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Posted by skinstealer - 05-30-2024, 01:50 AM
How into conspiracy theories are they?   

SPIT- loves them, fuels them, spreads them, lives off of them. they're a major part of what fuels her cult and her regime and even ones that aren't immediately in her favor still serve to entertain her with the bloodshed that follows.

"JAR"- probably falls for them more than he should, especially about [REDACTED]. eventually learns to go to one of his family members for fact checking before jumping to conclusions and frothing at the mouth over shit.

MAES- fucking hates them, especially due to being the subject of many of them. has entire campaigns to shutting down the ones that follow the menagerie and themself, but it's a difficult battle to fight.

"DOCTOR"- finds them boring and a waste of time. would probably be the source of more than a couple if its existence was made public.

BAZIL- the smiles are less featured in "conspiracy theories" and are more "plastered all over the face of the cult and actively exploited as both an example and grim reaper iconography for spit's rule". as such, they do not like rumors surrounding that shit! bazil is no exception, and would actively beat the shit out of anyone claiming that his system enjoys what they do.

Are they good at saying they're wrong?   

COLLECTIVE- outwardly? yes. inwardly? NOT AT ALL. their heavy polyfragmentation leads to a lot of inner bickering, and while they have a relatively very solid handle on it overall, it can still get pretty squabbly over people feeling they're right.

"DOCTOR"- nope. it has a very difficult time discerning when it's wrong or not and doesn't listen to other people easily. there are a few times when it does turn on its active listening skills a bit better (namely: "patient care", but that's for a different thread) but it generally insists to its host that it knows what's best for them and to let it "do its job".

BAZIL- jesus christ no. he's the most belligerent in the system and well known for it, and it takes a lot to get him to back down from his ideals, beliefs, and actions. act first, apologize very hardly ever.

ANYA- i don't think anya has said this in her entire adult life

"JAR"- oscillates between too Much self-blame and refusing to take responsibility for reckless moves. this frustrates his family often.

Are they okay with people questioning their judgment? 

SPIT- no. she doesn't really care on an emotional level beyond irritation at best unless it's actually backed up with something that can hurt her (difficult), but she'll take any opportunity to make an example out of someone. it doesn't take much.

DERRY- it will probably get really stressed out and upset, but also, it kind of expects that at this point. it's used to people in-system treating it like it's incompetent, so it's more likely that it gets really excited when people Don't question it.

MATTHIAS- hates it. wants to bully the fuck out of anyone who raises questions at him- if not Now, then when the chances of coming out on top are better. he's an impatient man but he likes playing long time games with nightmare scraps- or, at least, he did before bucket turned him into a fucking bomb.

REIN- no. god no, this gets under its skin so fucking bad and if you raise even a finger against it it Will find a way to make that backfire on you, especially if it can make you feel shame and fear without feeling like it's coming from rein itself. the more it can get away with being a source of control without having its image directly tarnished, the more powerful it becomes.

"JAR"- moody motherfucker doesn't like being told what to do literally ever. he hates being treated in ways that make him feel like he's either being looked down on or treated like some kind of monster, and anything even Approaching that re: his judgment is a surefire way to piss him off extremely bad.

Do they hold a grudge?

"PATCHES"- oh jesus christ Yeah You Could Fucking Say That. you SURE could. jesus. i can't even get into that but the amount of grudges that it holds is terrifying, especially when all are justified. well, almost all.

MATTHIAS- he is one of the most petty bitches in our roster. he takes the tiniest, TINIEST slights and files it away forever.

ANYA- anya considered most infractions against her to be beneath any action beyond immediate and efficient violence- i don't know if that counts as a Grudge considering she considered it "handled" and moves on. the main difference is when it was from the maybecats considered her direct children- they would never hear the fucking end of it at best.

COLLECTIVE- depends on the system member, but...overall, if they do, it's the kind of deal where they get irritated, bitch to a friend, annd try to move on with their day.

CHELSEA- yes but he's way too tired to act on like 99% of it. he is a bitter motherfucker who is not above wishing horrible ills on others, but he would rather just tank it than step out of line.

Besides people + pets, what would be the first thing they grab in a fire to take out of the house?  

REIN- documents

BAZIL- he'd just focus on getting people the fuck out

COLLECTIVE- double checking everything and then getting the fuck out

DERRY- comfort objects

ANYA- also documents
Posted by skinstealer - 05-27-2024, 07:03 AM
Do they think their friends are good people?  

SYNNA- yes, definitely. she may have 2 close friends and a handful of work buddies but she insists on knowing people with good character.  maes will debate her on this re: themself.

SPIT- this is. i don't even know how to answer this one. spit has friends but. i dont know if literally any of them are indisposable. the closest thing she's had to a friend that wasnt someone to use and was someone she'd actively keep alive was anya and truth be told anya still would have killed her if it meant overcoming her and becoming a god herself- she just never found the opportunity. regardless- spit saw anya as an Efficient, Effective, and Trustworthy friend, and the fact that she was also a genocidal megalomaniac was more of a plus than a downside. "good people" hesitate too much for her. anya never did.

REIN- rein has plenty of Friends™. rein has lots of people that it works with and has pleasant meetings with and makes appearances with who think the world of it, and it assures them it does the same. rein makes Sure that these people Are "good" people, at least in the eyes of the public- and notably "good". it's harder to tear down a politician who refuses to interact with "seedy individuals" and puts on the ultimate good boy act, even if it's signing off on orders to suppress any movements against it in silence.

"DOCTOR"- the doctor has a handful of "patients" that it cares for dearly, and would swear on the deep and powerful goodness of all of them to the point of being kind of fucking annoying about it to other people. well. it would if it could easily talk to other people. It Can't

CHELSEA- jesus why did he have to be here. even if you just say bucket he's VERY aware that they're not one by most people's standards lmao. his statement would be "i would trust them with anything" and avoid morality in general. makes his skin crawl anyway.

 If they could have one thing given to them, anything that can fit inside a doorway, what would it be and why?   

"JAR"- jar cannot even fit through doorways i think he would just want a house with proper mutation accomodations. precipice infrastructure does usually accomodate for mutated heights but jar. goes a bit beyond the national average. a bit. in all seriousness though, aside from a house that doesn't make him feel cramped as fuck and make his back hurt from stooping- he'd want a proper XL computer that works with his huge hands. he manages to use the family computer with what accessibility devices they could get, but he still feels pretty moody with the information and communication disconnect.

BAZIL- man i keep trying to think of stuff and then going "no that wont work". can i say that he wants an entire case of nutrient shakes meant to help malnutrition? mood, but also yeah that would work for obvious reasons. he's very upset by the fact that his strength has gotten so bad, and leaves him feeling pretty helpless.

REIN- uh. hm. i'm gonna be crass and say "bucket delivered to it alive", which is not necessarily the most pressing thing that it wants at the moment but the other one is VERY SPOILERS (but in the same vein)

"PATCHES"- a nice bed. it's not very large itself, so it wouldn't need to be a big one. it wants a nice bed with lots of blankets and pillows and maybe some plushes, though i think the fragments would bicker about which ones and how many to have on the bed. it would probably feel pretty childish about that being its wish, but it'ss not like the majority of itself ever got to have that.

SPIT- rein's head. it would be nice to be king.

Do they have a deathbed confession + How serious is it (can rate it like... 1 to 10, 5 stars, whatever) (1 would be like "I cheated on a test" and 10 being like murder confessions)   

SPIT- 10. i know what it would be but it would be the absolute fucking worst thing that she could say to wax specifically and i think he would never be able to sleep at night ever again. he's already dealing with enough of that but this alone would make him never want to exist again

ANYA- anya would never give anyone the satisfaction. she was well aware that if she ever died it would be murder and she refused to give anyone something to work with, even if it would mean them being haunted by it. she figured her legacy would be more than plenty enough for that- and she was right.

"DOCTOR"- yes, probably? i can't imagine it Wouldn't, but i'm not sure what it'd be. guess it depends on how much it develops before a potential deathbed would be a worry. we'll say likely a 7 but potential to go higher.

BAZIL- yes and it'd be a 10. god knows he's done enough murder for it. i would have to think on it but i know a couple things. none of them are good.

CHELSEA- also a 10. possibly the same thing as bazil, possibly not. i would honestly cite one thing in particular but it already showed up in a practice writing as something he Would say if pressed in certain ways so. maybe not that. but there's something.

What kind of youtuber would they be?   

COLLECTIVE- plurality information channel, does both casual vlogs and informational essays. this is also something they would actually do in canon considering their career path. they are very used to shitty comments, but also enjoy all of the kind ones.

"JAR"- edgy AMV maker as a teen, which is extremely fucking funny to me considering the iteration of this character when we were teens was edgy emo boy fuel like crazy. BUT as an adult: probably just casual clips of bugs and stuff he sees outside. it would be pretty hard to handle a camera, though.

"PATCHES"- does not upload, just followss a bunch of ASMR and unboxing channels. it enjoys the dopamine, and always veers towards stuff with a variety of options.

CHELSEA- chelsea barely knows how to use a computer and would just make playlists of interesting videos. probably a lot of hobbyist stuff and theater productions.

MAES- i think they have too much stage fright to do any actual performance or presentations- they struggle with this enough IRL in their job. though, if they had to- it would be talking about horror mutation and voluntary treatmentss and debunking myths.

How do they feel about clowns?   

SPIT- considering the murder clown thing is her fucking fault, yeah she's into that. very fucking irritated by the Make Clowns Fun movement but publicly laughs it off, dismissing how truly impactful it could be.

SYNNA- probably likes a couple of clown-y characters in her shows, but would never defend the real deal. that said, she probably thinks wizits are cool.

"JAR"- absolutely had an edgy clown phase in his teens and none of his family liked it except [REDACTED], who found it fucking hilarious and then everyone else whacked [REDACTED] on the back of the head and told him he's being a bad influence on jar (not wrong)

COLLECTIVE- not a fan. might have one in system. feelings are as complicated as you can imagine.

MAES- does not give a shit and would ask why their opinion on that matters when they're cultists anyway, or at least adjacent.
Posted by skinstealer - 05-27-2024, 01:06 AM
first batch, feel free to leave more im gonna plug away at thesee in chunks of 5

What's something or someone they thought they'd never live without, that now they are?  

DERRY- even with the peril and stakes of its situation, it really started to think that bucket would be there no matter what. even like, 25 years later and with very limited contact, it's still fucked up about it. it often misses fronting time during the periods where they're around, which worsens the feelings like hell.

REIN- rein had spent a long time thinking over the whole demon thing. it's never really done this before bucket. the idea of one of its plans, let alone one this crucial, failing...

unthinkable to it, and it does not accept failure.

SYNNA- synna doesn't have a cut and dry answer to this- although you could argue that her decaying relationship with maes would fall under this, that's not really something she considers a lost cause- more something that she has no idea how to approach, but wants to. i think a different answer would be that her hyperfixations on media as a coping mechanism...don't always work the way they used to, as she gets older. and that scares the shit out of her.

