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Posted by SHIVERS - 09-05-2020, 12:30 AM
-( T e t h e r e d )-
#03: Splinter
CW: Blood, implied nudity, issues with eating, dysphoria, dissociation, panic attack

The eyes of the body opened.

Its chest rose and fell.

Tether stared at the underside of the top bunk.

Why does it still feel tired?
It just slept.
For hours and hours.

The body's stomach growled.

I have to feed this.


Tether willed the body to climb out of bed.

Nothing ever satisfies this.

The body took shaky steps over to the sink.


Tether pulled the cabinet open, being careful not to knock off the cloth covering the mirror as they retrieved their toothbrush.


It spit and rinsed.

A leech.

Tether wiped the body's mouth, putting away the toothbrush.

Consuming me.

Yesterday's clothes were slipped on.
Tether tried their best not to see.

Trapped inside a parasite.

They retrieved their keys and phone.

Controlling my attention.

The dorm door shut behind it.

Controlling me.

It stepped into the elevator.
Tether watched the numbers change.

With pain and discomfort.

The doors opened.

I want out.

Tether walked into the dorm dining hall.
Things were quiet, only a few early risers having breakfast at the cheap booths.

They made their way to the start of the serving line, ignoring the menu sign.
The person working the line jutted their head back a little upon noticing the body.
"What'll ya have? Today we-"
"Anything edible."

They shot Tether a glare.
"Well, good morning to you, too."

The body's eyebrows raised as food was tossed onto a tray and handed to them.
It stood still as they walked off into the kitchen.

...What just happened?
They continued down the line, grabbing random items, nearly forgetting a drink in the process.
Doesn't matter.

Once they left the line, Tether found their way to a booth at the very back, on a sort of balcony overlooking the main hall of the dorm.
Surveying the room as they sat down, they easily spotted a table of three several booths away attempting to covertly watch them. The trio averted their gaze when Tether glanced in their direction.

Of course.
More fear.
Or disgust.

They glanced away, focusing on the food on their tray.

I don't like this body, either.
But you wouldn't know that.

Reluctantly, they started eating, but found difficulty.
The body's hands were shaking, food falling off their fork.

What's wrong with you?

They set the fork down, watching the trembling hand.

Is it fear?

I can't tell.

I don't care.
Nothing is wrong. 
It shouldn't matter if they're staring.
They aren't going to be violent, and that's the only case where it would make any difference.

So calm down already.

They picked up their drink and turned the cap, only for it to pop off violently and spill on Tether's clothes.

You miserable--

They could feel the others watching as they hastily dried their shirt and pajama pants as best they could with a napkin.

Tether stood up, grabbed their tray and drink, and hurried for the exit.


They picked up one of the foam boxes nearby and scraped food into it before setting the dirty tray on the counter.

I'm not playing along.
If you won't let me feed you, then I'll just wait.
I'm not trying again until you calm down.

The body stepped back into the elevator.

You can starve until then.

Tether shortly reached their dorm room and tossed the body onto their bed.

Thunder rumbled, drawing them to lift their head towards the window.
Heavy, grey clouds filled the sky, though it wasn't raining.
Strong winds tugged them along.

They laid the body's head back down and rolled it onto its side, ignoring its stomach growling.

A cacophony of chimes and bells sounded, seizing Tether from sleep.
They grasped for their phone, eventually pulling it off the bedside table, where it had sat since last night.

...'Schedule app, automatic reminder.'
First class in an hour.



They rolled the body back over.

It feels like this skin is crawling.

...Sweat... I think.

Tether sat up.

I have to wash the body again.

A claw gripped the side of the bed.

Why does this require constant maintenance?

They dragged the body out of bed and retrieved a caddy with various cheap-looking soaps.

I don't want to think about it anymore.

They slipped flip-flops on, grabbed a set of clean clothes and a towel, and left into the dorm hall.

I hate this.

The hall felt shorter than usual as they trudged towards the bathroom.

Why again

One hand clenched as the other pushed through the door.

I don't want to see any more of it than I already have to.

I don't want to see any of it at all.

Once in a stall, shaky claws started pulling off their clothes.

I don't want to feel it.
I don't want any of it.

They stepped into the shower.

Don't think.

They could hardly get it to turn on the handles, tremors only growing worse.

