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Posted by cosmo - 08-11-2020, 06:11 AM
i LOVE the idea of an art fridge!

also seconding slingshot practice followed by exploration
Posted by King-Clod - 08-09-2020, 07:17 PM
"Get your slingshot ready, just in case. ...Actually, now might be a good time to practice with it a bit. Can you make a smiley face on the side of the train station from where you're standing?"

We can always make a fridge for her to put it on, or a gallery, or something similar. The reward can be our appreciation.
Posted by victorianflorist - 08-09-2020, 07:08 PM
Go right ahead! Look around and explore! We're right here with you
Posted by Lilium Mortem - 08-09-2020, 04:17 PM
"Sure, the sludge won't hurt you, but be careful of the train tracks, and don't get on any train you see without talking to us first, we didn't make that... someone else might have."

I don't want to poison Tip with notions of capitalism, but I also want to give her something for her effort if she does end up making us a portrait. given that we and will give her anything, what's something special you think would make for a thank you gift? My first thought is candy, but that seems a bit shallow. maybe some art textbooks? coloring books?
Posted by Iguanaiguana - 08-09-2020, 03:59 PM
[Image: Pannel%2021.png]
As you finalize your image of yourself you see another pop up appear.

Thank you for using our New Form Creation Services[BETA]! If you have any suggestions, comments, or complaints, please direct them here to your admin, or high god Solar or Lunar. Your receipt number is 2318277323.

The links on the weird pop up seem broken, so no way to contact any of the people it mentions. Oh well, you probably should turn your attention back to Tippy anyways.
[Image: Panel%2022.png]
As you do so, you see her walking along, bouncing to each step and looking at her feet, before she notices you and starts vigorously waving. She welcomes you back as you start to tell her about yourself, and she listens intently, hanging onto each word. After you're done, she declares that when she gets home, she will paint a portrait of you. She skips forward with increased excitement, and soon you both see something besides the endless rolling hills.
[Image: Panel%2023.png]

There was a small train station there, along with that familiar sludge, that now that you had as a motif, you had a gut feeling that it wouldn’t hurt Tippy. She seemed in awe, and asked if she could go look around. 

What do you do?
Posted by victorianflorist - 08-05-2020, 11:45 PM
I am satisfied
Posted by light738 - 08-05-2020, 11:28 PM
I love Vertigo's design so much <3
Posted by King-Clod - 08-05-2020, 11:19 PM
I'd say to match the colors of their screen ears to the blanket, but other than that they're looking great!
Posted by cosmo - 08-05-2020, 11:16 PM
i think miscommunication could play well with the static motif so i think this is excellent!! what a cute form =)
Posted by Iguanaiguana - 08-05-2020, 10:58 PM
You continue to think and revise the image of yourself in your mind, slowly getting closer to finalizing your thoughts. 

You are currently deciding your appearance, motifs, and domains, as well as your name and pronouns. The Appearance Generation System will take in suggestions and use it to create and modify your appearance the best it can.

You can have up to two motifs. Motifs affect your appearance and may give bonuses to items you make and spawned TCPS. Currently, your motif(s) are:

You can have up to two domains. Domains do not currently affect gameplay. Your current domain(s) are:

The Appearance Generation System takes in your motifs and direct suggestions to auto generate an appearance. If you would like to change it, please input a direct suggestion on how to modify it. Currently, your appearance is:
[Image: Pannel%2020.png]
Based on: Static(motif), Light(motif)
You are composed of mostly static sludge, with a blanket like cloak hanging from your back. Your face is a screen and can change it’s display as desired, and you also have a TV antenna on the top of your head. Your antenna and the bits hanging from the blanket both naturally glow, and you can make your screen glow brightly as well if desired.

