Thread Review (Newest First) |
Posted by AceOfNothing - 02-24-2020, 01:34 AM |
Would a Snuglin have to be created with the ability to see scraps or could that just happen on accident? |
Posted by AceOfNothing - 12-23-2019, 02:10 AM |
Does age effect Snuglin's? Like would one that's like... 40-60 start to crease and wear out? Is there increased health risks, is it harder to get repairs? And while I know its "it takes a factory to raise a Snuglin" would it be completely wrong to have them have pseudo-families? Like say a young Snuglin really attached to an older one, could they call them like Grandpa or something? |
Posted by Pichi2214 - 12-22-2019, 02:03 PM |
what happens to snuglins that are heavily mutated on accident or otherwise? I'd assume they no longer fit what the corporation wants from them so where do they go? do they just stay with the company, are they rejected, something else? |
Posted by AceOfNothing - 11-27-2019, 11:22 PM |
So what exactly does the corporation make? Is it only things for Snuglin, or do they make thinks in a more general sense too? I kind of headcanon that they make Plushie's based off Snuglin living inside Corporation, but if that's like... completely wrong I'd love to know. |
Posted by skinstealer - 11-26-2019, 01:50 AM |
snuglins look pretty fleshy underneath the plush layer, typically with pale, featureless skin eyes will burst through the flesh layer (though no one is sure how), and extra tails will be organic |
Posted by Pichi2214 - 11-26-2019, 01:46 AM |
this is probably a very morbid question, but... how does a snuglin look beneath the plush layer? and if it mutates to have more tails, does it just have organic tails next to the one original plush tail? Same for the eyes, do they just grow beneath the plush layer if additional ones grow? |
Posted by skinstealer - 11-26-2019, 12:31 AM |
yes, absolutely re: music box! the heart is typically solid colored and simple, but snuglins outside of the corporation have gotten modifications on theirs before you'd need to cut pretty deep to get through the plush layer, so it'd mostly be an issue of stitching up the fabric again adding to main post! |
Posted by AceOfNothing - 11-26-2019, 12:28 AM |
I have three questions. Would it be possible for a music box to be added to a snuglin? Like a wind up music box with a little key to turn and such Is the heart always the same, or could you have one with a design on it or a pattern or something? If a snuglin got something like a papercut let's say, do they just have to worry about plush or would blood also be an issue. (Basically is that an immediate issue or do you need to cut deep) |
Posted by skinstealer - 11-23-2019, 05:58 AM |
SNUGLIN [CW: very simple/brief mentions of reproduction (literally just a mention cmon now it's a SFW thread), corporate fuckery + violations of sapience rights] ORIGIN
MORPHS Teddy "????” ????
Meowser "????” ????
Pupper "????” ????
Squeakie "????” ????
Snugglesaurus "????” ????
RULES This is a species development thread! Here you can have discussion on the species presented, and offer suggestions/ideas for developing them- thus directly contributing to the species! Anything is fair game so long as it follows the restrictions (if any are listed). This main post will be updated as we go, allowing for people to always have an up to date resource on the species. Restrictions/No-go's