Don't think anymore.

I'm not in this body.

I'm nowhere.

Nothing is happening.

Nothing is happening.

I'm not here.

Tether found themself on the stall's bench outside the shower.
The body was panting, feeling lightheaded.
Its fur was still damp, but it sported clean clothes now.

Think I'm done.


Back in their dorm, they checked their phone.

Seven- They slipped on a jacket and snagged their keys mid-motion of exiting the dorm.
The body flew down the stairs and out of the building, nearly knocking over another student who gasped in surprise.
Tether slowed to a brisk walk after that, not bothering to look back at them.

They tried to keep the head forward, but couldn't help noticing heads turning to look at them.

They shifted their sight upward instead.

The clouds were darker, appearing dense, full.

Tether's vision blurred, and they shook the body's head.
Focus. Calm down. 
What could possibly be wrong with you this time?
It was a shower, calm down
Do one thing correctly, please.

They sat down in the back row. 

A full-body, life-size anatomical model loomed next to them.
They hadn't noticed before they took a seat.
Its plastic organs were half-out, put up on display for all to see.
It stared at them with hollow eyes.

Tether had seen those same eyes before.

Several times.

I feel sick
The body's eyes darted around the room, witnessing passing glances in their direction.

Everyone's already sitting.
Getting up would draw more attention.

It's too late.
Settle down.

I'm not here.
Remember that

They focused back on the professor.

Is he talking?
I can't parse what he's saying.

I can't think

Other students pulled out laptops and paper.

Tether realized they'd left their notebook back at

Chairs scooted back as everyone got up to leave.


why didn't-Don't care.
Back to the room.


They got up, lagging behind the rest.

The professor cut them off on the way to the door.

The body stood still.

"Hey, you're Tether, right?"

Eyes drew up from the floor to meet the ruffneck's, making several stops along the way.

"Well, it's great to meet you.
You already know, but I'm                 "

Tether stared.

"Listen, would you mind waiting here a little while?
I really                    you s          ons, and I h                                         int                      ."

The body sat stiff in the seat.
The lab was empty.

not back

I can't 

do it anymore
I cant exist in this

I want out

They scrunched down, curling inward.

need out


Claws squeezed tight at the body's face.

Tether whimpered.

They looked around frantically, searching for help, 
only to once again meet eyes with the anatomy model

The body heaved, then collapsed, face smacking against the tile with a dull thud.

Moments later, the ruffneck professor entered the lab with an amerveille in tow.
"So, Tether, I wanted--oh, no--"
He hurried over, gently shaking the body.
Getting no response, he picked it up as his colleague pulled out their phone.

The professor carried the body out, and the amerveille followed, dialing an emergency line.

The lab grew quiet.

Faint rainfall gradually overtook the relative silence of the lab.

In the back, 
something twitches.

Two plastic eyes close, 
then open themselves.
Posted by SHIVERS - 05-08-2020, 05:32 AM
-( T e t h e r e d )-
#02: Puncture
CW: Blood, self-harm

The waterfall rushed on.

The river at the peak was briskly swept away, tossed down to crash upon the rocks. 

It pooled in the basin, where it was promptly drawn up into a clear plastic tube and spat out at the top, starting its journey once again.

The plastic waterfall on the filing cabinet broadcasts its trickling sound throughout the dimly-lit office, imbuing the room with a gentle ambience.

A simple desk was set up at the side wall with an outdated computer, sticky notes scattered about. A slightly sunken-in couch sat at the back wall, with a newer, comfy-looking chair just next to it.

A green and white selected sat in a rolling chair at the desk, their tail trailing along the floor to the side. 
The office seemed a bit cramped for such a large species, though they showed no discomfort.

The snake thumbs through a file on the desk, stopping every few moments to place a claw at their mouth, looking thoroughly interested.

A knock interrupts their reading, prompting them to close the file and slide it aside.
They swiveled their chair aside, placing their hands in a relaxed position on the arms of the chair.
"Come in."

The door opens.
A blank body with a bruised leg steps inside and gently shuts the door behind itself.

"Hello there. I'm Doctor Nola Burrey. I understand you don't have a name yet, but that's alright." 
The snake held out a claw to shake.
"No, I don't yet. But I have been thinking on it." They shook.