BAZIL- similar to derry, but part of him "always knew that this shit isn't going to last." the main thing that keeps him holding on to his relationship with bucket is the fact that he's able to see them either in dreams or in person every few months- but with that being so infrequent over the course of twenty five fucking years, he finds himself wondering if there will ever be a time where he can settle down with them and put all of this to rest, or if either of them are going to die first.

"DOCTOR"- it's still adjusting to its own wants and needs as a person, and doesn't have much attachment to things it could consider its history. even so, it does have some mental hangups over the fact that it is seen as less emotional at times as its counterpart, especially if it's framed as something newly wrong with it.

Are they afraid of death?   

"DOCTOR"- yes, sort of. death is a terrifying prospect to it but in the sense of something that it must prevent at all costs, vs running from it. its code name says plenty- it sees itself as a cure, even if that's not always safe for it, and even for preventing both itself and the people around it from getting hurt or dying.

Show Contentsuicide + gore + severe abuse cw:

MAES- yes, very much so, especially with their artificially shortened lifespan and history of being absolutely surrounded by it during their upbringing. they never want what happened during devil's advocacy to ever happen again, to anyone. never again.

"JAR"- ...this is a really hard one to answer for him. yes? yeah. but also he doesn't take care of himself as much as he could and is way too reckless, asserting that he's strong enough to take anything a normal mortal person could throw at him, so getting into trouble is no big deal. not-so-secretly kept up at night by his own fears, though.

SYNNA- terrified. it's something she avoids thinking about at all costs- avoidance is her go to with triggers in general, but it's especially bad with death. she will only ever address it as a work concern and that's it.

Where do they go when they want to be alone?

"DOCTOR"- not really an option for it. like, ever. existing in a state of alone is not really something this guy can do. not even a little bit. it is either in a sort of "off" dormant state its current situation as a copilot.

ANYA- anya had an office connected to her apartment, and would spend time there with the triplets locked in their room. any interruptions would be punished. it's hard to say whether she did any sort of recreation in this time- the closest maes was able to observe was her reading, though the books were always unmarked and tucked away in locked drawers when not in use.

"JAR"- the roof of his family's house. he's come out to watch the stars ever since first moving here, to the point of having a solid pile of books on watching the skies. probably really likes all those cosmic dust clouds that piss off any astronomers.

SYNNA- she just locks up her office and spends time in there. it's well known that she sleeps in there more than her own apartment, which remains pretty unused.

BAZIL- not really a lot of places to do this IRL. prefers his room in headspace when possible, a small basement area underneath a cage fighting ring. does not let people into this aside from Bucket and ESPECIALLY doesn't like people touching his stuff.

Ice cream flavor they'd pick in an icecream shop (more basic flavors) 

SYNNA- strawberry, though preferably without any actual fruit pieces. doesn't like the texture.

BAZIL- mint chocolate chip. hits derry with brain punches when it asks why it's not a cooler flavor.

"DOCTOR"- would insist on getting its host's favorite flavor, much to their chagrin.

"PATCHES"- changes drastically based on the day, or even the hour, depending on what fragments are more active. such is life.

COLLECTIVE- also differs drastically, depends on who's fronting. they have a couple they can agree on as safe options though, i imagine.

Icecream flavor they'd pick in a store (funny flavors or basics) 

SYNNA- probably something absolutely gimmicky and disgusting. everyone looks on in horror. synna feels very triumphant and tells no one that it made her horribly sick later because that would be LOSING

REIN- i think rein would be deeply upset if it even found store-bought ice cream in its freezer from someone else (bucket). if it's not presented to them on a silver platter then Whats The Fucking Point. this is peasant shit. NO grocery store ice cream.

"JAR"- still keeps to stuff like chocolate, but would probably spring for stuff with brownies in it or some shit and then eat the entire tub without breaking a sweat because his metabolism is like that.

BAZIL- probably still mint chocolate chip, but more of it. continues to not take any shit about his flavor choice.

DERRY- everyone expects it to pick birthday cake or something but it really just likes fudge swirl.
Posted by knux400 - 05-23-2024, 12:23 AM
One silly one, as a treat:

Where did they come from? Where did they go? Where did they come from, Cotton Eye Joe?
Posted by knux400 - 05-23-2024, 12:21 AM
What's a short story/fable that means a lot to them?

How do they bounce back from failure?

What's a hobby they'd like to get into but don't have the time/money/etc?

How long does it take them to get out of bed in the morning?

(2 characters) They find themselves stuck in an escape room together. Can they cooperate well enough to make it out?

When told to make a funny face for a group photo, what do they do?

If they could go back in time and make one choice differently, what would they change?

What's their headspace form look like? If they already have one, what would they change about it if they could?

What's one topic they could get into an internet argument about for hours?

Which Monopoly piece do they pick and why?

Fight, flight, or freeze?

If they died and came back as a ghost, who would they choose to haunt?
Posted by AceOfNothing - 05-22-2024, 10:23 PM
What's something or someone they thought they'd never live without, that now they are? 

Are they afraid of death? 

Where do they go when they want to be alone? 

Ice cream flavor they'd pick in an icecream shop (more basic flavors) 

Icecream flavor they'd pick in a store (funny flavors or basics) 

Do they think their friends are good people?

 If they could have one thing given to them, anything that can fit inside a doorway, what would it be and why? 

Do they have a deathbed confession + How serious is it (can rate it like... 1 to 10, 5 stars, whatever) (1 would be like "I cheated on a test" and 10 being like murder confessions) 

What kind of youtuber would they be? 

How do they feel about clowns? 

How into conspiracy theories are they? 

Are they good at saying they're wrong? 

Are they okay with people questioning their judgment? 

Do they hold a grudge?

Besides people + pets, what would be the first thing they grab in a fire to take out of the house?

What's something important to them that they forget about a lot? (Think like old photo in the closet, or old stuffed animal in a box under the bed)
Posted by skinstealer - 05-22-2024, 09:15 PM
new round: not sure what characters are going into this but we will probably keep to ones who have story importance to some degree. as such: serious/meaty questions preferred, but not mandatory!
Posted by skinstealer - 03-25-2024, 02:16 AM
Would you trust them to watch a pet for a week?

RUBY- i think ruby would be bad at it but they've got the spirit. they do look after maybecat residents 24/7 though so maybe they'd be good at it.....?

HASHBROWN- yeah, they probably have some pets at home, even. wait, does the lab allow people to keep pets? maybe reptiles or fish...

SIMON- simon is probably really bad with animals, due to being both edible and on fire. he wishes he could have a dog-equivalent pet though.

FAKE SNUB- better about it than simon but still has issues with being edible and on fire. would also like a dog-equivalent.

EDEN- very good at taking care of animals, but they don't like him much. he is a ghost, after all...

Can they keep a plant alive?

RUBY- yes, and likely does so in a little garden they have in the rehab center. gets rehabilitated maybecats to help them tend to it.

MANDRAKE- yes, has a little potted plant in her apartment. it might be a cactus?

MAES- nope, not in the slightest. way too busy with their work and forgets to do it. might be okay with an aloe vera or something though.

EDEN- plants seem to wilt around him, unfortunately.


How do they react to a spider on the floor?

HASHBROWN- squish it, regrettably

MAES- they'd probably have to have it crawl on them for them to care, they'd rather just let it do its own thing- but if it gets on them they freak out and ask charon or synna to remove it from the room. also i think precipice would be more inclined towards scorpions which maes REALLY does not want in their room/office/workspace

SIMON- spiders are huge to him. intrigued but keeps a distance

JAMES- considering it would have to be a trial spider and again, Relatively Large: Very Very Afraid

JB- does not notice the spider

Do they rage quit video games?

no, they'd be very "good game!' about multiplayer games even if they get frustrated. singleplayer might be a different story though.

WOMBLE- yes, if frustrated womble gets very upset and might pitch a bit of a fit

MANDRAKE- has never played a videogame aside from stuff like tetris on her flip phone

JAMES- no, very patient with games. not very good at them, though, and feels like they're dangerous to get invested in.

SIMON- yes. 100% yes

Would they cheat at Uno?

JB- maybe, but he'd never admit to it even if caught. he's a little bastard like that.

WOMBLE- i have no idea how womble would play uno. maybe if you held its cards for it? i don't think it'd cheat either way, but it'd need a buddy or an accessibility device to play.

SIMON- yes and he would just shove the cards into the fire if caught.

EDEN- never in a million years

MANDRAKE- nope. would probably get bored though

Would they cheat at Monopoly?

MAES- i think maes would hate monopoly with all of their heart and would do anything to get out of playing it

RUBY- no but they would dread playing it on rehab game nights

HASHBROWN- yes and they'd be really bad at covering it up


MANDRAKE- nope. would be the kind of person who enjoys monopoly though

If they were in trouble and could call one person, who would it be?

charon. easy answer

VOIDSY- carrie

WRETCH- also carrie

JAMES- limbo

JB- mandrake

Are they a hug kind of person?

yes. sometimes. no. it really depends on who's "fronting".

SIMON- he is on fire. in headspace, maybe, but he'd never admit it.

RUBY- not really, not huge on touch.

FAKE SNUB- yes, absolutely, but only in headspace due to the on fire thing

WOMBLE- yes!!!!!!!!

Lot of general friends? Or a few close friends?

MANDRAKE- few close friends. we'd really like to explore her getting closer to maes at some point, though there'd definitely be awkward moments.

HASHBROWN- lots of general friends, is well up to date with other engineers in the lab/in the area, as well as suppliers.

JB- few close friends, though he is good standing with rehab folks.

RUBY- lots of general friends, though they're all rehab residents.

SIMON- simon never really had friends pre-House adventures, but definitely doesn't see himself as having any now.

What is the worst chore in their opinion?

anything requiring reaching up high- they have trouble climbing up things.

SIMON- anything requiring water, seeing as getting it on his flames stings and feels unpleasant at best.

MANDRAKE- anything regarding molt prep and cleanup

JB- shining his metal plating, which he has to do Very regularly

EDEN- laundry, his ability always makes the machines go crazy
Posted by AceOfNothing - 03-23-2024, 12:25 AM
Would you trust them to watch a pet for a week?

Can they keep a plant alive?

How do they react to a spider on the floor?

Do they rage quit video games?

Would they cheat at Uno?

Would they cheat at Monopoly?

If they were in trouble and could call one person, who would it be?

Are they a hug kind of person?

Lot of general friends? Or a few close friends?

What is the worst chore in their opinion?
Posted by skinstealer - 03-15-2024, 09:58 PM
taking off maurice zap, sickle and numfi, adding wretch, voidsy, fake snub, simon, eden, and ruby

Pick a hat: Pirate, Cowboy, Witch

FAKE SNUB- cowboy hat, easily.

