Thread Review (Newest First) |
Posted by - 02-09-2020, 11:20 PM |
4) This creature looked very sharp and dangerous at first, but when it tried to run at me, its scales crumbled like sugar glass 5) Glass 6) Fragile 7) No music besides the tinkling of the creature's shed scales |
Posted by King-Clod - 01-28-2020, 11:59 PM |
4.) At first glance I thought that it was feathered, but upon closer inspection I found the the feathers, and well as the skin of the creature, were made entirely out of what seemed to be hardened clay, or porcelain. Adolescents seemed to be much goopier in texture (though I couldn't get as good a look at them) so I think the creature might be made of of a slime like substance until it reaches adulthood, when the slime is either shed, or hardens. This is only my hypothesis, of course. 5.) China (as in the material) 6.) Paranoid 7.) |
Posted by Lilium Mortem - 01-28-2020, 11:49 PM |
4) gem-like crystalline structure 5)Crystal 6)sparkly 7) |
Posted by cosmo - 01-28-2020, 11:45 PM |
4) soft vinyl plastic 5) plastic 6) soft 7) |
Posted by skinstealer - 01-28-2020, 11:41 PM |
![]() In a big contrast to your first discovery, this Critz appears very small. It has a short, stocky body and impressive least, impressive for its size anyway. It's a surprisingly fierce little thing and you almost lost a finger tracking it, but you've got it down as best as you can...time for more questions. 4) What was the creature made out of, and what was its outer texture/pattern? If you cannot identify the exact substance, traits will be suitable. 5) What element would you associate the creature with? 6) What attribute would you associate the creature with? 7) What music were you listening to when encountering this creature, if any? |
Posted by AceOfNothing - 01-28-2020, 07:54 AM |
1. The creature may appear small, but it can thin itself out and become quite long. If it could actually balance on two legs it would likely tower over most men. 2. A ferret mixed with a deer of some sorts. It almost reminds me of Jacklope almost mixed with one of those fuzzy warms. 3. It was very active, jolting around, hard to see for more then a few seconds when left alone. It became quite aggressive when it saw anything it deemed a threat, charging at it with its horns and making irritating screeching sounds. It also likes to dig, which is somewhat worrying when you need to document it. |
Posted by 1011686 - 01-24-2020, 10:49 PM |
1. slightly shorter than myself 2. A hermit crab, except much larger, and its shell was perfectly cone-shaped. 3. It spent a lot of its time under its shell not moving, looking nothing so much as an out-of-place stalagmite. But when I took my eyes off it for a moment, it disappeared. It took me a few seconds to find it again, and by then it was already several dozen metres from where it had been. Very fast. |
Posted by cosmo - 01-13-2020, 06:06 AM |
1. medium to small size. 2. wombat-ish in shape but it had a nose like a star-nosed mole which it rooted around in the soil with. i think it was looking for worms. 3. it was too busy hunting for worms to notice me. |
Posted by King-Clod - 01-11-2020, 01:19 AM |
1. No larger than a chihuahua, I'd say. 2. A griffon, maybe. It had the head, neck and wings of an ostrich, and the lower half of an ocelot, albeit with feathers on the tail and toes. 3. It had no mercy. It went for my throat the second I stepped foot within it's line of sight, and it took my whole team to get it off me. It only did this to humans, as far as I could tell. It treated every other creature around it with a good deal of respect. It ate insects and small rodents, (nearly my finger) and spent most of it's time glaring at me, no matter how far I tried to get from it. Impeccable eyesight. |
Posted by skinstealer - 01-10-2020, 11:08 PM |
#001- SNUGGLEBUG ![]() Attribute: Watchful Element: Surrender Size: Large, sizable adults are mountable. Diet: Fabric scraps, the older the better. Brand new fabric will be outright refused by most Snugglebugs. Abilities: Can distort TV and radio static to form words and sounds, allowing for communication with people. Snugglebugs are also comforted by this noise, and are easy to tame with its aid. Care: Snugglebugs need safe but spacious environments, preferably with objects/structures to mess around with. Static source is preferred for more direct communication, but not necessary for raising. Location: Populated areas, most common in rural ones with older structures. Social Groupings: Solitary aside from parents rearing their young, though other Critz tend to flock to them for warmth and comfort. Taming Method: Offer the Snugglebug one of its favorite items, showing that you have watched over it just as it has watched over you. Music Lure: TV Static "....h..hello, is is..a..anyone there?" ![]() Snugglebugs