post two things too close together

[Image: stillnamelessbaby.png]
Usually I wouldn't watermark stuff I post here but I can't be bothered to go back and remove it. It's nothing special but it's shaded properly and the dust cloud was fun to draw. It's so poofy! It was also fun to figure out the patches, having a designer TCP adds so much! I love this baby a lot
This thread has more than 50 replies. Read the whole thread.