WOMBLE- pirate hat, it Is a fish after all

JAMES- witch hat, seeing as he is a budding magic user

EDEN- witch hat, spooky ghost needs spooky hat

HASHBROWN- cowboy hat, they would be right at home on a ranch

Gold jewelry or silver jewelry (or rose gold, or bronze, or etc)

HASHBROWN- bronze jewelry, though they're not much of a jewelry person in general. much prefers metal goes into tools.

EDEN- silver jewelry, probably owns a few bracelets

MANDRAKE- gold jewelry, especially rose gold

WOMBLE- uhh. uhhh there is no good way to answer this one without it being [Image: tcp_frown_small.png]

FAKE SNUB- gold jewelry, though he'd try to be subtle about it

What's something they hate that people say to them?

anything along the lines of being told off for being offensive

WRETCH- anything regarding her being "crazy" or out of line

MANDRAKE- anything assumptive because of her being a neuroth (especially in the romance/sex department)

JAMES- anything cutesy his overseers say

WOMBLE- anything the overseers demand of it

Do the get "mystery" injuries a lot? (Like small bruises from hitting things, or scratches from walking through thorns)

JB- probably, but it's not super easy to notice new little scratches on an armor-like body when you're already covered in them

SIMON- probably not? he's surprisingly careful with himself when sober.

RUBY- yes, constantly, bruises very easily

JAMES- james is acutely aware of every injury he has on his body and enjoys none of them

WOMBLE- yes, constantly, it's not very conscious of how it's being hurt

How do they cope

self help books, has a therapist

JB- letting things bounce off of him is easy for him, and he has a naturally cool head under pressure.

EDEN- crying probably? he doesn't deal with stress amazingly and has to cry it out a lot

MAES- Does Not Do Great With This, usually just pushes through until they break down up until they (eventually) get therapy

FAKE SNUB- by sticking to his rigid code of honor and standards for himself

Do they take risks or stay safe?

risk taker, but strategically

RUBY- stays safe, but has a bad habit of saying unsafe things

JAMES- risk taker by design, would Love to stay safer than he is

SIMON- prefers things to stay safe but very much in His Definition of what safe is

EDEN- stay safe by a long shot

can they handle spicy food?

not even a little bit

HASHBROWN- yeah, but he doesn't like it much

WRETCH- yes, would do the one chip challenge and die

JB- does not eat

EDEN- yes, but mainly likes it in the form of chips

Do they mind repeating themself?

nope, at least not outwardly

EDEN- gets flustered/embarassed the more he has to do it

JAMES- can get irritated with it, but more with himself than the other person

WOMBLE- has probably forgotten what it was saying before already due to memory impairment, is the one that needs things repeated (and would like you do so nicely)

VOIDSY- can get irritated with it depending on who's fronting

Do they struggle with making/keeping appointments?

nope, on time as much as they can help it

JAMES- appointments aren't really a thing he has to deal with but he tries to make planned meetings with other survivors happen

WRETCH- i don't think she's been on time to anything in her life

MAES- sometimes, but does everything in their power Not to fuck up appointments where they can help it

FAKE SNUB- yes, but he tries hard

How are they when given power

already has a lot of power so we can confidently say: Very Stressed and overwhelmed

WRETCH- uhh. reckless, well meaning but very reckless

JB- if within his job, holds onto it until he can pass it off to someone more well-equipped

SIMON- gets flustered and overwhelmed quickly

WOMBLE- i think womble would want to use its hypothetical power to have an excuse to rest. no one can tell it what to do anymore.
Posted by AceOfNothing - 03-09-2024, 05:26 AM
Pick a hat: Pirate, Cowboy, Witch

Gold jewelry or silver jewelry (or rose gold, or bronze, or etc)

What's something they hate that people say to them?

Do the get "mystery" injuries a lot? (Like small bruises from hitting things, or scratches from walking through thorns)

How do they cope

Do they take risks or stay safe?

can they handle spicy food?

Do they mind repeating themself?

Do they struggle with making/keeping appointments?

How are they when given power
Posted by skinstealer - 03-09-2024, 04:28 AM
Breakfast, lunch, dinner, or snacks?

MAURICE ZAP- lunch, for sure

MANDRAKE- breakfast, it's the most important meal of the day

JB- does not need to eat and i dont know if he actually can?

HASHBROWN- breakfast, takes that shit Seriously

SICKLE- dinner, we'll say that they spend a good amount of time on this

Do they have a special talent?

JAMES- papercraft and survival, easy. he's clumsy at both but has trained both skills, the former out of stress relief, and the latter out of necessity.

MANDRAKE- makes really pretty invitations to events. she's a scrapbooker.

MAURICE ZAP- looking good on TV

HASHBROWN- repair and restoration of gear, both old and new

ADELE- adele has always been skilled with magic, even from a younger age.

Would they be good as a retail worker or food service worker?

MAURICE ZAP- absolutely not. he is built for entertainment and would suck so bad at this

SICKLE- probably has done this. probably was pretty good but hated it.

MANDRAKE- yes, though she drastically prefers her office job

HASHBROWN- yeah, he'd be good at it, but prefers to get his hands dirty

JAMES- would crumble under the pressure instantly

what would they get a called out for?

MAURICE ZAP- oh god. i dont think he's done anything thats worthy of the like. Celebrity Callout Posts but i can imagine him mismanaging money.

MANDRAKE- bad fandom opinions for a mainstream TV show

ADELE- digging up bones

MAES- uhh. Uhhhh. we have been over this in another server but i want to say the non-spoilery or horrific one is the fact that they are technically sleeping with their assistant

HASHBROWN- disrespecting the devil's advocacy rehab residents (maes writes this post themself)

Do they like candles and/or wax melts?

yeah, they would really like this

HASHBROWN- nah, thinks theyre too 'girly"

SICKLE- yeah, they've got some around their house for Mood Lighting ([Image: tcp_frown_small.png])

MAURICE ZAP- absolutely, would go crazy for these and is well stockeed

ADELE- yes but doesnt really have a stable home to keep them in. probably carries a few magic ones for rituals tho

whats something dumb they've googled?

JB- "how to deep clean metal construct"

MANDRAKE- "dating tips for neuroths no cannibalism"

HASHBROWN- "cringe definition"

JAMES- "how to hold hands"

MAURICE ZAP- "hot clowns in my area" (im kidding)

Energy drinks, coffee, or tea?

coffee, and lots of it

MANDRAKE- tea, preferably bitter

ADELE- iced tea, but energy drinks work in a pinch

HASHBROWN- coffee, completely black

NUMFI- energy drinks, needs the sugar

Would they compete on a game show? (Which one)

maybe if it was for charity/promoting clownery? something that requires wit and humor (family feud with the troupe?)

JB- absolutely not


MAURICE ZAP- has done so many times, all kinds

MANDRAKE- nope, but does watch jeopardy
Posted by AceOfNothing - 03-08-2024, 10:45 PM
Breakfast, lunch, dinner, or snacks?

Do they have a special talent?

Would they be good as a retail worker or food service worker?

what would they get a called out for? 

Do they like candles and/or wax melts?

whats something dumb they've googled?

Energy drinks, coffee, or tea?

Would they compete on a game show? (Which one)
Posted by skinstealer - 03-08-2024, 08:46 PM


for early UC ep 2 cast and taking off synna

If they had to choose between
grilled cheese and pbj
and had to give the other up (could still make stuff with the ingredients just nothing that could be explicitly a Grilled Cheese/PBJ) for the rest of their life
what would they choose

MAES- grilled cheese, PBJ is too sweet. also would like putting meat in it but thats kind of a panini situation huh

NUMFI- pbj, prefers the sweetness. i imagine wizits do in general? they like their Sweets and Treats

MANDRAKE- pbj but specifically fancy with the crust off. she likes it.

WOMBLE- grilled cheese, doesnt like the stickiness of pbj bc mouth but no tongue

SICKLE- i don't actually know what sickle eats. uhhh. they probably like ham sandwiches and stuff so i feel like grilled cheese is a similar palette. we need to find more humanizing details for sickle so that theyre not solely ~creepy guy~ and this is a good start i think. that said, they are a TCP so they dont Need to. much to think about

if they were a god/became one, what would their motifs/domains be (if they're already one, alt timeline version or some others that they could have been?)?

NUMFI- balloons and stars for motifs, merriment and wonder for domains. god numfi would be really cool.

WOMBLE- oh god this one's REALLY hard. probably plankton and bioluminescence for motifs, play and curiosity for domains. god i am making myself sad.

HASHBROWN- junk and scrap metal for motifs, domains of repair and decay (think rusting)

JAMES- scissor and paper motifs, crafting and survival domains

MAES- oh god. uhhh. horror sludge and teeth for motifs, science and dedication for domains.
Posted by MarxzVulpez - 03-08-2024, 04:58 AM
dropping this one too before I forget:

if they were a god/became one, what would their motifs/domains be (if they're already one, alt timeline version or some others that they could have been?)?
Posted by MarxzVulpez - 03-01-2024, 02:54 AM
If they had to choose between
grilled cheese and pbj
and had to give the other up (could still make stuff with the ingredients just nothing that could be explicitly a Grilled Cheese/PBJ) for the rest of their life
what would they choose
Posted by skinstealer - 02-20-2024, 05:03 AM
What's something they wish they could forget?

MAES- this is a hell of a character to roll for this [Image: tcp_flat_small.png]. a lot of things when they're having intrusive thoughts, but forgetting things is a major fear/trigger of theirs. they immediately try to reroute their thoughts when that happens.

SYNNA- stupid mistakes she makes that haunt her- even though the time growing up sucked horribly, she still values the time she had growing up with maes too much to want to forget it.

ADELE- one of the wizard trips that went wrong, along with various horrible memories she's seen in violent/shocking scraps

WOMBLE- uhhhh. UHHHHHHHHHH. not sure how to answer this without spoilers. it doesn't like a lot of its past actions, so probably that. it wants a fresh start.

NUMFI- honestly, buddy's surgery.

Would they loan a friend money? Are they specific about being paid back? 

NUMFI- absolutely, would like it paid back but depending on the person she might let it slide.

ADELE- Maybe. hard maybe, extremely dependent on who's asking. would absolutely be harsh about it being paid back.

WOMBLE- womble does not know what money is and would think that it's distressing if explained in detail


SYNNA- yeah, and she'd ask for the money back but she'll basically let you do infinite IOUs

Would you trust them with a car?

SICKLE- can drive, does not do good things with cars

JAMES- james would be a very nervous driver but a safe one.

MAURICE ZAP- can drive, very good at it, owns an expensive car

ADELE- can drive, has a van, good at it but does road rage a bit

WOMBLE- womble is a fish

Would you trust them with a secret?

ADELE- yes, very trustworthy even if she comes off as callous.