"Well, that's good to hear.
Please, take a seat." They motioned to the couch and chair nearby.

The figure took a step, then stopped.
"Oh, any spot is fine."

They hesitate, then sit down on the couch; slow and steady.
They kept their legs together, hands laid over each other on their knees, eyes straight ahead.

"I heard about what happened.
You've already been through a lot.
Is your leg feeling any better?"

"It's healing."

Nola leaned back.
"I think an introduction would be best, but please let me know if you need me to stop at any point.
You're welcome to ask any questions you like."

They nodded.

"Well, as I said, I'm Doctor Nola Burrey.
You can call be Dr. Burrey, or just Nola, whatever you'd like."

"Pronouns?" The blank body had mimicked the snake's posture.
"She or he, either is fine.
That's very considerate of you to think of that, I appreciate it.

What are your pronouns?
If you aren't sure yet, that's alright."

"...They-them fit just fine."

"I'll make sure and take note."

She took a breath.

"Do you know what you're here for?"
"Yes, that's part of this.
But I'm also a doctor and a researcher. 
I work here at the university, and just down the road at the labs.

My job right now is to be here if you need anything.
If you get hurt or sick, you can call me.
If you regain any of your memories and want to talk over them, you let me know.
Or even if you're just feeling nervous - or sad, or scared - you can call me anytime.

Does that sound alright?"

Why was it necessary to have someone filling this role?
Am I being treated like a child?

"I'm glad."

Or... they are all afraid of me.


"Now, it's been a few days since you came to for the first time."

What do I have to do to prove I am not a threat?

"I'd really just like to know in general how you're feeling."

I am sure I can figure something out.

"So, if you'd like to elaborate on that..."

Just like last time. I'll find something to--

The blank body's eye contact with the wall was broken as the selected gently waved.
"Is everything alright?"
"I was... thinking."
"What about?"

They fell silent.

Nola breathed in and out.
"You can talk to me. You are allowed to be honest with me."

They looked over to the waterfall.
"...I don't know if I should say what I'm thinking."

He leaned in just a little.
"Anything you say to me is confidential, and will never leave this room unless you say otherwise.
I'm not allowed to tell anyone, it's part of my job."

They didn't turn to look at her.
"Doctor-patient confidentiality?"
"...Yes, exactly."

Their gaze went back to him, staring through the snake.

"You are afraid of me.
Everyone is.
I don't know what I am, but I don't belong.
I am not one of you, clearly.

I don't belong with any of you.
I don't belong in this body, either.
No part of this is correct. 
I am an anomaly, I should not exist here."

"I'm not afraid of you."

Their sight focused on his face.

"Shouldn't you be?" They asked, confused.

She smiled.
"When you arrived here, you saw blank bodies hanging up beside you in storage.
What did you do?"
"I... tried to communicate with them. I thought they were alive."
"Why did you want to communicate with them?"
"...I wanted help."
He nodded.
"And when you were attacked? When you were hit with the bat, how did you respond?"
"I feigned falling unconscious."
"To make the body seem in worse shape than it was."
"In order to...?"
Their eyes opened marginally wider, the figure baffled. 
"To get help, as I said.
I don't understand the point of this line of questioning."
"You tried to communicate. That's the point."
"I don't... this doesn't make sense to me."
"One of your first instincts after appearing in this world - supposedly for the first time, with no prior memories or knowledge - was to communicate.
When you were in a stressful situation, you looked for assistance.
Even when you were met with hostility and violence, you still tried to find help instead of retaliating."
"It was the most advantageous option. It was my best chance. 
That doesn't mean I'm alike to you."
"To me, it shows that you aren't here to hurt anyone.
So I'm not afraid of you."


"I think we can move past that for now, but we can talk more about it later, if you'd like.
For now, there are some things I'd like to talk over with you.
If there's anything you don't want to talk about, just tell me so, and we'll drop it.


"Okay." The snake shifted in his chair, tail swishing along the floor to re-orient itself.