have a strange carapace, seemingly made out of moth-eaten knit fabric. The body of a Snugglebug is made out of similar fabric, albeit more firm and without holes. It seems particularly attracted to the sound of laughter and gatherings of people, but remains out of sight as long as possible. If given the opportunity, this Critz will interfere with structures and objects around a gathering place, such as rearranging the place settings at a tea party. It's unknown what this Critz aims to achieve through doing so. When not observing people from a careful distance, this Critz sleeps, filled with energy the moment it wakes up. It moves with great care through its environments to avoid knocking things over or piercing them with its spikes. The carapace of a Snugglebug can be lifted, allowing smaller creatures to lay underneath it, not unlike a blanket. Those who are bonded enough with their Snugglebugs may be able to do so as well, making for a comfortable shelter while on the go. These Critz make their nests out of found objects, often amassing a hoard of specific objects they find enjoyable. A Snugglebug in the wild can often be seen shaping its nest with its spikes, pushing aside brush and litter in order to make a cleaner space. VARIANTS ![]() The Argyle variant of Snugglebug is the most sociable out of any of the variants, and while still content to observe from afar, taming one of these Critz is easier due to their willingness to approach people. Argyle Snugglebugs are more likely to accept gifts that are a little off the mark of their favorites. If given a radio or television to manipulate, Argyle Snugglebugs are incredibly chatty, and capable of holding long conversations. Despite their soft bodies, these Snugglebugs are very active, and can often be seen tripping over themselves. ![]() The Newleaf variant of Snugglebug is very low energy and sleepy, with the majority of its day spent resting in a safe, secure place. These Snugglebugs value their environments more than others, finding a single place to stay and sticking to it. As such, it can be hard for those looking to tame a Newleaf Snugglebug, as many are reluctant or outright refuse to leave their chosen homes. Gifts, as a result, should be extremely precious objects to the Snugglebug in order to persuade it to leave. Finding one of these Snugglebugs is not difficult with the use of a portable radio, their humming coming through the noise the closer one gets. ![]() The Patchwork variant of Snugglebug is a hungry one, seeking out fabric scraps with great enthusiasm. Some thrift store owners have even woken up to find their stores ransacked, little holes left in all of the old clothing. These Snugglebugs always leave a gift behind, however, presumably as some sort of apology. Patchwork Snugglebugs are prone to gathering hoards of things that they enjoy, moreso than other variants. Touching a Patchwork Snugglebug's hoard without express consent will not result in hostility, but will make even the most thought out gifts rejected. ![]() The Tattered variant of Snugglebug is the weakest out of any known variant. Its carapace and skin are easily torn and often full of more holes than others, leading it to have cautious behavior around people and other Critz. This makes these Snugglebugs especially hard to tame, as they are most likely to run away instead of allowing contact. Some Tattered Snugglebugs even see gifts as a threat, supposedly because of their paranoia over being watched and possibly harmed. It takes a lot of coaxing to get these Critz to use radios or televisions, despite the fact that it's just as soothing for them as any other. PETZ DOWNLOAD Watchful and Surrender have been added to the Appendix! ELEMENTS Surrender Surrender-aligned Critz are at peace living among people, commonly found in populated areas. These Critz are non-hostile even when attacked, and have soft, vulnerable bodies. They are extremely tameable, and make for excellent companions to those willing to protect and care for them. ATTRIBUTES Watchful Watchful Critz are highly intelligent as a result of studying people and their surroundings, their curious natures leading them to constant discovery. Typically, Watchful Critz have distinct eyes, easily noticed in one way or another. These Critz are capable of various kinds of mimicry as well, both of people and other Critz. To keep up with new entries, the Critz bestiary is located here. Click Resources, then Critz, and you're in! With the first bestiary entry all filled out, you're ecstatic- you did it, and scored the number one slot as well! You get the feeling that other slots will fill up from other peoples' discoveries, but...for now, the feeling of being first is pretty dang satisfying. Well, only one thing to do now...go out and find more Critz!