MAURICE ZAP- he doesn't have the best track record with this, and if something is funny/weird enough, it might end up in his autobio collection.

WOMBLE- i think it means well but it blurts stuff out when pressured so probably not

sorry the rest have had this answered

How old are they?

assume adult maturity for all TCPs listed

MAURICE ZAP- 40 years old

ADELE- 15 years old

SICKLE- 30 years old

MAES- 25 at the beginning of Universal Constants

JAMES- like six months old? maze trials TCPs age Very rapidly for the most part

Are they more glass half full or glass half empty?

JAMES- glass empty

MAURICE ZAP- glass full

SICKLE- glass empty

MAES- glass empty

ADELE- glass empty

Do they consider first impressions important?

SYNNA- willing to look past a bad first impression if she warms up to them

MAES- very judgmental on first impressions so very much yes

NUMFI- yes, but is forgiving if someone screws up and apologizes

WOMBLE- very much so but has a very distorted view of what's what

ADELE- Yes, even more judgmental than maes. if you make a typo around her she'll roll her eyespots forever

What's is their love language?

not gonna use official ones because i do not care to look them up. here's some things that are important to them

WOMBLE- playing!!! and understanding

JAMES- quality time and sharing activities/interests. also medical care???

SYNNA- gifts and media sharing

MAES- quality time 10000% and acts of service

NUMFI- playing and being creative together
Posted by AceOfNothing - 02-19-2024, 07:17 PM
What's something they wish they could forget?

Would they loan a friend money? Are they specific about being paid back? 

Would you trust them with a car?

Would you trust them with a secret?

How old are they?

Are they more glass half full or glass half empty?

Do they consider first impressions important?

What's is their love language?
Posted by skinstealer - 02-19-2024, 07:06 PM
TEAM MEMBER: variety of mortises
CHARACTERS: this week's focuses
TOPIC: Anything Goes (serious questions preferred but jokes are fun too)

the roster:

Maurice Zap
Womble, a Maze Trials mystery...
Posted by skinstealer - 02-17-2024, 08:20 PM
Would you trust them with a secret?

WEISS- weiss is the type of person to blurt out private info so no

NUMFI- yes, though she's given up secrets by accident when stressed/under pressure

SICKLE- Absolutely Fucking Not

SYNNA- maybe? she'd try to keep it secret at least

MAES- yes, absolutely. they don't tell secrets to Anyone

What do you think their dating life would be like?

WEISS- either it finds someone who fits its weird surgery murder lifestyle perfectly (not an impossible situation in the trials, especially if overseers play matchmaker) or people just run away screaming

SICKLE- [Image: tcp_frown_small.png]

NUMFI- not sure, honestly? i think she's single but has considered dating other members of the troupe before and it doesn't shake out. nervous about branching out into other options

JAMES- dating? limbo. they have a complicated relationship due to overseers watching at all times type stuff but he's very devoted to him.

SYNNA- does a lot of casual hookups on soulmates but is otherwise not super interested in people around her (as far as we know...). still identifies on the aroace spectrum, and a lot of that is based in "i dont feel confident enough in my own body/dysmorphia"

Do they like their job?

ADELE- mixed feelings on it. it's where her passions lie but she also knows it is hard, grueling work, and she's had to see a lot of things she wishes she didn't. she wouldn't trade it for anything, though.

JAMES- if you consider being a trialgoer put into murder situations a full time job: he fucking hates it and wants nothing more than to get the hell out and retire from this shit. 

SYNNA- loves it. maybe a little too much

MAURICE ZAP- on camera? loves it, picture of happiness. off camera? very stressed about it, but loves the status it brings him


Would they sleep better warm or cold?

MAES- warm, though being warmed up significantly leads them to lose shape a little bit and become maes puddle

MAURICE ZAP- 100% air conditioned

JAMES- likes hugging a certain clammy zombie type so probably warm blankets + cold boyfriend

WEISS- can't really wear blankets due to being covered in needles, but does get cold easily

ADELE- cold, doesn't like too many blankets


What's their sexuality/romantic preference?

SICKLE- [Image: tcp_frown_small.png]

NUMFI- probably prefers sweet, gentle men who hold her hands and tell her nice things. so straight i guess?

MAURICE ZAP- pansexual, not sure about romantic partner? possibly stays single to market off the fact that he's widely considered a heartthrob

WEISS- uhhhh. i dont  knooooow? would giving the lesbians a terrible needle surgeon make them happy. edit: asked some lesbian friends and they said yes. yall can have weiss

JAMES- gay/mlm

Feelings on magic? Scrap?

NUMFI- thinks scrap magic is very cool, but prefers her clownery. wizit magic is more fun to her, though she's had talks with people about how the two could be used together

SYNNA- wants to work with it more than the bare minimum required for her job but maes is a no fun spoilsport

MAURICE ZAP- absolutely believes in it and has interviewed many wizards/witches/sensitives on his show

SICKLE- very useful

ADELE- literally her whole life revolves around this stuff. absolutely fixated on it, one track mind when it comes to magic

Do they like themself?

SYNNA- nope. not at all. she has huge self worth and self image issues and covers them up with humor whenever possible

WEISS- yes, very much so. weiss has been praised so many times by the overseers and is soooo good at its job that it's very confident in what it is and what it's doing

NUMFI- well enough, i suppose. if she has any frustrations, she generally talks them out with buddy.

MAES- noooope. different ways than synna, but they hold themself to RIDICULOUS standards and mentally suffer for it. they need a hug

ADELE- enough to have confidence in everything she says, but probably has little things about herself that grate on her nerves.

Posted by AceOfNothing - 02-17-2024, 01:56 AM
Would you trust them with a secret?

What do you think their dating life would be like?

Do they like their job?

Would they sleep better warm or cold?

What's their sexuality/romantic preference?

Feelings on magic? Scrap?

Do they like themself?
Posted by skinstealer - 02-17-2024, 01:37 AM
TEAM MEMBER: variety of mortises
CHARACTERS: this week's focuses
TOPIC: Anything Goes (serious questions preferred but jokes are fun too)

the roster:
Numfi, Mistress of the Twelve True Honks, a wizit from Void Session
Maurice Zap, a negativity type talk show host
Adele, a Felid Factor TCP who operates as an experienced and prolific scrap wizard
Sickle, ?????????????????????
James, a Maze Trials TCP prone to being shoved into murderous situations
Weiss, a Maze Trials TCP operating as the overseers' personal surgeon

stealing questions...

Have they traveled to other zones before?

NUMFI- yes! numfi has done a fair bit of traveling around the less dangerous zones of Taverne, and enjoys meeting new people and spreading her messages about happy clownery

MAURICE ZAP- yes, maurice has been all over the world- while he's most well known in taverne, he definitely has presence in other places, enough to be a household name among a good chunk of TCPs in the same way people in different areas can recognize big enough celebrities. he's kind of an oprah situation.

SICKLE- travels a lot. doesn't have a stable base of operations, always on the move.

WEISS- has never been outside of the trials, but would probably prefer sticking to one place.

SYNNA- has never left the menagerie

Would they play Playmates or any of the mods?

MAURICE ZAP- has played it on a special episode of his show before in the same way that second life was big and covered by a lot of media in the 2000's. probably would avoid talking about the sex mod as much as possible because this is a family friendly show goddamnit

NUMFI- yeah! she would have a really good time with this, especially if like, she could play as a clown doll. or a balloon animal. or a jack in the box! would probably play with magic mods.

WEISS- weiss is the kind of person who drowns sims in pools and exploits glitches just to see what would happen. probably would do a lot of modding just to see how far it can push the game. not always cruel in how it plays, but very curious.

JAMES- too embarassed to play videogames but would probably get into it if he could be a papercraft and was outside of the trials. too shy to ask limbo to join him. needs help navigating mod directories.

SYNNA- canonically a player who has like five million robot characters. absolutely plays soulmates

What type would they specialize in in pokemon? (If type doesn't work can always be something like "They'd only have fluffy pokemon" or "shiny pokemon only")

ADELE- fairy types, particularly highly competitive ones with bullshit strategies

MAES- stuff with a space theme, i think. you know they have a clefairy and are really embarassed about it.

SICKLE-  no real pokemon, just edgy creepypasta ones like buried alive

MAURICE ZAP- normal and electric types, especially magnetic ones like magnemite- he has a brand to uphold after all

NUMFI- playful, first stage pokemon. cute and fluffy, no battling

How do they feel about having to go to a doctor?

WEISS- weiss is already a """"doctor"""" and takes great joy in overseer "appointments". it delights in being looked over and is very obedient, if not overly curious about what's happening.

Show Contentmaze trials spoiler implications, stuff that's been implied though:

ADELE- only goes to scrap-experienced doctors due to having some degree of magical poisoning from how much work she does with volatile scraps. does not enjoy this, more just sees it as a time-suck than anything triggering.

SICKLE- does not see doctors, or anyone if they can help it. better to stay discrete.


NUMFI- probably kind of weird about it. remembers the surgery shit from void session and gets nervous around scalpels, after that.

How would they react to a Horror attack being reported near their home?

ADELE- get the fuck out of dodge and go somewhere else until things blow over. resist the urge to go get horror scraps, they're bad news.

WEISS-  would be overly curious and want to check it out and maybe collect some horror slime for Experiments

SICKLE- move locations immediately and do not look back. take advantage of convenient situations presented by this where possible

MAES- this is not unprecedented, they have procedures to keep people safe already in place

NUMFI- immediately check on the rest of her troupe and get voidsy to help as soon as possible

how do they feel about the gods?

NUMFI- mixed feelings. grateful that she exists and gets along well with voidsy, but recognizes that the game she was born into is corrupt and made without the wellbeing of its inhabitants in mind

JAMES- does not know much about them but hates the idea of authority figures period so yeah that's not going to go over well

ADELE- doesn't trust them but would do dealings with them if need be. may have done so already, even.

WEISS- would probably be interested in serving them if it knew anything about them. loves sucking up to a higher force.

MAURICE ZAP- this is one of the few things he is actively, openly opinionated on, and is one of his most well known political views. maurice is EXTREMELY anti-session and anti-deity, and has opened multiple charities to help fund session survivor recovery and housing programs.

Do you think they'd be interested in Celebrity drama?

ADELE- nah. too busy

WEISS- yes. would watch drama videos on youtube until the overseers make it stop and focus on its job.

SICKLE- follows many things. celebrity drama can tell you a lot about current climates.

MAES- not in a million years

SYNNA- she says she isn't but she totally is. would read the equivalent of twitter drama threads and bother the fuck out of maes and charon with it

Cartoon Network, Disney Channel, or Nickelodeon?

SICKLE- whatever gives them an edge in understanding their next target

WEISS- disney channel. it likes the live action stuff

MAES- does not enjoy many cartoons but out of everything would probably enjoy more serious adult swim stuff, like the anime screenings

MAURICE ZAP- disney channel

SYNNA- nickelodeon, old style

Have they ever have any major surgeries?