"I'd like to talk a little about the things you've learned, and how you've learned them."
"When you spoke with some of the doctors before, you mentioned that you didn't know how to speak at first, or what things were, for the most part.
But as you looked around that room, the knowledge seemed to come in gradually.
That, and you seem to be picking up on behaviors and language through mirroring."
She nodded. "What you're doing right now. You shifted your posture to match mine.
Was that unconscious?"
"Then you're consciously observing behaviors and trying to mimic what you see, presumably in order to fit in.
With all that, your grasp on Morbitian knowledge, social cues, and the like is ...incredibly advanced, considering the short amount of time you've been here."
"Is that abnormal?"
"Not necessarily, and that leads into what I wanted to bring up next..."

"What we've examined of your condition, and your behavior, is much more consistent to that of someone who's lost their memory rather than, say, a being having been just born or created.
We think, as of now, that this knowledge coming to you is all memories; things you already knew, but are slowly remembering.
Which means you may remember who you used to be, as well."


"Or something like it, yes."

"Then what about this body?"

"Well... you certainly seem to have a disconnect between this body and yourself, in the way you speak about it.
To the point where even looking in a mirror causes you a severe amount of distress.
You don't seem to feel that this body is yours.
Am I correct in saying that?"

They nodded.

"Then, potentially... 'you' - the part of you that makes yourself who you are - became displaced from your original body.
You lost distinct memories, but general knowledge came back quickly. So, it's fair to say the rest of your memory could as well.
At least, that's the theory we currently have."

"You're not certain?"

"No. We've never encountered a phenomenon quite like this before."

"What caused it?"

"We aren't sure about that, either.
We do have theories, but nothing certain as of yet."

"Tell me about the theories."

She inhaled.
"...I'm not sure that's for the best at this time. Not until we're more sure we're on the right track."

They stared.
But I am the one living in this predicament.
I am the one bound to this body.

He continued. "I think it'd be better to use this time more constructively, to focus on you and how you're doing, rather than theorize about the cause of all this.
There's plenty to talk over to make sure you're doing alright, and to teach you about when it comes to your mental health and socializing."

They stared.

"But, I promise you, as soon as we have something more concrete, you'll be the first to know."

I don't know that I believe that.


She nodded. "Moving along, I have some big news for you today.

Good news."

They tilted their head just barely.

"Starting today, you'll be moving out of the lab.
You'll be living in your own room right here on campus.
We'll still be making sure to have someone come by to check on you periodically, just to make sure you're alright, but you won't be under direct supervision anymore.
It won't be very big, but you'll have your own space to yourself.
We'll be providing you with some fairly rudimentary things that'll be yours to keep."

The selected started counting on their claws. 
"Your own bed, blankets, towels, a phone; things like that.
Yours to keep, and we can provide you with some other things you might need, or even just things you'd like, within reason."

"Within reason?"

"Well, we can't get you a car, for instance.
But public transit is very accessible here in Effigest, we just ask that you let us know if you plan to travel outside of the city.
Beyond that, you can do whatever you'd like.
We even have an opportunity set up for you.
Should you want to, you can start college in the next two weeks."

She raised her claws. "Now, I know this is a lot to take in, so if you don't--"
"I can." They cut her off, leaning forward.

"Really?" He smiled. "Are you excited?"


"Excited. Are you looking forward to it? Eager to start?"


What am I feeling?
Am I feeling anything?

"I just want to do it."

"I'm glad to hear.
I think that'll be good for you.
Do you enjoy learning new things?"

"I want to."

We'll get that set up, then, and you'll have time to pick your classes out soon."

He looked up at the clock.
They followed her eyes.

"Well, we're running fairly short on time, but I have a couple more questions.
I know it's probably been a lot--"
"Sure." The blank body's thumbclaw pressed into its pointer finger. "You can ask questions."

He was watching their hand. 
"Are you sure?
We can stop if you're feeling stressed.
...Are you stressed?"


I don't know what I am.
I don't want to think.

"...I don't know. Continue."

"Alright, but tell me if I need to stop."

She shifted in her seat. "Earlier, you told me you didn't belong in this body.
Did you mean that you don't belong around other people because you're in this body?
Or did--"
"I am not... supposed to be in this body." The body grabbed its own arm. "It isn't mine."
He nodded. "Alright, I understand. That's what I thought, but I wanted to check in just to make sure I was interpreting what you said correctly."
They exhaled, pressing their thumb in harder.

"Last question for today, I promise."
They nodded.
"You said you were thinking about a name.
Did you have one you'd like me to try out with you?"

