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Posted by queenie - 10-06-2023, 05:06 AM
(10-03-2023, 09:00 PM)astariaisagoner Wrote: hey queenie, if you'd be willing to part with the horror / streamer type lemme know!  Heart

hi, sorry i'm late i forget to check here a lot!
yes i would be up for that <3 that's one of my favs so i'd be happy for them to be used by somebunny! i'll write you down as owner.
Posted by astariaisagoner - 10-03-2023, 09:00 PM
hey queenie, if you'd be willing to part with the horror / streamer type lemme know!  Heart
Posted by Pichi2214 - 09-26-2023, 07:02 PM
okay i am returning to also ask for fae/coral tree... i need more nature types in my life
Posted by Nairebistac - 09-26-2023, 06:56 PM
I am lookin at #13 respectfully... they turned out so good...
Posted by Pichi2214 - 09-26-2023, 02:29 PM
[opens paws] may i request the philosophy/devil?
Posted by queenie - 09-26-2023, 01:59 PM
the tcps of day one (these were made yesterday, september 25th)

#1 - piggy bank (no hybrid or nothing, this was my first attempt LOL)

[Image: 2-piggy_bank_edit.png][Image: 2-piggy_bank_mini.png]

#2 - philosophy / devil - belongs to @Pichi2214

[Image: 5-philosophy_devil_edit.png?ex=65139067&...ef4bf484b&][Image: 5-philosophy_devil_mini.png?ex=6514328e&...23d9bc6f4&]

#3 - nightcrawler / mushroom

[Image: 6-nightcrawler_mushroom_edit.png?ex=6513...779455473&][Image: 6-nightcrawler_mushroom_mini.png?ex=6513...f86df1b93&]

#4 - librarian / giggle

[Image: 7-librarian_giggle_edit.png?ex=6513b34a&...ee918b27d&][Image: 7-librarian_giggle_mini.png?ex=6513b38b&...d5f533e0e&]

#5 - lily / hook

[Image: 10-lily_hook_edit.png?ex=6513ba49&is=651...9ff0d5b22&][Image: 10-lily_hook_mini.png?ex=6513ba61&is=651...ffb8ce9e2&]

#6 - whirlpool / mochi / PDA + overclocked condition (...let's just say an overclocked whirlpool tcp spins faster?)

[Image: 11-whirlpool_mochi_pda_edit.png?ex=6513c...0205ad267&][Image: 11-whirlpool_mochi_pda_mini.png?ex=6513c...a12c3956b&]

#7 - television / deceit

[Image: 12-television_deceit_edit.png?ex=6513d03...128940922&][Image: 12-television_deceit_mini.png?ex=6514250...9a0298144&]

#8 - jewel / space

[Image: 13-jewel_space_edit.png?ex=651424f3&is=6...bf13340f1&][Image: 13-jewel_space_mini.png?ex=6514250a&is=6...578c74830&]

#9 - mothman / fisherman's lure + ravenous condition
(i didn't wanna change this one much -- they remind me of tacky old web design and that's loveable in its own right)
[Image: 14-mothman_fishermanslure_ravenous_edit....840dd7112&]

#10 envy / sphere / amber

[Image: 16-envy_sphere_amber_edit.png?ex=651385a...27c13e692&]

#11 - horror / streamer - belongs to @astariaisagoner

[Image: 17-horror_streamer_edit.png?ex=651389f1&...a96502275&][Image: 17-horror_streamer_mini.png?ex=65138a05&...59b55efa8&]

#12 - fae / coral tree - belongs to @Pichi2214

[Image: 18-fae_coraltree.png?ex=65138cc0&is=6512...385b1d8c8&]

#13 - haecceity / fishtank
[Image: 23-haecceity_fishtank_edit.png?ex=651392...1e06ea01a&][Image: 23-haecceity_fishtank_mini.png?ex=651392...1a8101cb1&]
Posted by queenie - 09-26-2023, 01:43 PM
hi besties. my irresponsible paws have been given access to 500 randomly generated grandma sim tcps that i get to sort through myself. and it's great really

i wanted to make a seperate creative thread from my own art one since these arent my art im just doodling over the on-base rng guys for fun. also because i love being obnoxious and making too many threads.
ignore the fact i've already posted base edits in my art thread. i don't have to make sense

out of 500, i picked out 67 that caught my eye and i am going through each one and #1, polishing their colours and markings a bit and #2, the fun part, adding random hybrid type(s) courtesy of the random tcp generator

i do not know where these tcps go yet... i will finish up my edits first and then likely turn this into an adopt thread. but if there's any you have your eyes on feel free to let me know! i will not be keeping most of them

13 / 67

[Image: 2-piggy_bank_mini.png][Image: 5-philosophy_devil_mini.png?ex=6514328e&...23d9bc6f4&][Image: 7-librarian_giggle_mini.png?ex=6513b38b&...d5f533e0e&][Image: 11-whirlpool_mochi_pda_mini.png?ex=6513c...a12c3956b&][Image: 12-television_deceit_mini.png?ex=6514250...9a0298144&][Image: 13-jewel_space_mini.png?ex=6514250a&is=6...578c74830&][Image: 17-horror_streamer_mini.png?ex=65138a05&...59b55efa8&][Image: 23-haecceity_fishtank_mini.png?ex=651392...1a8101cb1&]