WEISS- most likely yes. performs more than it receives, though.

MAURICE ZAP- probably not?

JAMES- no, but has witnessed one and is deathly afraid of them now

SYNNA- yes, prosthetic augmentation

NUMFI- no, but witnessed buddy's and is freaked out by them
Posted by AceOfNothing - 02-06-2024, 05:11 AM
Have they traveled to other zones before?

Would they play Playmates or any of the mods? 

What type would they specialize in in pokemon? (If type doesn't work can always be something like "They'd only have fluffy pokemon" or "shiny pokemon only")

How do they feel about having to go to a doctor?

How would they react to a Horror attack being reported near their home?

how do they feel about the gods?

Do you think they'd be interested in Celebrity drama?

Cartoon Network, Disney Channel, or Nickelodeon?

Have they ever have any major surgeries?
Posted by skinstealer - 02-06-2024, 04:47 AM
How would they handle a cold? (Whether they can get one of not)

LOVER- whines a lot but is genuinely struggling, appreciates any help given and sends people flowers

MAES- worst time ever. absolutely shitty. they can't get any work done and they spend the entire time sulking and feeling awful.

STELLARIS- mopes and doesn't want anyone to see her

SYNNA- pretends she's fine for as long as possible but eventually gets quarantined as a plague vector

TAFFY WRAP- sleeps for a week

How do the handle a minor injury? (Ex: Papercut, stubbed toe)

SYNNA- bandages it and moves on, doesn't leave cuts open to infection but is definitely nonchalant about it

STELLARIS- Complete Meltdown (valid considering being made of glass)

MAVERICK- swears a bit but tries to play it cool

MAES- pretends nothing is wrong and takes care of it in private (unless it's during surgery, they take that VERY seriously)

JERRI- cries, even if it's something small

How do they handle a major, but probably not life threatening, injury? (Ex: Broke a bone kicking a pole, cut themself while cooking)

MAVERICK- immediately try to recall magic to heal it/keep the injury stable until it can get better help

MICHELLE- call taffy wrap and be really stupidly nonchalant about it

STELLARIS- call butane and be Really Panicky about it

MAES- try to downplay it but also call charon immediately. he's the only one they'd let help like that

PRIMUS- get ahold of bryce/miller/any of the other TCPs he works with ASAP, he knows better than to tank that

Could you describe them as Touch Starved?

MAVERICK- yes, absolutely. it'd never admit it, though.

PRIMUS- soooort of? primus doesn't have high touch needs compared to his emotional ones, but does like touch and doesn't get it as much as he'd like.

MICHELLE- yes, 100%, absolutely

MAES- before charon? very yes, but they were previously repelled by all touch and still needed to work up to certain things with charon

JERRI- nah she's good

What kind of noodle is the best noodle (and how would eat it (in a soup, mac an cheese, Alfredo, spaghetti taco))

JERRI- spaghetti, likes it with all kinds of sauces

MAES- shells, likes alfredo

MICHELLE- macaroni, likes the boxed mac and cheese

STELLARIS- ziti, likes it done up fancy

ICHOR- small little pastas, in soup

Which Disney Princess would they want to get on a buzz feed quiz

JERRI- snow white

STELLARIS- sleeping beauty

LOVER- belle

PRIMUS- would much rather be a prince

ICHOR- disney princesses are for wusses

If they had to give up something important to them to save someone they care about, would they do it?

yes. has done so before and would do it again

MAES- would give everything and anything to protect synna and charon

ICHOR- uhhh. maybe? i think he has people he'd do that for, but he would be conflicted.

MICHELLE- michelle doesn't have a lot of personal attachments, so it'd be a pretty easy choice for her to do so.

PRIMUS- yes. without a doubt

On "good" day would they describe themself as happy with where their life is?

mixed bag. synna tries to keep herself very upbeat and pleasant but is EXTREMELY depressed and prone to impulsive behavior because of it, combined with her debilitating species/body dysmorphia. so probably not, i guess, even on a "good" day. 

STELLARIS- Absolutely Not

PRIMUS- yeah, for sure

TAFFY WRAP- good day? yeah, sure

ICHOR- yeah, i'd say so

How common is their name? (Easy to find their name on name keychains, It's an object so easy enough, sees someone with their name occasionally, Would abe a bit freaked out to find someone with their name)(just some ideas)

fairly common, it's a classic name in precipice

ICHOR- common enough where he lives, similar to maverick

STELLARIS- uncommon name but not unheard of in hoopla

MICHELLE- not a super common name, especially not in hearth.

JERRI- rare name for precipice, would be startling to find another
Posted by AceOfNothing - 02-06-2024, 03:57 AM
How would they handle a cold? (Whether they can get one or not)

How do the handle a minor injury? (Ex: Papercut, stubbed toe)

How do they handle a major, but probably not life threatening, injury? (Ex: Broke a bone kicking a pole, cut themself while cooking)

Could you describe them as Touch Starved? 

What kind of noodle is the best noodle (and how would they eat it (in a soup, mac an cheese, Alfredo, spaghetti taco))

Which Disney Princess would they want to get on a buzz feed quiz

If they had to give up something important to them to save someone they care about, would they do it?

On "good" day would they describe themself as happy with where their life is?

How common is their name? (Easy to find their name on name keychains, It's an object so easy enough, sees someone with their name occasionally, Would abe a bit freaked out to find someone with their name)(just some ideas)
Posted by skinstealer - 02-06-2024, 03:19 AM
What's something they can't live without?

MICHELLE- michelle doesn't have a lot of things she considers "meaningful" in life, and is still searching for something to really latch onto. if anything, she'd say that pursuit is what currently keeps her going.

MAES- charon and synna, when it comes to people- but they value their work to an extreme degree, and are just as inseparable from that.

MAVERICK- its magic work, hands down. it can't bear to leave the occult and charm making alone, and sometimes it veers into obsession territory.

PRIMUS- feeling like he's helpful to others. This Does Not Always Go Well

STELLARIS- stella doesn't have a lot of ties to this world either, but unlike michelle, she feels like she's wasting time and going nowhere and doesn't have much hope that things are going to get better.

What's something they've lost they would want want back?

MICHELLE- her passion for life

STELLARIS- her sense of agency and control (though actually having it was short lived)

TAFFY WRAP- the feeling of being loved by someone, even if it's for sinister reasons

PRIMUS- time spent with the rest of the void team- they still see each other, but it's a lot less consistent

MAES- their sense of creativity and wonder

What's something they wish they never had?

ICHOR- he wishes maverick never fucking moved in, more serious answer, he probably has some bad experiences with magic. doesn't like those.

MAES- their past, or at least not to the magnitude of which it occurred.

LOVER- a history of war

STELLARIS- her typing

MAVERICK- also its typing

Are they jealous of anyone in their life?

MICHELLE- not really. michelle sees other people living more fulfilling lives than her and goes "well, i'm glad that's working for them"- it's more of a longing than jealousy

MAVERICK- very much so, jealous of other wizards and witches that can live their lives more freely and go on adventures

MAES- yes, very much so. they can't help but envy people who have loving families, even if the concept is also completely foreign and frankly frightening as well

SYNNA- jealous of constructs. extremely, Extremely jealous of constructs to an unhealthy degree

TAFFY WRAP- nothing he'd admit to but yes

Can they take a hit without worrying too much?

ICHOR- yeah. t-rex types are bulky and ichor definitely has a history in fighting. would probably eat shit to maverick though on size and skill gap (considering maverick is a scrap user) alone, though

TAFFY WRAP- big slime filled plush. he's good as long as it's not a puncture.

MAVERICK- yeah. rhabdophobia type is Pretty Big and bulky, and has hands that pack a punch/are good for gripping and crushing.

LOVER- absolutely not they're getting punted across the room


What's something that comforts them?

MAVERICK- charm making and talking to its friends/colleagues online

MICHELLE- visiting taffy wrap, horny shit (i am not elaborating in this thread), talking over feelings

LOVER- high energy activities, getting their intrusive thoughts out

JERRI- decorating, both interior and exterior

PRIMUS- walking around out in the woods and reading

If they were given a cellphone and told to text their closest friend/Significant other some important news, how would that look?

MAES- probably a mix of Dead Serious and stumbling depending on what it is and whether it's synna or charon.

JERRI- tripping over herself

SYNNA- says it outright but kind of rambly at the same time, maes on the other end would be very "PLEASE get to the point"

MICHELLE- blunt, flat affect, taffy wrap is probably more concerned than he needs to be in response

STELLARIS- crying over texts regardless of whether it's happy or sad

What would they name a pet? (Like something cutesy (Fifi, Mittens), A Person name (Zach, Debbie), or something silly that's probably gets a nickname (Chicken Nugget, Lord Destruction))

MAVERICK- something magic-related. maybe the name of a famous historical figure in TCP wizardry

ICHOR- something TOUGH and MANLY

MAES- too scared to have pets but if they did it'd be science/space related

SYNNA- based on a favorite fictional character

TAFFY WRAP- something silly and cute
Posted by AceOfNothing - 02-05-2024, 10:37 PM
What's something they can't live without?

What's something they've lost they would want want back?

What's something they wish they never had?

Are they jealous of anyone in their life?

Can they take a hit without worrying too much?

What's something that comforts them?

If they were given a cellphone and told to text their closest friend/Significant other some important news, how would that look?

What would they name a pet? (Like something cutesy (Fifi, Mittens), A Person name (Zach, Debbie), or something silly that's probably gets a nickname (Chicken Nugget, Lord Destruction))
Posted by skinstealer - 02-05-2024, 10:26 PM
TEAM MEMBER: variety of mortises
CHARACTERS: this week's focuses
TOPIC: Anything Goes (serious questions preferred but jokes are fun too)

the roster:
Maverick, a Felid Factor rhabdophobia type for next week's public update
Jerri, a monkey type that's of Maverick's clients
Ichor, a t-rex type, and a neighborhood enemy of Maverick
Stellaris, a Felid Factor potion type for our backlog update
Spades, a possession type that served as a mentor for Stellaris
Taffy Wrap
Posted by skinstealer - 02-03-2024, 08:50 PM
What kind of valentine would they be happiest to get?

CARVER- anything really, though she'd have a hard time figuring out a good way to react

PRIMUS- anything with heart put into it, though you wouldn't have to do much- he appreciates any kinds.

MICHELLE- something that shows she's been personally thought about in a deeper way

TAFFY WRAP- something that makes him feel very deeply loved

DESMOND- some sort of handmade craft

What's the best valentine's day candy (and why is it conversation hearts)

MICHELLE- liquer filled chocolates

PRIMUS- those little chocolate hearts with the crackly part i forget what these are called.