Posted by Shifter55 - 01-03-2020, 11:51 PM |
8. A dark olive base, with yellow and maroon markings. The carapace seemed to have a borytroidal or cloudy pattern. 10. It was spotted at range on a valley slope, investigating the area around a survey mark. While most of it's form was hidden in the surrounding understory, the location was cleared enough that it had to reveal part of it's torso in order to interact with the marking rod directly. Due to environmental constraints we were not able to journey to the mark, but others along our path had signs of recent use, and disentangling of sprawling plants and vines where the understory was developed enough to be of similar height to the spotted individual. |
Posted by 1011686 - 01-03-2020, 11:07 PM |
8. The carapace was mostly this light brown colour, with patches and spots splashed over it in shades of this kind of dried-out green. 9. Lexicor. 10. The creature was encountered late at night in a rural area. It stayed away from the vehicle, just barely in view of the light, but when the radio started playing music it moved closer. It was very light on its feet, almost prancing in a way. It didn't settle down, but continued stepping around and moving in circles until the music ended, at which point it trotted back off into the darkness. |
Posted by A_Mi_Manera - 01-03-2020, 11:00 PM |
8) Patchwork, monochrome with red accents. 9) Seconding Snugglebug 10) The individual presses its face into the soil near the watering hole, feeling around for the vibrations of any predator. it continues to do this until it feels secure, and takes big gulps of water before looking for a mass of grounded foliage to rest in. If needed, it'll break down a local shrub to create a resting point with its spiked carapace. |
Posted by King-Clod - 12-31-2019, 04:02 PM |
8. Grey base, with baby blue, dark blue, and green markings, and a Newleaf pattern on the carapace and horns. 9. Snugglebug! 10. The individual was sleeping when we inspected it, and didn't seem to stir when approached. Upon further inspection, we could see creatures shuffling about underneath the carapace, a few that looked like the individual in question, as well as a few young creatures from different species, (albeit no carnivorous ones.) We watched again a few hours later, and the shuffling of structures and objects seemed to be, in the case of this individual, a sort of nesting procedure. It used the spikes on its tail to soften the ground, tore a few strands from its carapace to line it (which I suspect it's where the hopes come from), and surrounded the next with small objects and structures as a barrier of sorts, between it and us. |
Posted by skinstealer - 12-27-2019, 08:02 AM |
You submit your report and wait on a response, days turning to weeks...but sure enough, you receive a letter in the mail- with good news! Your creature has been tracked down and verified by the institution behind your group. They've gathered some information on it for you, but they seem to have more questions as pore over the letter, trying to absorb its every word. ![]() ???? the Watchful Surrender ???? This creature has a strange carapace, seemingly made out of moth-eaten knit fabric. Its body is made out of similar fabric, albeit more firm and without holes. It seems particularly attracted to the sound of laughter and gatherings of people, but remains out of sight as long as possible. If given the opportunity, this creature will interfere with structures and objects around a gathering place, such as rearranging the place settings at a tea party. It's unknown what this creature aims to achieve through doing so. When not observing people from a careful distance, this creature sleeps, filled with energy the moment it wakes up. It moves with great care through its environments to avoid knocking things over or piercing them with its spikes. You read on to the next questions, proud of your new finding. For your next task, you will be required to go out into the field and uncover more information about this species.... 8) Discover an individual of this species- we're currently looking for different kinds of sweater-like patterns on this creature's carapace. Please include colors at minimum. 9) Propose a name for the creature. 10) Record what environment you find your individual in, as well as its behavior while being observed. Well, time to get to you're getting excited!
Posted by cosmo - 12-27-2019, 03:42 AM |
4. fur and flesh, you know, like a cat. 5. vision 6. watchful 7. tv static. i'm into some weird genres. |
Posted by 1011686 - 12-27-2019, 03:36 AM |
4. It looked like normal, you know, horse skin, with hair and stuff. But, harder, more rigid, less flexible. 5. Horse 6. Horse-like 7. Old Town Road by Lil Nas X |
Posted by TwistBone - 12-27-2019, 02:44 AM |
4- The carapace was hard and smooth, appearing to be made of some kind of stained glass, the rest of it’s body seemed to be made of slightly melted wax 5- Metal 6- Warm 7- Touch tone telephone |
Posted by King-Clod - 12-27-2019, 01:53 AM |
4. I wasn't able to touch it, but it seemed to have a knitted texture from afar. Like an argyle sweater, albeit with some holes. 5. Surrender 6. Moth-Eaten 7. |
Posted by knux400 - 12-26-2019, 05:29 AM |
4- The carapace felt hard and smooth, sort of like bone or fingernail, but a bit glossier. The eyes were black and dewy, and seemed more suitable for night vision. Its legs and tail were not covered by the carapace, but instead they appeared to be made of a tough leathery hide. The tusks and the spikes on the thagomizer were definitely keratin. 5- Spikes 6- Bulky 7- Well, I was watching it for the duration of 4 or 5 songs, but I'm pretty sure I first saw it somewhere in the middle of "Feel the Power in Your Soul". It's a really catchy one, don't judge. |
Posted by skinstealer - 12-25-2019, 07:06 AM |