Did I say that?

What was I thinking about?

"I was..."
Their hands began to shake.

It was a name.
I thought about it.
It was in my mind.

The claw dug in.

It was here somewhere.
Where is it?

...the name that...

I was... 

I was...


I can't think.
I can't think.
It's not here.
Nothing is here.

The chair shifted across the carpet, snapping them back into focus.
They found Nola in front of them, holding a tissue against their hand.
Red blood soaked into it, forming a small patch.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were quite that stressed."
Their mouth was open, saying nothing.
The body stared down at its trembling hands.

"Are you alright?"

They met his sight.

For the name.

I can try Tether."
Posted by SHIVERS - 04-09-2020, 07:38 PM
-( T e t h e r e d )-
#01: Cascade
CW: Mild violence, panic attack


I am seeing.

The eyes of the body on the table had opened.

Its chest rose and fell.

It stared at the fluorescent lights on the ceiling, otherwise unmoving.

I feel the air.

I feel something else.

From the inside.

I am pinned.

Or can I...

Its arm lifted, moving over into its own view.
It watched.
The fingers moved, tendons pulling like puppet strings.

...This is not mine.

The figure pressed the claw of its thumb up against its pointer finger.

But it acts accordingly.

The hand shook as more pressure was applied.

It suddenly stopped.



I believe so.

Why don't I know?

Why am I questioning?

Something is wrong.

Something is wrong.

Raspy coughs leaked out of the body, its breathing hoarse.

Or different.


It broke into a fit of coughing, its arms going around its throat, instinctively attempting to stop it.






Its head turned side to side, scanning the room.


Look for a spout instead.

Among the glass cabinets and instruments around the room, an oddly-glowing, ribbon-like structure was caught in its gaze.

It flowed out of the wall, as if blown by a light breeze, and was receding back into it.



None of this is.

The glow fully disappeared within the tiles.

Hard to see.


Need to move the body.
Get up.

The body sat up and swiveled its legs off the side of the metal table in a strange motion, like it was lagging behind itself, head not fully upright.

It tried to stand, but toppled.

The figure landed against a side table, knocking a bonesaw along with a tray of surgical tools into the floor.

Head is... bad... connection?



But busy.

It looked around the room, putting all its weight on the table as its legs shook.

The buzzing fluorescents illuminated the wall's dull green tiles and the drain on the floor.

But no spout. No sink.
Need to leave. Or need assistance.

As the body turned, a windowed wall with double-doors at its center came into view.
Through them were other bodies, looking entirely similar to this one.
They hung from the ceiling, each wrapped in a kind of airtight, clear, plastic-ish material.

Others. People.
I can use this body to communicate.

The body held one of its arms up in an attempted wave, having to take care not to fall.

It watched the hanging bodies in silence.

...Can they see me?

The door opened.
The body's head turned to face it.

An orange pockitt in a white coat and rubber gloves stood mid-motion, frozen.

This one does not move, either.
I can try again.

The body's arm raised, its face expressionless as it clung to the side table.

The pockitt yelped and scrambled down the hall.

And unnecessary.
Is this body the source of the reaction?
Is there an issue with it?

The figure looked itself over, taking in the indigo-grey of its body, its claws - hands and feet - its long tail that was just a bit heavy, and the white, circular stripes scattered around various extremities.

I don't see anything frightening.

As its line of sight shifted back upwards, it caught its own reflection in the metal side table it leaned against.

It watched.

I don't like this.

What is this feeling?

The eyes stared into themselves.

Its breath quickened.




Is wrong.

It wheezed, one of its paws snaking up its chest.



Room feels small.
Can't move.
Can't breathe.


It clutched at its own throat with both hands, as if trying to pull away something clamped on.

I need.



It finally turned its head away, wheezing and coughing.


I still need to find water

It took a few shaky, experimental steps, managing to make it to the exit doors.
The body leaned on one of them, carefully pushing through.

A short hallway - white tiles and white walls with a single turn at the end - laid out before it.

A green stripe along the wall caught its attention, the figure finding clustered white scribbles at the end of it, just a couple of feet away.

Why am I fixated on this?

Does this have some-


The body squinted at the scribbles.


Why do I think of this word when I look at it?

I read it.
It's language. Writing. 
Printed text, or maybe painted.