DESMOND- hershey kiss in a fancy foil

CARVER- conversation hearts

LOVER- fun dip

Are they a valentine's day person or a Cheap Chocolate Day person

EXTRA- cheap chocolate day

BUTANE- cheap chocolate day (tradition encouraged by extra)

TAFFY WRAP- valentine's day AND cheap chocolate day

LOVER- valentine's day

PRIMUS- valentine's day

(Post-void session) something they're sentimental about from the session that they forgot/couldn't bring with them

LOVER- their huge library from wax's fortress. they took a bunch of their favorite books but couldn't bring them all- everyone on wax's team has a bunch, though, so they swap them around sometimes.

PRIMUS- he spent like two hours making sure he could bring as much as he could but does miss his wizard tower room sometimes.

What is the first thing they do with a calculator (i.e. actual math, type funny numbers, hit the square root button over and over, try to error it out, etc)

SYNNA- actual math, though if it's a graphing calculator, she is definitely the kind of person to figure out games on it

DESMOND- basic math for work

PRIMUS- enjoys figuring out what all the functions do

MICHELLE- funny number

MAES- actual math, doesn't know you can fuck around with them until synna tells them
Posted by knux400 - 02-03-2024, 01:24 PM
What kind of valentine would they be happiest to get?

What's the best valentine's day candy (and why is it conversation hearts)

Are they a valentine's day person or a Cheap Chocolate Day person

(Post-void session) something they're sentimental about from the session that they forgot/couldn't bring with them

What is the first thing they do with a calculator (i.e. actual math, type funny numbers, hit the square root button over and over, try to error it out, etc)
Posted by skinstealer - 02-03-2024, 08:44 AM
Who would they pick in Mario cart and why? 

CARVER- daisy, solely because of the flower motif- she likes plants quite a bit.

TAFFY WRAP- bowser, he likes big monster characters

LOVER- dry bones, they enjoy being spooky and weird

EXTRA- peach, likes pretty princess characters

PRIMUS- mario, he loves a good hearted protagonist (wow who would have guessed)

What candy do you think fits their vibe aesthetically and would they eat it?

EXTRA- one of those candies that changes over time as you eat it. probably wouldn't go for it, says it tastes weird.

MAES- lemon drops are both a very maes candy and their favorite sweet to eat. their autism-like symptoms make it so that things that are Too powerful flavorwise make them overstimulated and upset, but a nice lemon drop that isn't too sour is their absolute favorite.

PRIMUS- chocolate covered pretzel or trail mix, practically lives on the stuff.

SYNNA- chocolate bar with nuts, would absolutely eat it.

DESMOND- chocolate with liquer, would probably find it too strong.

How are they in a conflict with a friend? 

LOVER- Absolutely God Awful, they get really offended and defensive easily and need to calm down before approaching the siituation again. things can be solved, but it's a struggle.

BUTANE- silent treatment until he gets his head out of his ass

DESMOND- better than you'd initially expect. if he respects you, he'll give you time to explain and navigate stuff.

SYNNA- struggles to word her issues well, and can get pretty easily offended. means well though, even if it takes time to address the problems.

PRIMUS- tries to stand up for what he believes in, but falters if it means hurting someone's feelings. always tries to make things right after.

How are they in a conflict with a stranger? 

LOVER- absolutely Scathing, will resort to insults if necessary

DESMOND- also willing to insult those who cross his lines, but is a lot more snappy and concise about it

CARVER- silent treatment, quiet seething

TAFFY WRAP- does his best to keep it together and cries about it later

SYNNA- no nonsense, doesn't take peoples' shit

Do you think they'd do well in school?

probably well enough to be considered a "good student", but often too busy in his own pursuits to be top of the class

TAFFY WRAP- not at all, but does what he can to pass

SYNNA- nope, she'd easily be able to fly through classes but is too distracted and wanting to do other things that interest her more

CARVER- yeah, she'd be pretty punctual and on top of homework

EXTRA- yeah, and she helped tutor butane when he was taking classes as well

What color would they paint their bedroom?

a soft brown with darker brown designs on the walls

SYNNA- keeps it plain white, stands out more with stickers/posters

PRIMUS- blue and brown, like his void session tower room

BUTANE- doesn't care, but would like wood paneling

CARVER- beige

If they were given 100 dollars and told to buy themself something special, what would it be?

LOVER- probably some luxurious chocolates or some kind of videogames if they were feeling impulsive- if actually thinking through it, expensive materials for their mask work

PRIMUS- some fancy new boots for exploring around

DESMOND- lots of things from the local markets, both practical and for decor

MAES- probably something that they could enjoy with charon, such as a new outfit they think he would like

MICHELLE- probably some wine or something?

If they had to pick up classroom Valentines, what kind would they be? (Like "something with a candy pun" or "something homemade" or "Character/franchise Valentines")

PRIMUS- really cheesy puns

LOVER- franchise valentines, with nice candy attached

SYNNA- character valentines, specifically cartoon or videogame ones

MICHELLE- homemade, but kind of amateurish (full of love!)

CARVER- stock art and okay candy

Posted by AceOfNothing - 02-02-2024, 01:27 AM
Who would they pick in Mario cart and why? 

What candy do you think fits their vibe aesthetically and would they eat it?

How are they in a conflict with a friend? 

How are they in a conflict with a stranger? 

Do you think they'd do well in school?

What color would they paint their bedroom?

If they were given 100 dollars and told to buy themself something special, what would it be?

If they had to pick up classroom Valentines, what kind would they be? (Like "something with a candy pun" or "something homemade" or "Character/franchise Valentines")
Posted by skinstealer - 02-01-2024, 11:42 PM
What kind of "trash" TV would they watch if any? (Think basically any TLC show, some food network contest, bar rescue, kitchen rescue, anything like that)

MICHELLE, written by Mallow, secret twine- loves stuff like kitchen nightmares, and watches them with taffy wrap after their relationship is established

LOVER- genuinely would hate watch something like jerry springer until primus tells them it's too mean, at which point they switch to prank shows

BUTANE'S SISTER, written by Richard, Felid Factor- watches a lot of different kinds of TV due to being stuck in the house a lot of the time, and doesn't have real preferences outside of cooking shows. she's tried to get butane into them, but he never clicks with any of them outside of the really ludicrous challenges, cutthroat kitchen style.

CARVER- talk shows, especially ones with riveting scientific discussions- or at least, by her standard of riveting. if it has fun facts she can spout at desmond, she's happy- and some of them he even finds amusing!

BUTANE- drama-heavy shows, regardless of the topic. doesn't particularly enjoy it, just needs something on in the background to dissociate zone out to and watching people scream at each other is easier to deal with than whatever's going on in his head at the time. 

If they had a day free, absolutely no plans or obligations, what would they do?

CARVER- go to the shore and look for something nice to bring home, even if it's just a chunk of seaglass or something. i like to think she collects things like that, not that she'd ever admit it to anyone.

BUTANE- sit by the docks with [future character yet to be introduced]. they would talk for hours and he would see her as the most beautiful thing on this planet, though he would never admit it out loud.

DESMOND- ask if maverick wanted to video/voice chat and tell himself it's not a weird crush thing, it's just business friends hanging out. whether he's correct on this is a mystery to both himself and maverick.

PRIMUS, written by the system as a whole, Post-Void Session- wander around the woods with bryce, maybe explore an area the two of them have been investigating for some time. nothing serious, just playing around.

MAES- spend time with charon, 100%. they would want to spend the whole day with him, whether that's something mundane and relaxing know the type of shit they get up to.

this question got gay quickly

How do they greet friends?

TAFFY WRAP- taffy doesn't have a lot of friends, so this is pretty tricky. depending on whether he's in a manic or depressive swing, i imagine it's either a very excitable "hello!" or a sleepy grumble.

CARVER- a shy "hi!", she doesn't exactly like to make a big impact

BUTANE'S SISTER- very chipper about it pre-illness, much more tired now

LOVER- as flamboyantly and excitably as possible

DESMOND- has a flair for the dramatic, though due to being easily irritated, he may come off snappy instead if he's in the middle of something

Would you trust them to drive you to the store? 

BUTANE'S SISTER- she drove butane around a lot before he got his license, and taught him how to drive in general. very trustworthy on a good health day.

SYNNA- cannot drive, but absolutely not even if she could

DESMOND- very good driver, owns a van and does deliveries for people on occasion, so yes.

MICHELLE- yeah, she's a solid driver. her car is way too small for taffy to get into but he would trust her to drive him around if she could.

BUTANE- very very good driver, but a little reckless if he's on edge. that said, he has the chops to pull it off. would be a good driver to the store.

Do you think they'd be good at retail work or serving in a restaurant?

TAFFY WRAP- eehhhhhhh. i feel like he'd crack under pressure.

DESMOND- yes, absolutely, he did this kind of work in the past before becoming a jewelry model, though how that works on fallow's island is a little different. in either case, it was more of a local restaurant situation than a fast food place, and his powerful strength gave him a significant boost in being able to carry things around.

LOVER- surprisingly yes? i feel like they'd be really good at sweet-talking customers in something like a department store or other business where things need to be pitched.

BUTANE'S SISTER- yes, did retail work pre-illness. i want to say she worked a perfume counter.

MAES- nope. would not be good at it and would quit after a day.

Would you trust them with a blow torch not to light things on fire?

yes! carver is a very careful person and definitely works with similarly dangerous tools in her spare time.

MAES- if it was mounted to their weird surgical arms? Absolutely. they have done extremely delicate work along these lines in the past.

TAFFY WRAP- he is extremely flammable and would not even touch a blow torch

BUTANE- he's a lighter type. he knows how fire works and feels very in control of it. A+ blow torch skills.

DESMOND- absolutely, has likely cooked with one before. maybe at aforementioned local restaurant job?
Posted by AceOfNothing - 01-29-2024, 09:02 PM
What kind of "trash" TV would they watch if any? (Think basically any TLC show, some food network contest, bar rescue, kitchen rescue, anything like that)

If they had a day free, absolutely no plans or obligations, what would they do?

How do they greet friends?

Would you trust them to drive you to the store? 

Do you think they'd be good at retail work or serving in a restaurant?

Would you trust them with a blow torch not to light things on fire?
Posted by skinstealer - 01-29-2024, 08:34 PM
TEAM MEMBER: various mortises
CHARACTERS: Characters From Things We Are Working On This Week
TOPIC: Anything Goes

okay working on a twine today and figure this would be a good way to get our brain going on stuff we are doing this week. including:
- a secret twine (taffy wrap, michelle, possibly more as we figure those out?)
- a felid factor public update (desmond, carver)
- a felid factor backlog update (butane, butane's sort-of sister)
- PCA (maes, synna)
- oneshot (lover, primus)

that should be an interesting grab bag... let's roll some for marxz' FF7 question

LOVER, written by Calvin, post-Void Session-  halfway between aerith- they appreciate her snark and wit, and tifa, because they think tifa being able to punch shit is really cool.