![]() remember it now. It had thick legs and a carapaced body, a tail complete with thagomizer, a massive horn, five eyes...oh, and tusks too. You can't help but feel a bit of a rush as you write this report down- this was your discovery, after all! Hell, maybe you'd even get to name it by the end- And then your gaze falls upon the next, extremely strange series of questions. The early ones were easy, but you'd need to remember your training. 4) What was the creature made out of, and what was its outer texture/pattern? If you cannot identify the exact substance, traits will be suitable. Right...creatures around here could be composed of anything, and have any texture...they didn't have to make logical sense, not like most Earth creatures. 5) What element would you associate the creature with? Elements were never your strong suit in the Academy, mainly due to there being so damn many of them. If there was a noun, there was an element for it. 6) What attribute would you associate the creature with? Attributes were even worse- you half think that the people running this thing must be screwing with you, because "any adjective" feels like a really convoluted way to classify creatures. 7) What music were you listening to when encountering this creature, if any? Music was required for watching creatures, but...this just feels ridiculous now. How could this be relevant? Well, time to answer these questions. |
Posted by King-Clod - 12-24-2019, 06:42 PM |
1. The creature was around the size of a horse, if horses walked around on their hind legs. 2. The creature looked to me like a large squirrel/kangaroo rat, some form of rodent. It's coat was a pinkish orange, similar to the color of a peach, and its eyes were a piercing yellow color, with a cat's pupils. My colleagues both reported completely different appearances for the creature, however, one claiming it looked like a large blue dog, and the other claiming it looked like an old toy they had as a kid, with a lime green plush elephant head and arms and a blanket underbelly, that floated around much like a ghost. All reports of the creature included the yellow cat eyes, so I hypothesize that it's some sort of cat that takes on the appearance of trustworthy creatures, varying from person to person. Hallucinatory properties, perhaps? All reports also included forward facing eyes, so I suspect it might be a predator. 3. I never saw the creature eat, but I did witness small creatures walk into its area of influence that didn't come back out. I saw it sleeping most of the day, though my colleagues claimed they saw it doing other activities, such as chasing birds or setting up a tea party. It kept it's gaze off of us for the duration of our watch, but I couldn't shake the feeling that it was watching us. |
Posted by victorianflorist - 12-24-2019, 03:35 PM |
1. Medium to small. Domesticated varieties are small enough that the average Morbitian could have this creature ride on their shoulder quite easily, it doesn't grow much larger than that. But wild varieties vary to medium sized dog size. 2. This insectoid creature is a hexaped but at first glance seems most similar to the earth alpaca or llama. Their large, fluffy fur is distinctly similar to morphs of the Morbitian centinels and their body shape is that odd L-shape.That is where the similarities end. The face of these creatures is wholly crustratean, a tangle of mandibles like that of the earth crab. The legs end in flat pads which ooze a sticky residue in arboreal varieties, seemingly analogous to earth geckos. 3. These creatures cam vary wildly in behaviour. In the field they are typically omnivorous scavengers, preferring decaying meat but eating any and all detritus they encounter. Rotting wood, fruit, etc. It's theorized that they really eat the bacteria and mold growing on these rotting food sources. Domesticated varieties typically have less specialized palettes. They're a flighty species, quick to run. They live in small family groups, brooding together in communal nests and watching over the young regardless of their parentage. Domestic varieties have most of these instincts but lack the flight response. |
Posted by 1011686 - 12-24-2019, 08:41 AM |
1. It was very tall and very long, but thin enough that you could grip your hand around it. 2. A horse. It had a long head, a mane, four hooves, a tail. Just, with very strange proportions. 3. Entirely like a regular horse. It grazed on some grass for a while, and upon approaching it, it trotted away. It even made a 'neigh' sound, though it seemed slightly distorted, higher-pitched. |
Posted by cosmo - 12-24-2019, 07:14 AM |
it appeared to be a normal cat in all respects except it seemed to be made of fog and had too many eyes. when you saw it, it winked half of the eyes on its body and disappeared. |
Posted by MarxzVulpez - 12-23-2019, 09:42 AM |
Posted by Shifter55 - 12-23-2019, 09:36 AM |
1: 0.2mm-0.4mm length, difficult to measure due to fast movement 2: Some sort of arthropod, appears to have large forelimbs. Creature was spotted due to brilliant, intermittent glow, that appeared to change hue based on viewing angle. 3: Found moving hurriedly over a cement path, when blocked by a hand to halt progress faint tapping sensations could be felt as it attempted to burrow under the obstruction. Refused to stop moving and no objects were on hand that mated with the path well enough to prevent it from passing underneath them. |
Posted by skinstealer - 12-23-2019, 09:03 AM |
You are a researcher working for [REDACTED], a group dedicated to cataloging strange and mysterious know that your job is to create a database of whatever beings you come across in your travels, but you can't help but think of it as a bestiary. Many other researchers contribute their findings alongside you, hopefully leading to a comprehensive guide to all that lurks in the unknown wilds. Today is a very important day- you're here to give your first report. From what you've seen in your training course, these reports are...strange. They start out with fairly straightforward questions, and just get weirder and weirder...but you're going to do your best. Simple answers work just as well as complex ones, but they have to be text- any images attached are rejected, which never made much sense to you in the first place. Looking at the questions in front of you, you hope that your notes are adequate. Only one way to find out...