...I shouldn't bother with more questions.
I need to find water.

It continued down the hall, using the wall for support.

After rounding the turn at the end, it spotted a room just down the hall, at the next fork:
A bathroom.

The light was off, but a sink was still fully visible despite the dark.


It shuffled along towards the bathroom, managing to let go of the wall and walk on its own, being careful not to fall.

It neared the fork.

A reverberating jolt of pain traveled through its right leg.

The figure stumbled back. 
It caught itself on the wall with one paw, reaching down to its leg with the other.

Lots of it.

The pockitt stared at the body, bat at the ready, their eyes wild with fear.

This one again.
Still afraid.

"Yeah, stings, don't it?!"

Extremely inconvenient.

"Don't get any closer. You hear me?"

I need to come closer to get water.

...But this one doesn't understand that.

I can communicate.
It seems to prefer verbal, I can try to respond in kind.

The body opened its mouth, but only a wheeze came out.

Can't speak.
Maybe water would help?
But I can't get-

This is


The pockitt took a step forward.
"Now BACK up!"

I need to communicate. Somehow.
I can at least show that I am listening.

It tried to step back.
Its face scrunched up in a wince.


"I TOLD you to back up!"
The pockitt advanced on the body, bat pulled back and ready to strike.

This is dangerous.
If the body is hurt too badly, it will die.
If I am in the body, and it-

Don't think about that.
Need to communicate.
No speech...

What gesture?

The pockitt took another step forward.
The body gripped the wall.

What ideas do I need to communicate?
What would work?

"I'm warning you!"

It's scared.
If I raise my arms at all it could misjudge it as an attack.

Deliberate communication may frighten it further.

What's the solution?

They took another step.
"LAST chance!"

If not deliberate, 

The body's eyes rolled back, then closed.
Its feet slipped out from under it as it crumpled to the floor, landing on its back.

It fell still save for the rise and fall of its chest.

Feigned, and a little painful, but hopefully convincing.

Entirely non-threatening.
This body is not conscious, you see?
You have control here.

You are safe.

Now please settle down.

There was quiet.

You have new information, so you're now reassessing the situation.
It wasn't what you thought, was it?
But you are fine.
Now, what should you do?

Quiet footsteps were heard, drawing closer to the figure on the floor.

This person is not a threat to you.
They are lying on the floor, unconscious.
So, then--

The body felt the bat poking its side several times.

...It's ...not dead.
Why would you think...?

You can see it breathing.
And clearly this person needs help, right?

Quick footfalls left the hallway, rounding the corner and trailing off into silence.


The body opened its eyes and got up slowly, using the wall.

Not ideal, but I can get water now.

It tried somewhat successfully to use its left leg for support as it limped towards the bathroom.
Crossing the fork, it could hear the pockitt speaking down the hallway, but the voice was too distant to make out anything specific.

Need to hurry.

It stumbled upon entering the bathroom, but caught the sink with one arm.
It pressed its left leg down firmly to steady itself, taking great care to avoid eye contact with the mirror.

"...-idn't leave the clinic yet."
The voice down the hall grew closer. 

"...One of the blank bodies, man, I told you! You didn't see anything weird with 'em this morning?
...Well it's UP and walking around!"


...These are operated... by...

"I mean it was until I hit it with the bat. 
...Yeah, well it came in handy, didn't it?"

The body grabbed one of the handles.

"No, it's not someone in a damn costume! I was barely gone for a sec, they wouldn't have time to-- Oh shut up. I'll send a picture of it right now."

The pockitt's voice was just outside the bathroom.

"Okay yeah mayb--oh  FUCK.

It's gone, man, it--"

The handle turned.
Water poured into the sink.

The pockitt's phone clattered against the tile floor.

The sink shut off.

March stared into the open bathroom, unflinchingly.

To her horror, two white eyes glowed in the darkness.

She readied her bat, resisting the urge to scream.

The bathroom light turned on, illuminating the figure inside.
It wiped away water from its muzzle.

A massive bruise was visible along its right leg.

It took them a few seconds of coughing before they were able to speak.


I think I need a hospital."
Posted by SHIVERS - 04-09-2020, 06:42 PM
[Image: AbinVhZ.png]
[Image: vdojlbJ.png]

(art = gray folie /