BUTANE, written by Richard, Felid Factor- somewhere between cloud and tifa, skewing towards the latter. when he considers relationship stuff, he really wants to be in one with a partner who's headstrong and bold, but he's also a bit of a stoic grump himself and needs someone who can vibe with that.

MAES ARTAG, written by a bunch of Rin-Adjacent Mortises at this point, Punch Clock Animal- cloud 100%. they gravitate to sword wielding edgeboys.

CARVER, written by Sadie, Felid Factor- would want to be friends with everyone. not really the type to go for any of them romantically, though (she's looking for more of a barret)

DESMOND, written by Sadie, Felid Factor- does not have time for videogames nor would he care
Posted by MarxzVulpez - 01-06-2024, 10:30 AM
hmmm, breaking this one out because it seems like fun: Where does the character fall on this Venn Diagram, with whatever reasoning e.g. Likes the most, crushes on, relates to the most, likes the fashion of, etc etc etc

[Image: 12_06_01_24_10_27_20.png]
Posted by skinstealer - 01-05-2024, 02:11 AM
hmm, how about some split line pokemon evolution opinions?
(there's a ton but I'll only ask 4)
poliwrath or politoed?
vileplume or bellossom?
slowbro or slowking?
gardevoir or gallade?

UNNAMED CAROUSEL HORSE- politoed, bellossom, slowking, gardevoir

SPOTTER- poliwrath, vileplume (BIG fan of vileplume), slowbrow, gallade

PIERROT, a Katt member based on a horror game enemy, Kaleidoclub- politoed, vileplume, slowbro, gardevoir

STARLA- politoed, vileplume, slowking, gardevoir

HOCK, a Toothache member with a fixation on meat, Kaleidoclub- poliwrath, vileplume, slowking, gallade

this character has to go through a maze and is given a choice between one of three items to help them: a compass, a graph paper notebook with pencil, or a ball of string. there is nothing in the maze that will disrupt the use of their tool from working, and they can also choose to go without a tool. what do they go with, and why?

FRESCO, a gargoyle type TCP working on a new hit indie horror game, Felid Factor- notebook + pencil, already a huge notetaker so she figures her options are best there

UNNAMED CAROUSEL HORSE TYPE- compass, though she quickly realizes she doesn't know how to actually use that in this scenario

REESE- no tool, prefers to mark the maze with their claws and continuously take the left path

UNNAMED CANNIBALISM TYPE- ball of string, thinks it would be the easiest to figure out

MARCY, a Toybox system member based on a theme park animatronic, Kaleidoclub- no tool, too overwhelmed to pick
Posted by MarxzVulpez - 01-05-2024, 01:28 AM
hmm, how about some split line pokemon evolution opinions?
(there's a ton but I'll only ask 4)
poliwrath or politoed?
vileplume or bellossom?
slowbro or slowking?
gardevoir or gallade?

this character has to go through a maze and is given a choice between one of three items to help them: a compass, a graph paper notebook with pencil, or a ball of string. there is nothing in the maze that will disrupt the use of their tool from working, and they can also choose to go without a tool. what do they go with, and why?
Posted by skinstealer - 01-05-2024, 12:56 AM
new round

team member: merry mortis
characters: merry's guys
theme: anything goes

stealing this list for mine. sorry

What is their least favorite regular chore?

SPOTTER, a rafflesia type struggling to overcome his biggest trial: food, Assisted Living project- cooking and food shopping- with the latter, he feels as if everyone is watching him, especially when he needs help getting things off of high shelves. since food is a weird issue with him due to some disordered eating habits, he is often made uncomfortable by the act of food prep and has friends help him with both of these chores.

REESE, a de'moneres with many regrets and secrets to hide, no project- sweeping, always hurts their back and makes them irritable

STARLA, a vintage type doing her best to keep a failing business afloat, no project- dusting things in their antique shop. it takes forever and it always makes them cough like hell

UNNAMED CANNIBALISM TYPE, a TCP who can't stand falling prey to his typing's urges, Maze Trials- inventory management, he fucking hates counting and memorization and often has to keep lists (that he then proceeds to lose)

PRANCER, a member of the Comorbid system known for speaking in riddles, Kaleidoclub- script organization, it's completely out of the loop and often puts things in the wrong place. people do not like it when prancer's on chore duty

Would they prefer Silent Hill or Resident Evil?

SPOTTER- resident evil. prefers zombie media and the camp factor.

UNNAMED CAROUSEL HORSE TYPE, a celebrity known for her attitude, no project- would say neither publicly, but is secretly a resident evil fiend.

STARLA- not really one to play most videogames, but would probably enjoy playing PT at a friend's house and be disappointed it's not going to be a finished game.

PRANCER- silent hill 100%. lives for silent hill 3

REESE- silent hill, likes the crunchy vibes of 1.

What kind of meat would be their favorite? Favorite noodle shape? Rice dish?

UNNAMED CAROUSEL HORSE TYPE- prosciutto or something else stupid expensive and fancy. likes spaghetti or glass noodles, and prefers fried rice.

UNNAMED CANNIBALISM TYPE- likes raw meat of any kind, but refuses to eat it unless it's prepackaged or from a TCP that can regenerate (like a food type). would like tthose big flat chicken noodle soup noodles, and saucy rice dishes with shredded meat on top.

REESE- chicken with a sweet sauce, maybe even sweet and sour...putting it on rice is ideal. likes classic macaroni.

STARLA- likes pot roast with lots of vegetables and a classic, homemade feel if possible. this means putting in the effort to get raw TCP meat and cook it herself! enjoys spiral noodles and egg on rice.

SPOTTER- lunch meat, simple stuff that doesnt require much prep. sandwiches are his friend. likes shaped macaroni. eats rice plain or with soy sauce.
Posted by MarxzVulpez - 01-03-2024, 11:37 PM
What is their least favorite regular chore?

Would they prefer Silent Hill or Resident Evil?

What kind of meat would be their favorite? Favorite noodle shape? Rice dish?
Posted by skinstealer - 01-01-2024, 07:31 PM
- What episode of twilight zone do you think they'd like? (If specifics are a lot can always just be like "ones that were wrong about space" or "anything with a talking doll")

LAURIE- the christmas special for sure

MIASMA- probably the big tall wish

CROSSBONE- one of the more horror-centric ones, i think we remember one with mannequins that'd hit for her

MARLOWE- not sure, one of the space ones would be fun

SADDLER- would not watch twilight zone unless he absolutely mangles one of the morals to meet his own ideas

- What kinds of scents would they have for soaps or candles?

CROSSBONE-  apple pie

LAURIE- old lady perfume (no idea how to describe this but if you know you know)

DEVO- vanilla

SCOUT- autumn leaves

POLKA DOT- bubblegum and/or licorice

- Favorite icecream flavor?

CROSSBONE- neopolitan

LAURIE- french vanilla

SADDLER- chocolate fudge

POLKA DOT- strawberry

MARLOWE- dulce de leche

- Would they sneak candy into a movie theater?

MIASMA- yes, 100%. sneaks in fruity candies with way too much sour powder

SADDLER- he's content just to buy, he has the cash for it

LAURIE- yes and also has candy for all his friends in his purse as well

SCOUT- yes, lots of chocolate

VINE- no, prefers popcorn

- Do they have anything they look for in clothes? Like colors, styles, etc

SADDLER- snappy suits primarily, very rarely dresses casual outside of stuff you'd see on a golf course

ERSON- wears a lot of aprons casually, outfits appropriate for a field medic while out on the job. prefers pastels in either scenario

POLKA DOT- you know this one. goth look, purple + black, lots of lace and ribbons

FATALE- latex, spandex, vinyl, black shiny materials, as sultry as she can get it, long silky dresses

VINE- grandma clothes with lots of embroidery and patches
Posted by AceOfNothing - 12-31-2023, 04:06 AM
- What episode of twilight zone do you think they'd like? (If specifics are a lot can always just be like "ones that were wrong about space" or "anything with a talking doll")
- What kinds of scents would they have for soaps or candles?
- Favorite icecream flavor? 
- Would they sneak candy into a movie theater? 
- Do they have anything they look for in clothes? Like colors, styles, etc
Posted by skinstealer - 12-31-2023, 03:48 AM
- If they were given a blank piece of paper and a pen what would they draw? Bonus if you want: How well would the do?

CROSS- monsters, clearly. she isn't super skilled at drawing but is technically skilled enough to do fashion sketches, so maybe a blend of the two? ideas for costumes, maybe...

LAURIE- probably posters for upcoming events. he's not the most technically skilled but the spirit is so prominent that everyone loves it

MIASMA- saucy drawings of him and his partners to be sent in letters, they are crude but very effective and heartfelt

SCOUT- wildlife drawings, he'd most likely want to be out in the field for this. he wants to make a field guide of monsters someday, and puts a lot of care into this stuff

MARLOWE- flowers, lace, abstract patterns. very skilled.

- what is their morning routine?

MIASMA- wake up, put on makeup, down a shake, see what needs to be done for errands for laurie

LAURIE- wake up, spend like an hour getting dressed, eat breakfast at the cafe before it officially opens, spend as much time as he can warrant looking over paperwork and organizing people in the network's duties

FATALE- sleep in, roll out of bed, lament the fact that her system doesnt have any nice fancy clothing to wear, get as far away from tim as possible and forget to eat breakfast

MARLOWE- wake up, dress himself up but have trouble deciding outfits (jesus christ we rolled all of the fashion gays), harass featherweight about what he should wear, contact laurie about what needs to be done for errands and outings

CINDI- wake up, get some early morning exercise in (punching bag, jogging on her treadmill, stretches), pick out an easy outfit, eat some granola bars and go to work

- How would they celebrate new years?

DEVO- probably stay in and try not to be bothered by fireworks and partying. might invite tim over to cuddle and maybe celebrate a little.

ERSON (hehehe future character)- On Duty, absolutely on duty at his job as a field medic. probably DIRECTLY at the laurie's new years party so that he can patch up any drunk/high partygoers who trip and fall or some shit

CROSS- invite polka for a dance and feel better having someone there to share this with

POLKA- spend time thinking a lot. but also, dancing with cross

SADDLER- throwing the world's worst new year's party with a lot of politician and high roller "friends". extremely nasty shit ensues.

- If they had to pick a weapon to defend themself against someone, what would they pick?

DEVO- knife. kitchen knife, every time. is it the best knife? absolutely not. is it what he and the other bears are most skilled with? yes, and with the narrative behind every swing, that counts a lot.
CINDI- fists- or hooves, i guess.

TIM- well, as seen in the project, gun was his first pick, but he's a sword guy now.

ERSON- owns a scifi ray gun. does not like to shoot people, but will if he has to protect patients on the job, or himself/his other medic colleague.

KATIE- big amy rose style hammer

- And a joke one: Would they watch hallmark christmas movies? Hate watching counts.

