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Thread Review (Newest First)
Posted by 1011686 - 10-03-2020, 03:13 AM
So, I thought it'd be a good idea to come up with a plan for what we're going to do next, or at least some ideas. First, here's a summary of everything that's happened recently:

-Marvel, Seaspray and Jasper were attacked by one of the bungles while scouting over Spit's area and fell into the big pit area. Seaspray and Marvel were taken by Spit's tcps and got collared, while Jasper got away.
-Buddy went through the bag to help Jasper.
-Jasper encountered Writhe and semi-befriended them, Raw showed up, but Jasper managed to stun him. A collar was placed on both Writhe and Raw (Raw takes off the collar once they wake up though).
-Chops surprised Buddy and managed to collar it, but then tried to rifle through the bag of holding and was grabbed by Marnet. They were knocked out using drugs and restrained in the Unhallowed Sanctuary.
-Hark showed up and got wrecked by Buddy (Buddy MVP). Jasper tases her while under a reflect curse, and they both get stunned.
-Dad, Bryce, Jetter, and Dana come through the bag. Buddy goes back to our base through the bag.
-Cynthia, Whipp, Slick, Lady, Marnet, and Illusio start traveling to Spit's base on the cart.
-Voidsy uses the mask of courage to talk to Hark.
-Raw tries to make his way into the room everyone is in, and is blocked by Writhe.
-Dad teaches Raw a bunch of stuff and collars him again, and teaches Writhe speech.
-Dana comes through the bag and helps calm Writhe. Seaspray is pushed back through the bag.
-Raw grabs Dad, before getting stunned by Dana.
-Jasper wakes up and we talk to them about stuff.
-Marvel is given some jelly and wakes up.
-Bryce shoots Writhe with weight gun.
-The Bungle appears.
-Jasper carries Bryce up to the bungle to shoot it with the weight gun. It works, but Bryce falls from the weight and breaks his leg.
-Hark gets away while everyone is distracted.
-Marnet and the rest of the cart crew arrive at the entrance to Spit's base.
-Bryce goes back through the bag.
-The elevator plan is put into motion (make Raw and Marvel light using the weight gun, put Marvel on top of Writhe while all the other tcps get inside Writhe, then have the cart crew use a rope to lift Writhe out of the pit.
-The second Bungle appears.
Posted by skinstealer - 09-25-2020, 10:49 PM
discuss...void session!

remember to spoiler things using spoiler tags! (spoiler in square brackets, similar to bolding/italics!)