You must decide on a name to call yourself. Below is a pool of currently suggested names. The name that is suggested the most will automatically be chosen, but in the event of a tie, a random name will be chosen from the tied names. Your current name is:

You must decide on pronouns to be referred to by others. If no pronouns are submitted, or there is a tie, the default option of (they/its) will be selected. These may be changed later. Currently, your pronouns are:

If you would like to modify anything, please make a suggestion below. If you are satisfied with your choices, please say so. Note that appearance, motifs, and domains can not be changed after you submit your choices.
Posted by cosmo - 08-02-2020, 01:29 AM
they/it sounds good for pronouns, i'm sticking with my suggestion of vertigo for the name too!
Posted by - 07-03-2020, 06:13 PM
(ýpsi means heights in greek btw)
Posted by - 07-03-2020, 03:35 AM
i think that it is quite possible that the static-y stuff we have been finding might belong to another god in our session, are you guys sure we want to copy one of their posiible motifs? idk that seems like a dangerous thing to do

and for a name i was thinking Ypsi would be nice
also seconding caligraphy as a motif
Posted by CLUTCH_ - 01-20-2020, 06:06 PM
We need an old tv head with a japanese school uniform
Posted by victorianflorist - 12-18-2019, 02:24 AM
I think we should also have a motif of Light/Biolumensecence, because all our dangly bits and accents would be really cute if they were glowy.

I'm a fan of Vertigo.

They/it's for pronouns will do
Posted by King-Clod - 12-18-2019, 02:21 AM
For appearance, I think legs would be neat. However many or wherever you want. Maybe drippy eyes.
We certainly could use another motif, maybe ink or writing like the others were suggesting? Or language?
Oh, on that note, though a bit negative sounding, I think a domain of miscommunication would be interesting.
Posted by Iguanaiguana - 12-18-2019, 01:04 AM
As you start to think about these things, a pop up appears somewhere in your consciousness.

You are currently deciding your appearance, motifs, and domains, as well as your name and pronouns. The Appearance Generation System will take in suggestions and use it to create and modify your appearance the best it can.

You can have up to two motifs. Motifs affect your appearance and may give bonuses to items you make and spawned TCPS. Currently, your motif(s) are:

You can have up to two domains. Domains do not currently affect gameplay. Your current domain(s) are:

The Appearance Generation System takes in your motifs and direct suggestions to auto generate an appearance. If you would like to change it, please input a direct suggestion on how to modify it. Currently, your appearance is:
[Image: Pannel%2019.png]
Based on: Static(motif).

You must decide on a name to call yourself. Below is a pool of currently suggested names. The name that is suggested the most will automatically be chosen, but in the event of a tie, a random name will be chosen from the tied names. Currently, the name pool is:
Sitrusius, Alanda, Kelevier, Leen, Daze, Vale, Velo, Caligo, Dizzy, Disiugo ("Dizzy" for short), vertigo

You must decide on pronouns to be referred to by others. If no pronouns are submitted, or there is a tie, the default option of (they/its) will be selected. These may be changed later. Currently, no pronouns have been suggested.

If you would like to modify anything, please make a suggestion below. If you are satisfied with your choices, please state so. Note that appearance, motifs, and domains can not be changed after you submit your choices.
Posted by cosmo - 12-17-2019, 07:29 PM
what about vertigo? it kind of fits the base we’ve constructed! ^___^ we could pick heights as one of our domains too.
edit: oh and calligraphy would be another good motif! especially since it could give some sort of synergy bonus with tippy.
Posted by - 12-17-2019, 04:37 AM
I want to second the "static" motif! That sounds great!