CROSSBONE- yes, but hate watch with the rest of the plaything party (not sure if roulette would come but the offer is there)

KATIE- yes, thinks theyre corny but says "it gets you into the spirit!"

"MONSTER BEAR"- Absolutely Not. he would dissociate immediately, especially if "family" is a theme. would much rather watch a horror movie.

MIASMA- yes, hate watch. makes a watchh party over it

MARLOWE- also hate watches, featherweight cant stand it and tells him to turn that shit off PLEASE
Posted by AceOfNothing - 12-28-2023, 08:35 PM
Okay let's see:

- If they were given a blank piece of paper and a pen what would they draw? Bonus if you want: How well would the do?
- what is their morning routine?
- How would they celebrate new years?
- If they had to pick a weapon to defend themself against someone, what would they pick?
- And a joke one: Would they watch hallmark christmas movies? Hate watching counts.
Posted by skinstealer - 12-28-2023, 08:02 PM
new round

TEAM MEMBER: mortis (all of em)
CHARACTERS: Plaything Characters
TOPIC: Anything Goes
Posted by skinstealer - 12-27-2023, 03:45 AM
Festivities are winding down for the holiday, how do they spend the evening (pop in a movie, see what's on tv, retire early, call a friend, cozy up with a partner etc)?

MEOWY, Mirage's, an upbeat catgirl-like system member in the Glowstick system, Kaleidoclub- pop open new games they got and give them a try, preferably while cozy in bed on a handheld

BALLPOINT, Primer's, an elegant writer in the Ballpoint system, Kaleidoclub- enjoy some hot cocoa and cookies

UNNAMED INK TYPE, Mellow's, a TCP that develops crushes far too easily, no project- read a book, either familiar or brand new, preferably in the company of others

KITTY, Mesquite's, a playful fire elemental type known for being a Turbo Gamer, Felid Factor- hang out with friends either in person but more likely online

WRETCH, Wish's, a greater god known for her impulsive nature and volatile emotions, Void Session/PCA- passes the fuck out to sleep early and wakes up in the middle of the night, proceeding to bother people again
Posted by MarxzVulpez - 12-26-2023, 10:31 PM
Festivities are winding down for the holiday, how do they spend the evening (pop in a movie, see what's on tv, retire early, call a friend, cozy up with a partner etc)?
Posted by skinstealer - 12-26-2023, 07:52 PM
-Favorite thing to do in the snow (yes, "go inside" is a valid answer)

TIBBY, Vanilla's, a hollyjolly snuglin in the Beau system, Kaleidoclub- making snowmen and sledding and snow angels and dude this guy loves snow

UNNAMED PRINCESS TYPE, Illusion's, a plural TCP figuring life out, no project- walking around in it until they get too cold (note: cannot be too high, they are very small)

SEAMSTRY, Kinzie's, a handmade plush member of the Toybox system, Kaleidoclub- stay inside and watch from the windows

UNNAMED REANIMATION TYPE, Rhapsody's, a jackass with a bone to pick, no project- doesn't fuck with that, especially not deep snow

HARMONY, Delilah's, a pen type with a desire for luxury, assisted living project- enjoys city walks on snowy days, loves it as a date backdrop


UNNAMED PIG TYPE, Tarragon's, a guy with a gambler's soul, no project- run out to the closest convenience store and try to find something cheap but not Too cheap

FINDINGS, Rex's, a trusty modern Menagerie janitor, Universal Constants/PCA- make a really cute and heartfelt "IOU" card with what materials he has available

UNNAMED ALLIGATOR TYPE, Mallow's, a TCP lost in surreal thoughts, no project- give a sincere apology the next day, this is likely not the first time

HALLEY, Tally's, an eyeball type TCP with good advice, assisted living project- make something from bits and bobs found around the apartment, it may not be super well put together but the spirit is there

UNNAMED TERU TERU BOZU TYPE, Christi's, a lonely little TCP watching the world from inside, assisted living project- get really nervous and probably skip out on the holiday party entirely

-what is their personal silly holiday tradition that Must Be Done Or Else

MARROW, Ellerie's, a member of the Comorbid system that identifies as a terror hunter, Kaleidoclub- marrow is not a particularly festive person in more recent years, but still insists on making cookies for the winter season Or Else It's All Gone To Shit

NIGHTCAP, Primer's, a disillusioned bedtime type drawn into things too hard for her to understand, Maze Trials- has never experienced a holiday but would probably enjoy putting the star on top of a decorated tree

CRATER, Herian's, a high god type kept away from outside influence, Maze Trials- also has never experienced a holiday, would probably be overwhelmed with the concept but would want to get a present for its Very Good Friend fin

UNNAMED MUSICAL ACTOR TYPE, Mittens', a fun-loving prankster, assisted living project- putting on a little show for the rest of the assisted living facility even if everyone has heard the story a million times before

UNNAMED SILK TYPE, Lilac's, an overly-relaxed community leader, no project- probably getting what she considers The Good Shit to smoke and getting very stupid high

-on a scale of 0 to Visible From Orbit, how decorated is their place of residence during the holidays

UNNAMED SUNDEW TYPE,  Benny's, a TCP struggling with his identity in big, scary ways, assisted living project- probably just a wreath on the door and some little decor on a couple of his plushes like bells and fluff

SMILEY, Oz', a rabbit type TCP with a soft heart, no project- very decorated, think christmas village type things

GORDY, Tori's, a space (abstract) type that loves hobbies of all kinds, no project- VERY decorated, even more of a christmas village type thing but even more grandma style and all out. model trains are involved

GRIZZLY, Percy's, a strongwilled de'moneres providing for her family, no project- some decor, mostly inside- mainly kitchen/dining room focused as that's where most people are

UNNAMED MARSHMALLOW PUFF TYPE, Christi's, a hopeless romantic of a TCP, no project- not much decor, but she will wear a silly sweater on her person

-what is the best gag gift they have ever received

GOOEY, Core's, a UFO/alien enthusiast who gets a little too excited, no project- one of those "grows in water" toys but it's an alien. it fucking loves this thing dearly and considers it one of its favorite posessions.

TANSY, Iris', an omen (creature) type model accused of making "cursed photographs", Felid Factor- spiral glasses, she doesnt get a lot of traction on goofy pictures but she loves breaking these out for silly pics

UNNAMED MAC AND CHEESE TYPE, Illusion's, a little guy in way over his head, Maze Trials- i dont know if he's had any gag gifts, but it would be very funny if people keep giving him spoons (he always giggles, it's not a threat or him getting offended)

UNNAMED PILLOW TYPE, Scaredy's, a gentle TCP that wants to learn to overcome her fears, assisted living project- probably a plush that looks normal until you squeeze it and then it swears at you (she got jumpscared the first time but loves it now)

REGENT, Ezekiel's, a sphinx-like member of the Runic system, Kaleidoclub- a very silly party hat. he pretends it doesn't amuse him.
Posted by skinstealer - 12-26-2023, 07:11 AM
-Pick five characters, each one is forced to buy a gift for the person below them (fifth buys for first). What do they buy?

ETHER, Zoray's, a gun type TCP assassin, no project- terrible at buying gifts. buys beth a switchblade and beth appreciates it even if she's very confused

BETH, Tori's, a loving pillow-head OBJ, Vest Party- beth would get angora a really touching gift, probably from asking people who know her what she would like, even if they don't know each other prior. she's just like that.

ANGORA, Tally's, a member of the Katt system with a deep history, Kaleidoclub- probably something small (in the literal and pricetag sense) but meaningful, like some homemade kandi put together with tweezers

UNNAMED EYEBALL TYPE, HOUNDE's, a vibrant eyeball type with strange tastes, no project- probably something not super thought out, but there's a nice gesture all the same. maybe a graphic tshirt for something he thought it would find cool, even if it's never seen it properly

UNNAMED DEATH TYPE- Nuka's, a death type being put through increasingly violent tasks, Maze Trials- would just get ether bullets. ether is appreciative.

-What does their personalized stocking look like?

CATALYST- Jones', a member of the Stylized Figures specializing in adoptables, Kaleidoclub- full of candies and little trinkets- they collect beads and little objects, so it'd be a lot of miniatures and such

GRACE STRIPES- Ellerie's, an underground wizard who is haunted by nightmares, Bellows- simple, mature, things like shampoos and makeup

LOCKET- Versage's, an AI walk-in member of the Tuner system who loves to be a menace, Kaleidoclub- gamestop gift card and chocolate, maybe some jewelry

ANGORA, Tally's, a member of the Katt system with a deep history, Kaleidoclub- more fancy treats, cozy socks, a gift card to a nice restaurant

DREAMY, Percy's, a mysterious model that visits Wilson's dreams, Fantasy Cascade- socks, jewelry, beauty products, maybe something personally significant and relevant to him and Wilson's relationship

-Favorite holiday meal (traditional or nontraditional)

SHEAR, Jangles', a punk plush member of the Toybox system, Kaleidoclub- eggs and ham in the morning of, nothing fancy but loves making a big deal out of it

NIGHTSHADE, Jay's, a mysterious TCP in a bad situation, Felid Factor- cannot remember celebrating holidays. would probably like pumpkin pancakes, though

UNNAMED CHIMERA FISH TYPE, Dandy's, a quiet TCP interested in nature, no project- freshly cooked bread and pastries for brunch

UNNAMED TEDDY BEAR TYPE, Stitchery's, a scaredy cat trialgoer dragged along for shenanigans, Maze Trials- classic ham with pineapple

UNNAMED VAMPIRE TYPE, Count's, an overdramatic villain, no project- the wine after a meal, this feels like cheating

-The character is assigned to be Santa's assistant this year, but the workshop has run out of coal. What do they put in naughty people's stockings instead?

MITT, Tiffany's, a geode type TCP with an old soul, Maze Trials- rocks that need polishing- but if you put the work in, you get a pretty stone. [Image: tcp_blush_small.png]

UNNAMED ANTIHERO TYPE, Jangles', a misguided protagonist of a guy, Maze Trials- something kind of obnoxious, like...candy that melts way too easily and makes a mess.

WAVESTEP, Sandbar's, an osprey type TCP living in a quiet beach town, no project- giving people different gifts based on morals is mean! everyone gets gifts.

LYRA- Carly's, a pillow type witch-y enthusiast, Felid Factor- magic runes that tell ominous fortunes. she has no way of actually coordinating this

PENNY- Lottie's, a sparkledog expert in the Stylized Figures system, Kaleidoclub- sidewalk chalk. kind of boring, but still useful [Image: tcp_smile_small.png]
Posted by knux400 - 12-26-2023, 06:29 AM
Some more before I go to sleep:

-Favorite thing to do in the snow (yes, "go inside" is a valid answer)


-what is their personal silly holiday tradition that Must Be Done Or Else

-on a scale of 0 to Visible From Orbit, how decorated is their place of residence during the holidays

-what is the best gag gift they have ever received
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