Here are some name suggestions!
Disiugo ("Dizzy" for short)
Posted by 1011686 - 12-09-2019, 09:53 AM
I think, its quite possible that if we picked static-ink as a motif, that might be too specific to really give us any sort of useful control. Especially since whatever the staticy thing is it might not be ink. I think just going 'static' as a motif is more likely to be useful, so i think we should do that. Also, when Tipppy gets back we could try >teaching her about staticy stuff and seeing if she learns anything relevant.
Anyway, name. I'm really bad at names, so here's several ideas.
(as i said, bad at names)
Posted by cosmo - 12-08-2019, 08:03 AM
maybe we could make the static-y ink one of our motifs? tbh it concerns me and I feel like it could be harmful to tippy and/or us, but if it’s our motif we could control it! (not in the game necessarily but by principle) of course there’s also.... the chance that by claiming it instead of just gaining control over it, it might corrupt us somehow... I don’t know what do you guys think? having it as a motif might also give us a better understanding of how it works.
Posted by Iguanaiguana - 12-08-2019, 12:49 AM
GIVE: Invisibility cloak (magic item)
[Image: Pannel%2018.png]

Before you head out south to a land of the unknown you decide to give Tippy an invisibility cloak to use just in case she needs it. You make sure to warn her not to use it too much as these items usually have a cost to use them. She says it just looks like an old blanket to her, but she trusts that it's a special invisibility thingy. She tucks it away in her backpack for safe keeping, then steps out from underneath the hammock.

You are now on an ADVENTURE! While on an ADVENTURE you can only COMMAND your tcps and use the CHECK and KILL COMMANDS, and no other players can SPAWN tcps.

After you read the message you notice Tippy’s making good pace across the hills, but it still may take some time for her to find anything of note. She notices your attention’s back on her and she asks what your name is, and other questions about yourself to entertain her as she walked, not really accepting a reply. You hadn’t really thought of what you were before now... it might be a good time to figure yourself out while you and Tippy explored the hillsides.
Posted by cosmo - 09-29-2019, 10:06 PM
GIVE: invisibility cloak (magic item)
tell tippy that this cloak will hide her and keep her safe if she feels like she might be in danger. however she should only use it in emergencies because powerful items like these typically have a cost!

then we can go south when tippys ready
Posted by TwistBone - 09-29-2019, 09:25 PM
South for sure, it’s adventuring time
Posted by 1011686 - 09-28-2019, 08:56 AM
>South! To adventure!
Posted by Iguanaiguana - 09-26-2019, 07:37 PM
GIVE: Backpack, Sling bag, Slingshot, Paintballs, Holster, Binoculars, Healing elixir
TEACH: Binocular use
CREATE: Ski Lift
[Image: Pannel%2016.png]

In the center of the hammock there is a new small opening through it, and spiraling down where the pole would be is a ski lift that can fit two mid sized TCPs on each lift. Tippy grabs her new things and puts them in her sling bag, leaving the backpack behind for later.

[Image: Pannel%2017.png]

Tippy hops on the lift, slowly spiraling down towards the papery bottom. When she touched ground you realized that the area below your hammock was still considered your base, so if you wanted to build anything down there you have free rein. Tippy takes a second to get used to the change in the ground, then asks you where she should go for her adventure.

You could go to the north where the mountains are.
The west where the sun sets.
The east where the moon rises.
Or the south where the unknown lies.

What will you choose?
Posted by cosmo - 09-10-2019, 07:12 PM
seconding clod’s suggestion, i feel like a rope ladder would be hard for tippy’s little crayon feet also
Posted by King-Clod - 09-10-2019, 04:38 PM
As someone who's struggled on a rope ladder before, and knowing just how difficult they are to use (even for people trained to use them), is like to veto that, if I can.
Instead, maybe
Create: Self powered ski lift/trolley car sort of vehicle that hangs from and travels along the infinite pole.
Posted by knux400 - 09-10-2019, 02:33 PM
CREATE: Rope ladder with winch

That way we can have a way down to ground level, but also one we can take away should the need arise. It never hurts to be careful!
Posted by cosmo - 09-10-2019, 12:03 AM
put a healing elixir (consumable by tcps) in the bag jic!!
Posted by 1011686 - 09-09-2019, 11:37 PM
Give: Binoculars
Teach: Binocular use
Im not really sure what the best way to get down would be tbh. Probably not a giant ladder or staircase. Parachute maybe? Hot air balloon? Helicopter?
Posted by victorianflorist - 09-09-2019, 10:52 PM
GIVE: Sling Bag, Sling Shot, Paint Balls, Paint Ball and Sling Shot waist holster
Posted by RibbonCharm - 09-09-2019, 10:50 PM
GIVE Tippy a backpack!
Posted by Iguanaiguana - 09-09-2019, 10:49 PM
"Well Tippy! I'll probably keep expanding your world, so you have new fun places to explore. And maybe we could make you some sort of house? Would you like that?" "Oh, but first, let's get you dried off.”

CREATE: tpc sized hair dryer, miniature sun, beach chair
TEACH: Tippy how to use the "hair" dryer
[Image: Pannel%2014.png]

"Just lie down in that, your paper should dry off in a bit!" Tippy gives you a tcp thumbs up, and then she lounges in the chair drying off while holding the sun, which she said was pleasantly warm to the touch, though very bright, and had dials you could use to up the brightness/heat, it was currently at its lowest setting. After she felt like she was dry she put the sun down and got up.

“What happens next is mostly up to you! You already know painting, but there are lots of other things you can do too. You can learn skateboarding, carving, playing an instrument, writing, role playing, exploring, puzzles, and lots of other things. Do any of those sound interesting to you?”
[Image: Pannel%2015.png]

Tippy says she wants to explore what's out there, it all seems so interesting! She would need a way to get down from the hammock to do that however. If Tippy leaves the hammock you would be on an ADVENTURE and be unable GIVE, TEACH, or CREATE anything while she’s out. Tippy also currently has no way to store items, so she could only carry a few things with her and/or bring a few things back.
Posted by 1011686 - 08-07-2019, 06:31 AM
What happens next is mostly up to you! You already know painting, but there are lots of other things you can do too. You can learn skateboarding, carving, playing an instrument, writing, roleplaying, exploring, puzzles, and lots of other things. Do any of those sound interesting to you?
Posted by knux400 - 08-07-2019, 03:03 AM
CREATE: MINIATURE SUN (or something functionally equivalent), BEACH CHAIR

"Just lie down in that, your paper should dry off in a bit!"
Posted by light738 - 08-05-2019, 09:51 PM
"Well Tippy! I'll probably keep expanding your world, so you have new fun places to explore. And maybe we could make you some sort of house? Would you like that?"

"Oh, but first, let's get you dried off"

CREATE: A tpc sized hairdryer (powered by...something mysterious) to dry Tippy off
TEACH: Tippy how to use the "hair" dryer
Posted by Iguanaiguana - 07-31-2019, 07:10 PM
You decide that Tippy needs a bath to get that weird static and paint off of her. When you tell her this, she says she has no idea what a bath is but it sounds fun. You try to tell her that you not to touch the static, which is immediately followed by a “why not?”. You try to explain that you don’t know if its safe or not, which she seems to not understand. Tippy says it probably fine, it just felt fuzzy and like something she can’t place, and that it was really fun to paint with.

CREATE: bathtub, towel rack, towels, scrubby brushes, rubber ducky, another box, soap storm

TEACH: swimming, bathing

You make bath supplies and teach Tippy how to swim and clean herself. Over on the mountain tops a soap storm rages, which grabs Tippy’s attention for a moment in fascination. While shes not looking you put another box on the staticy face. Just in case.
[Image: Pannel%2012.png]

Tippy has a ball in the bath, splashing and playing with her new rubber duckie toy, who she dubs “Sir Duckington the Third”, or Ducky for short. While she was busy you pulled up her check screen one more time.
[Image: Tip%20Tap%20Check%20Screen%202.png]
Tip Tap is a CRAYON type TCP, and her ability is WRITE ON. At the cost of health Tip Tap can turn anything she touches into a same colored crayon. Additionally, She can use health to write in red crayon with her feet.
The check screen hasn’t changed since the last time you saw it, except for it noting that Tip Tap is feeling adventurous after her playtime in the bath.
[Image: Pannel%2013.png]

Tippy emerges sparkling clean, although you note that her paper covering is still wet and can tear easier due to this. Tippy seems excited though, holding Ducky and asking you what happens next.

Posted by cosmo - 07-27-2019, 10:57 PM
create another box to cover up the smiley face again while we’re at it
Posted by seppawku - 07-27-2019, 01:49 AM
CREATE: rubber duckie!!!
Posted by victorianflorist - 07-27-2019, 01:36 AM
CREATE: Soap Storm
Posted by light738 - 07-27-2019, 01:35 AM
TEACH: Tip Tap how to swim & how to clean herself
Posted by knux400 - 07-27-2019, 01:28 AM
(oh fuck)

"That looks really good, Tippy! Let's make something to clean yourself off with now, okay? Oh, and try not to touch the weird static-y sludge, we don't know if it's safe."


Posted by Iguanaiguana - 07-27-2019, 01:18 AM
[Image: Pannel%208.png]

You notice the static face on the hammock, and despite it not doing anything it’s becoming a concern. It looks like a thick water made of tv static, it doesn’t seem to be spreading anywhere. Just in case though...

CREATE: Plexiglass box over the face.
[Image: Pannel%209.png]

You put a box over the face. You feel satisfied with your job, and you hear Tippy call you. Before you can react she notices the box over the frowny face, looking puzzled. 
[Image: Pannel%2010.png]

She then proceeds to lift up the box and put it to the side, and using her hand turns it into a smiley face. She says that looks much better. 
[Image: Pannel%2011.png]

She then excitedly draws your attention away from the box, showing off her finished artwork, which you complement profusely. She seems slightly embarrassed but proud of herself. She unfortunately is now covered in paint and even a bit of the weird staticy water, and probably could use a bath.
Posted by Orange Juice Goose - 07-25-2019, 03:59 AM
turn that static frown upside down, literally if we have to
Posted by cosmo - 07-25-2019, 02:18 AM
CREATE: Another box over the static frowny face. its fine. everything's fine. we got this under control.

great drawings, tippy!!! they look amazing you are even more talented than we thought you would be!!!!!
Posted by seppawku - 07-25-2019, 02:03 AM
compliment how it's turning out!!!
Posted by knux400 - 07-25-2019, 01:54 AM
Uhhh. Was that static-y sad face always there? I feel like we should investigate it, but I don't want to burden Tippy with that this early in her life. If possible, could we zoom the camera in on it?

Aside from that, let Tippy do her thing for a bit! She seems content to paint.
Posted by Iguanaiguana - 07-25-2019, 01:50 AM
NAME: Tip Tap

You name your new friend Tip-Tap! She seems to like the name a lot.

CHECK: Tip Tap
[Image: Tip%20Tap%20Check%20Screen%201.png]
Tip Tap is a CRAYON type TCP, and her ability is WRITE ON. At the cost of health Tip Tap can turn anything she touches into a same colored crayon. Additionally, She can use health to write in red crayon with her feet.
Tip Tap is currently very playful and excited to exist, and has just figured out walking. She has no SKILLS or INVENTORY yet.
TEACH: Speech, Reading, Art, Painting
CREATE: Plexiglass box around note
GIVE: Paint brush, three buckets of paint, each one a different primary color.
[Image: Pannel%205.png]
You teach Tip-Tap how to speak and read, and she twirls around in excitement, saying hello. You ask her if shes ok to learn a few things, to which she nods excitedly. You then teach her how to do art and paint. She seems a little dizzy, but gives you a TCP thumbs up. She then goes over to the paint buckets and dips her hands in.
[Image: Pannel%206.png]

You have a sense that you have just unleashed a beast. 

[Image: Pannel%207.png]

The next thing you know she is painting the hammock using mostly her feet and sometimes her hands, making a big flower for her first masterpiece, giggling all the way.
Posted by seppawku - 07-24-2019, 04:05 AM
do we already have s/t making sure they can't fall off..?
This thread has more than 50 replies. Read the whole thread.